02/20/2022 05:28 PM 

roleplay etiquette!

✧ if your character already exists in a known verse or self-built world then i'll have daphne fit into it but i also enjoy doing my own world-building too so don't be afraid to let me take the wheel sometimes!

✧ sorceress!daphne can exist in the current verse if you have a preference for her but will likely adopt a more antagonistic/criminal-based role in our storyline.

✧ when writing high fantasy i usually reference games like valkyrie profile 2, odin sphere or dragon's crown. any technology is referenced as steampunk but magic remains heavily preferred in my self-made realm. elves, fairies, dragons and other creatures can exist!

✧ when writing modern fantasy daphne can exist just about anywhere. she's a young adult so high school/college settings definitely work or just working a regular job but because she's a little fickle, it's not likely she'd hold an important title. 

✧ i follow the rule of three which means none of the magic used between both daphne's is considered free use. modern daphne often casts without realizing and high fantasy daphne can perform spells expertly but it usually at the cost of something.

02/19/2022 05:01 PM 


✧ i'm a busy person so please don't rush me. besides a full-time job, i'm in two D&D campaigns, and a full-time blogger so i'll not always be in the mood to respond sometimes  ( `ε´ )

✧ no mutes, please! that stuff bums me out when people add me with no intentions of interacting or writing so i'll be cleaning my lists if there's not been a peep from you after a few weeks.

✧ my roleplay ideas vary between people because writing in the same niche gets stale for me. both versions of daphne have only a little bit of info to make it easier to adapt her into another verse. don't be afraid to get creative and come forward with ideas too! i'm all for people who think outside the box so as long as you put in effort, i'm happy (*¯ ³¯*)♡ 

✧ i'm pretty unbothered by a lot of things but i think that comfiness is key when it comes to writing with others so if there's something i write or do that upsets you or vice versa, let's communicate about it!

✧ if i deny your friend request, delete you or leave it under pending, please don't take it personally! it's hard for me to dislike someone and i don't mind if you attempt to re-add. maybe i'm overwhelmed w/ current storylines, it was a complete accident, or there wasn't information on your profile. (; ω ; )

✧ no sexualizing minors or anything relating to kinks that demean or fetishize, please! (; ̄Д ̄) i support lgbtq+ completely and strongly against prejudice/racism of any kind so if any of that behavior is showing i will end our roleplay on the spot. please respect others even if it's in pretendy times.
✧ i use face emojis because they're super cute and easier to express my feelings! also will type in small text since mobile is evil and it's just cozier, i don't like using CAPS unless my character is yelling very loud. 

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