09/29/2020 04:54 PM 

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Sergeant Major John Johnson Jr.

Height: 6’3

Age: 24

Quirk: Courage- A small quirk that by itself is not even noticeable by people but when he does courageous acts it inspires those around him to help however they can


Abilities and Modifications: Robotic parts- his research had allowed him to further science as he ended up having his limbs replaced with robotic parts, his legs just above the knee while arms were replaced at the shoulders that enhance his strength to that above a normal human. Always wearing jackets, long pants and gloves to keep the public from seeing them. His eyes had been replaced with cybernetic ones that allow him to see further away, scan enemies and many other things. A small port at the base of his skull which allows him to connect to technological deceives via wire and go through data, save data directly to his brain or control some of his creations directly from his mind keeping his hands free. Most bones have been removed for ones made of metal to increase his durability. Cybernetic ears, let’s him hear things from a range, take phone calls, block out sound.


Training: He is skilled at many martial arts part of them being learned in the Marien Corp while some were just downloaded straight to his brain. Military training in many weapons from knives to large firearms 

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