10/19/2023 01:08 PM 

Side Character: Gai Yoshida, the (Not so) Good Detective

Gai Yoshida, The (Not So) Good Detective
Gai Yoshida
With a rowdy ruffian like Akira running about; its's almost a given that he'd attract the attention of the law sometime. As such, Gai is meant to serve as his comedic foil.

Yoshida is a lanky, twenty-something with dark hair and brown eyes. He is often dressed in darker suits, paired with goofy, outlandish ties that almost demand questioning. Rather than loafers, Gai is often in a pair of old, browning sneakers. He rarely removes his sunglasses, even indoors; and is always seen with a cigarette, whether in his mouth or tucked behind his ear.

A bumbling, unorganized, goofball of a detective with a heart of gold. Gai Yoshida may look unassuming at first glance, but is an exceptionally perceptive man with a knack for details. Despite his best attempts, he is abhorrent with directions, and often finds himself stumbling across culprits, or into rather dangerous situations. The bumbling oaf of an officer is heavily inspired by Columbo; able to toe the line between being an overly ditzy goofball, and a sharp mind that should not be underestimated.

08/25/2021 07:14 PM 

Rules, 18+ and other information

Hey, hey! I've had this account for so long, yet I haven't put up any rules yet which I think is super whack. So I thought it's time to bring over the rules that I made on another account back over here. First off I would like to thank you all for taking interest in Akira. He was the first OC I made way back in 2011, and he's gone through several alterations from his name all the way to his sense of style and taste. I'm a pretty laid back mun down for whatever it may be so feel free to try out some new things with me!

With that being said I have a few rules and things to get out of the way for you to have a better grasp of my intentions.


  • I will not be engaging in any 18+ content with underaged characters. I feel like that should be rather obvious.
  • No drama. We're here on a Roleplaying site to have fun and relax. The last thing I would want is to have this place feel more like a job than a place to kick back.
  • I'm a fairly busy person; I currently work two jobs, one from home, so please understand I won't be available all the time. I have a tendency to read a reply I recieve as soon as I get it, but I won't always have the time to reply then and there.
  • Please do not spam my comments or messages if I haven't responded to you for a while. My system for replying always starts from any unfinished introductions/planning and then  onto oldest messages to the newest ones, so keep that in mind.
  • Random starters are always appreciated, discussion is too, but please make it clear with which one you are going with. I usually denote I'm Out of Character via ((double parenthesis)) and that I'm speaking in character via "Quotation marks."  If I can't tell what you are going for, I'll just respond OOC.
  • You add, you send the message. Cool? Cool.
  • Please, please, please be literate. Nothing drives me up the wall quite like random shortened text, random emoticons and the likes during Role Play. I'll only be cool with it if its a characters schtick ((Like a trendy character that says stuff like "OMG" unironically))
So there are the basics, nothing too bad, yeah? If you're only interested in SFW stuff with Akira that's really all you need to know. Info for 18+ stuff will follow below.

Info for mature (18+) Role Play
  • Please make it abundantly clear if you're trying to lewd this rude dude. Tell me straight up if that's what you're here for. There's no judgment around here. Not only does beating around the bush about that stuff annoy me, but I will not aim to start anything like that unless we're clear on it.
    • Plot is never needed, but it's always preferred
And there we have it, this list may update from time to time but this is the general gist of what I expect, and what you should expect from this lanky yankee.

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