07/27/2022 07:41 PM 


  • Replies - I will get to all messages/comments whenever I can. However, real life can leave me exhausted, so I have a difficult time replying. If I'm going to send you a response, I want to it to be the best possible answer. Since I'm on mobile all the time, don't expect me to be dishing out replies every few minutes when I do. It takes time. All I ask is for you to be patient and don't send me multiple messages asking for a response. As a warning, I will never do over three paragraphs. 
  • Relationships - If my character enters a relationship with someone, all Erotica will stop. All roleplays can continue, but I will skip erotica. If you have any issues with this, let me know so we can discuss things. Roleplay or not, I'd never cheat in real so I won't cheat in roleplay.
  • Erotica - Yes, I will do erotica, but it's a limited subject. I will only do Erotica if it's a part of an in-depth storyline we've already discussed and the characters have chemistry. This means I will decline any sexual advances without discussion and without chemistry. Also, my character may be Bisexual but she prefers women over men. 
  • Kids - I will not accept any friend requests from children. That means nobody under the age of 16. I have no interest in children adding me, only to act like perverts. Make no mistake, like whatever you want, but don't add me and try to force it onto me.
  • Fighting/Godmodding - It's been a while since I've been in a roleplay fight, so I will admit to being rusty. If I end up making any mistakes, let me know and I can correct myself. That being said, I will not tolerate any form of godmoding. That includes auto-hitting, not taking damage, or taking control of my character. In a fight I will give you 3 warnings, but if you persist in Godmoding I will end the Roleplay. Training is a completely different subject. I don't take it seriously, so I'm more lenient. 

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