07/20/2021 04:20 PM 

Yoku Matsui Background

Yoku Matsui
Age: ???
Race: Demon

*This character can play either a villain or hero*
Hero Backstory:
Once, apart of a small group of criminals, he eventually left to find a more legitimate way to live. Taking on job requests and traveling town to town for work, he is considered a traitor to his old companions. While most of them are dead or in prison, those who remain at large attempt to track him down and end his life. Due to the trouble he often finds himself in because of his past life and race, he prefers traveling alone to avoid endangering the lives of another.
Yoku is often seeing as cold, not wanting to get close to another after his actions caused the death of a close friend. He occasionally suffers from nightmares of the incident, or will often speak to the hallucination of the friend when distraught or severely stressed.

Villain Backstory:
One of the Seven Demon Lord, he is considered on of the cruelest. He has a large dislike for humanity and believes they should be under demon-kind’s thumb. While he does not have the full support of his race or the other Demon Lords, he has already begun his campaign by slowly extermination human kingdoms and cities. While he believes he can achieve this goal with his own power, he does often look for allies of the same nature to assist him.
While he is known as cruel, he does have his moments and a soft spot for his pets. He can be short-tempered, often removing anything that slightly annoys him or has no purpose.

07/14/2021 12:48 PM 

Gemini Background

“It’s a tale that’s been passed down for generations. A story of twins, destined to be together for eternity. Always together in one life and the next. Story has it, when one twin passes away; they wait for the other before beginning again. This is the tale of Gemini, two halves of a single coin. We’re twins Kastor. Wouldn’t it be neat if we were always reincarnated together?”

The twins Kastor and Lux Tempes, unbeknownst to them, are the very twins of this tale., the twins were born. In their first life, fathered by one of the old gods, a mortal man, and a mortal woman. Raised as mortals, the two lived exceptional lives. During a great war, Castor was slain in battle. Pollux wept for her brother, offering her own life for his. This act moved the old god’s heart and in return, he granted the twins immortality through reincarnation. As Pollux’s life ended, she met her brother in the afterlife and the two were reborn. Stuck in a cycle of rebirth, the twins live their lives with no recollection of their formers.

In the month of June, two stars raced through the sky and a pair of twins took their first breath. Born in a small village, their mother looked at them with love and hope. Naming the twins Kastor and Lux, she wished them the same loyalty the twins of the story shared. As time passed, the twins grew into excellent adults. Lux studied all forms of text accessible to her while her brother Kastor learned how to use a sword and bow. Neither twin, aware of the misfortune to come, left their small village one day only to come back to see it burning to the ground. With the loss of their mother and friends, the two gathered what they could and set out, searching for the cause of their village’s destruction.

Kastor Tempes:
Age: 24

Hair: Black
Eyes: Gold
Kastor is the elder of the twins, often looking out for his younger sister. Though he initially comes off blunt and rude, he can be very caring and protective over those he considers close. Skilled with both bow and sword, he manages himself well in fights. When necessary, he is not above fighting dirty to achieve victory and is skilled at cheating in any form of game, only ever being caught by his sister.

Pollux Tempes:
Age: 24

Hair: Light Blonde
Eyes: Gold
The younger of the twins, she is known to be the brightest of the two. Having spent several years looking over text and tomes, she has a well of knowledge about their world. While at first, she is seen as the sweet woman she sets out to be, her temper is both cruel and sadistic. If one has wronged her or someone she cares for, she is known to seek out the most horrible of punishments on them.

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