03/30/2021 02:58 PM 


Small facts:
  • If I live, I'll kill you. If I die, I forgive you: Took his Omertà at sixteen

  • Father is a kind man who didn't want his son to get involved with the lifestyle intended for him and is the reasoning for the parents growing estranged despite still having feelings for each other.(are still legally married)
  • Served in the Military for his mandantory service at age 19 where he would have stayed if he didn't have 'prior' olbigations.
  • Goes out of his way to hide his flaws by masking them with the demeanor of already being perfect, hence the refusal of tattoos or piercings.
  • Despite his bound sense of honor and conduct, it is often believe that Roman is mentally unstable, hence why growing up he was normally ostrachized along with his ethnicity.
  • Has type 2  Waardenburg syndrome which explains his eye color and congenital hearing loss in right ear.
  • A hitman under the Sicilian Mafia who is often employeed by the High Table; specifically their Adjudicators to carry out their swift brand of justice.

03/30/2021 02:48 PM 

Additional Info

In-Depth Character Study
Full Name: Seong Ramón
Date of Birth: January 13
Age: (dependant for story)
Gender: Male.
Place of birth: Palermo,Sicily
Places lived since: Palermo, Sicily and Daegu, South Korea (Dual Citizen)
Social Class: Hitman
Parents’ names: Mother:Audenzia Marino  Father:Seong Chung-hee
Siblings: None
Relationship with family: Close to his mother and estranged relationship with father 
Children of his/her own?: None 
If so, relationship with child’s mother/father?: N/A
Age he/she became a parent: N/A

Height: 188cm 6'1
Weight: 210 lbs.
Build: Ectomorph/Muscular
Distinguishing Facial Features: His eyes.
Hair Color: Mahogany
Usual Hair Style: Clipped
Eye Color: Picotee blue to Munsell in his right eye and Peruvian brown in his left. (Both caused from type 2 Waardenburg syndrome)

Style of dress/typical outfit(s):Usually more formal, suits, dark color schemes/ Relaxed comfort wear
Typical style of shoes: Dress shoes or sneakers
Glasses? Contacts?:None
Personal Hygiene: Meticulously clean
Tattoos? Piercings?: Never
What does their voice sound like?: Lee Minhyuk
Style of speech: Languid and carefree
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: Rubbing below his right ear (congenital deafness)
Left handed or right?: Ambidextrous
What does their writing look like?: Neat
Do they work out/exercise?: Often

IQ: 132
Level of self esteem: Extremely high.
Known Languages: Korean, Spanish, English, Sicilian, Italian, and Latin
Zodiac (sign and if they lend any credence to it): Capricorn.
Pet peeves: Being overly loud or making excuses.
How do they deal with stress? Depends on the situation.
What do they do when angry? Depends on the situation.
“Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: Left brain.
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Extrovert or introvert: Dependent on situation
Leader or follower: Leader 
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: Logic.
Cautious or daring: Daring.
Thinker or doer? Doer.
Organized or messy: Organized.
Worrier or carefree: Carefree.
Artistic?: Yes. 
Mathematical?: Yes. 

Current marital/relationship/sexual status: Single.
Sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret): Pansexual.
Past relationships and sexual partners (if applicable): Who needs them.
What is their “type” in regards to looks in a partner?: Who has time to look or care.
Primary reason for being broken up with: Have to date someone to break up with them.
Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Again, have to date them first.
Views on sex (one night stands, promiscuity, etc): Whatever feels good right? As long as they're gone in the morning.
Level of sexual experience: Only one way to find out.
Do they have any fetishes or kinks?: [redacted]
Love or Lust: If you're not part of la familia, your place really doesn't matter much now does it?
Ever been in love?:  No
Do they fall in love easily?: No.
Do they take relationships seriously?: Really?
Believe in true love or soul mates?: No. 
Thoughts on public displays of affection?: Doesn't matter.

Social Habits: Can be seen as optimistic and carefree, however the notion of something 'not quite right' sticks out like a sore thumb.
Do they trust people easily or tend to be wary?: Trust is earned, not given.
How often do they see friends and family?: Attempts to see his mother whenever work permits 
Are they good at keeping in touch? If not, does this bother loved ones?: Only to those closest to him, anyone else doesn't really matter
Most comfortable around (person):His mother
Worst enemy: His father 
Most important person in their life?: Mother
Argue or avoid conflict?: Depends on the situation.

Level of education: Babilonia Taormina Language School
Profession: Hitman
Passions: [Redacted]
Salary: [Redacted]
Greatest fears: Being buried alive 
Something they’ve never told anyone: Suffers from night terrors and his type 2  Waardenburg syndrome makes him completely deaf in his right ear(only a few individuals know this)
Biggest regret: Life is too short for regrets

Hobbies: Listening to classical music and playing guitar
Indoors or Outdoors?: Both.
Favorite colors: Black and Red
Favorite and least favorite food: Arancini and hates most fast food pizza
Coffee or tea?: Coffee
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Both
Do they like music? What kind?: Classical and Flamenco 
Favorite type of weather: Chilled
How do they feel about traveling?: It's usually on business

Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: Anything that makes the tongue loose or impares the mind he tends to stray from.
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: Yes
Age when they first got drunk (what happened, consequences): Passed out in the middle of the kitchen
Do they drink on regular basis: Rarely
What type of alcohol do they prefer: Amaretto
Do they have any addictions?: None he would share

Sleeping habits (Night owl or early bird? Light or heavy sleeper? Fall asleep anywhere or need specific conditions?): Night owl/ Light Sleeper
Typical Saturday night: Depends on the week
Most used word or phrase?: Jiri 'n celu ognunu vò (Everyone wants to go to heaven)
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse): Neat
Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove):Equus Bass 770
Pets?: No
One word to best describe them: Whimsical
What about their fridge? Medicine cabinet? Glove compartment? Nightstand?: Personal effects
Can they cook (if so, how well and do they enjoy it)?: Yes, something he inherited from his mother

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