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05/09/2022 10:11 PM 

One Night Affair (O.N.A.) Services.

Ona Night is a host/escort for his company called "One Night Affair" where clients who desire his 'services' can request his time for proper payment. Usually through email, the clients are asked to choose their meeting place and specific time they'd like to meet. Normally, it is recommended that the client choose a place that they are most comfortable as to make sure they feel safe. 

They will continue on doing whatever activity the client preferred for a certain amount of time, allowing Ona to get to know them and understand their preferences prior to the agreed 'evening affair.' If at any point throughout the day the client no longer desires to continue, they only need to say the word, and Ona will humbly accept without any issue. Ona will receive partial payment for his time, but a portion of the cost will be refunded to the customer, and he simply makes his way out.

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