05/31/2021 06:25 PM 

Sheila G. Nova
Current mood:  creative




Name: Sheila G. Nova


Nickname: Shelly


Age: 24


Mental Age: Ugh… Too old to care…


Height: 5"6


Weight: 150 pounds


Relatives: Simone (Mother) Rhoda (Great Great Grandma) Unnamed sister, Tanya (Niece)




Very bold in her actions, she is rarely if ever frightened, able to look even death in the eyes. She's very stubborn, a running trait in her family, often times hard to sway. Being distant and removed from most daily activities like romance and dating, she quite ignorant when it comes to such trivia, she's hard to click with, sometimes stuck within her own thoughts about her insecurities and often times ponders her being and reasoning.




..::𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓲𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓿𝓮𝓲𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮::..


Born into a normal home, and being the second child, she lived a normal urban life. She was very distant from most of the other children in her school, focusing on her grades and academic performances. She rarely, if ever seen her mother for the first half of her young adolescents, oftentimes staying with her Gandmother. Her mother was apart of the military, just like her great grandma who came before, so she always looked up to them as strong.


Once in middle school, she was chastised and ostracized from her other classmates due to her eyes, not only were they an abnormal color, but cold and scary at first glance. Here, she tried to become more social, and charismatic as her mother, but it always ended in her being alone, until she met a blonde transfer student.


He sat alone, playing on an old relic game console from the early 90s. His hair also belonged to an era even earlier than that.


"Hey, can I sit here?"


Her emotionless tone caught the boy's attention, and his cheeks redden by the sight of her. His blue gem eyes softened as he stared at her. She stared back at him, just as confused.


"Sure, go on right ahead."


His thick accent shined through his speech. And with this, she had made her new friend.


And College..


Once she graduated from her high school and university, she quickly signed up to be a police officer, on the same day, and at the same time as her childhood friend and icon mullet rocker, Issac O'Sullivan.


"I guess you're stuck with me-!"


Despite the hardship, years passed, and Sheila had a record streak as her towns police officer. Though, she hasn't grown much from her distant, work driven persona. In fact, she's became much more cold, but still showing slight compassion for her coworkers, owning the name..


Mama Bear.

As much as she hated it, it was hopeless to try and fight all her co-workers, so she learned to adapted to her new title, as she was well liked by her boss, and she treated them as if they were family.


Soon, she was called in on her day off for something drastic. Apparently, there was a disturbance in a neighboring area, and they needed help, so her boss had decided to send her and Issac over to check it out.


"I'm not even going to ask, but who in their right mind names their city after a rodent." Issac huffed, sitting in the passenger seat.


"The same people who put their faith in us." Sheila said, starting up their cruiser. Placing the key in the ignition, she turned it, hearing the car howl from it's metallic throat. Moving the shifter, she puts the car in motion.


"You know Shelly, You've gotta be the only person who knows how to drive stick, that's why you always get shotgun!" Issac crosses his arms, relaxing his muscles in the seat.


"Well, that's a very low social circle you got there." She flips the radio on, fiddling with its nobs until the static turns into a beautiful rhythm.


"Hey!" Her partner yells at her, before pushing his body back into the seat.


Extra: Original based on a Resident Evil dream, so she's set to follow the events of The OG Resident Evil 2, but she can work in any zombie-related verse.


05/30/2021 02:19 PM 

Just to clarify!
Current mood:  busy

Hey Hey Hey~! Sorry Sorry, I feel like I wanna make this for future friends!

I'm super super busy in reality, due to mental illness and other personal stuff. So, I'm usually on here on the weekend-! Usually very very late, which sucks.. but that's just life!

It hurts sometimes when I come back, only for a real enjoyable RP disappears because they deleted me.. So, I apologize crazy!

So, for future friends and potential roleplay partners, please understand that I can't be here as much as I want too! Kk, See ya!

​​​​​​*Waves bye*

10/10/2020 07:16 PM 

Introduction ^_^
Current mood:  blah

Heyo-! I'm AyanoNova or Aya for short. I wanna get better at my roleplaying, so I decided to join this website-! It seemed pretty cool. I don't usually roleplay as canon characters, as I kinda suck at that? So I usually Rp as my persona/myself-! But I am willing to learn how to Rp as a canon character. I honestly don't care about the roleplay, I'm very opened and try my best to please my roleplaying partners. I'm not very good at "book style" with a whole chapters worth of writing, but I wanna get there eventually. I am an artist, so I do draw-! Though I don't have a good picture of my persona yet, I'll try my best to describe her.

Name(s): Ayano, Aya, Iris, etc

Age: Doesn't have a set age

Height: 5"11

Weight: doesn't have a set weight

Bust size: F cup? Maybe, but I am bigger than most females.

Skin Color: Cinnamon/Lighter tone

Eye color: Indigo

Personality: Default: Bubbliy and shy, tends to be a loner and blushes real easily, though once you get to know her, she becomes chill to hang out with.

Ah, I think that's it really? I do have different versions of my persona that I will eventually upload. I also have OC's that I will upload too, though due to the rules of the site, I'll have to censor some of them. ^^;; I've been using the site for a few days and I'm really enjoying myself here, It seems fun-! Though, I still am finding my way around here, and trying to understand everything. Alrighty-! That's about it I guess... I'll upload some art later. See ya-!

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