03/12/2022 01:55 PM 

New roommate

New Roommate
By: Oɾԃιɳαɾყ // 549089
For five years now Mirabel had resided in the nursery alone. After her cousin, Camilo had received his gift he left the nursery to stay in his own bedroom. When Mirabel did not get her gift there was nowhere for her to go, she wasn't given her own bedroom. But for many years she remained in the nursery and growing into a young lady she appreciated the privacy. Her room wasn't extravagant and magical like everyone else's but it was her own. A place she could be herself. At least it was until her Tía Pepa had given birth to her third child, Antonio.

 At first, Mirabel had been excited for Antonio to be born! It was another cousin, another Madrigal, the family was growing! It was all happiness until six months later when Antonio was deemed old enough to be put in the nursery. It was then Mirabel realized all the freedom she had of having her own room was going to be taken away because now she was expected to share the nursery with Antonio.

 Mirabel was reluctant and unhappy at first though she only expressed this to her parents, not wanting to convey the wrong message. She loved her baby cousin, she just didn't want him in her bedroom. Mirabel was ten years old, she didn't want a crying baby in her room, not to stay and live with her. But she got no choice in the matter and soon the spare twin bed which had belonged to Camilo last was temporarily removed and a crib was put in its place.

 The first few nights were extremely annoying for Mirabel. Antonio was so fussy and cried so much. Often Pepa and Félix wouldn't always hear him. Mirabel would simply toss and turn, bury her head beneath her pillow trying to block out the sounds of her wailing cousin. What was she supposed to do? She was only a child herself!

 On the fourth night of Antonio just crying for a solid hour, Mirabel groaned and flung back her blankets, snatched her glasses from the shelf above, swinging her legs to the floor she stood and hesitantly approached the crib. Since Antonio had been born she hadn't held him much, Pepa seemed scared Mirabel might drop him or something, then again the worst was always expected of her it seemed.

Mirabel stared down at her cousin for a few moments. The moment Antonio caught sight of Mirabel his cries seemed to only get louder which caused her to back away. What had she done? She thought though then realized he was crying not because of her but for her. Slowly she approached the crib again and reached down to gently take one of his hands.

"It's okay Antonio.. I'm right here..." she whispered softly. Antonio's cries stopped though he still seemed to whine softly, his arms stretching out to Mirabel. Even standing on her tippy toes she couldn't reach in deep enough to pick him up properly. That was then the floorboards beneath her feet began to shake and suddenly push her up so she could reach.

"Gracias Casita.." she whispered and carefully scooped up Antonio, supporting his head and his bottom, just like she had seen the older children be instructed to do. She walked back to her bed and took a seat gently cradling him and rocking him. Now there was no more fuss from Antonio. He looked up at Mirabel with a small smile, babbling his baby talk quietly.

Mirabel smiled a little, how could she truly stay upset at such a cute baby. "No eres tan malo.." she whispered and kissed his head before letting out a soft yawn. Considering her options for a few moments she didn't want to put Antonio back in his crib and risk him screaming again. So removing her glasses she set them on the shelf above her bed and then moved to lay down.

She made sure to tuck Antonio between herself and a few pillows and to put him on the inside of the bed so there'd be nowhere for him to roll off. Antonio now gave a small yawn before curling against Mirabel's chest. Now looking down at the blurry blob that was her cousin she smiled sleepily and kissed his head. "Buenas noches Antonio.." she whispered and in no time the nursery was quiet, both Mirabel and Antonio now sleeping soundly.
"No eres tan malo.."

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