
12/27/2019 10:24 PM 

a new boy.

Zekhel, a rotten angel of a parasite-god.

Based off of some demonolater views that Yahweh and his angels are nothing but parasitic entities feeding off of the energy humanity so willingly gives them. He tends to wear a blindfold to keep his beady red eyes hidden--eyes are the windows to the soul, after all--and takes the form seen above when he appears to mortals, though he has a much less human, more angelic form that I've yet to conceptualize.

He's the typical sugary-sweet treat with a disgusting, rotten core. A control freak, though he tends to frame it with niceties and manipulation. Quite often sent to those straying from "the faith" to keep them "on the right path" by any means necessary.

Initially conceptualized using Charat:

... I'm too lazy to make a separate profile for him, though. So, if you're reading this and want to interact with him rather than my devil boi, feel free to say as much.

11/06/2019 05:12 PM 

hey, hey.

Have you hugged your local demons today? 

10/16/2019 07:48 PM 

extended info ii.

Taz'riel is (mostly) a devil; he is weak by devil standards. The part of his ancestry that isn't devil is bull fiend. (He carefully avoids that part of his family considering the color of his skin, and bulls... Y'know.)

Despite his appearance, he could toss around an adult human with no problem, or shatter their bones with little effort. Any devil worth their weight in salt could do that. Self-defense and general offense against average mortals (mundane humans with no combat, exorcism, magic, etc training) isn't a challenge until they bring out the Holy stuff. At that point, even a child can overpower him.

He is inept at magic beyond what he learned before the incident that left him unable to learn and control anything new. When he tries to cast a newly learned spell, things either don't work, or they go catastrophically wrong--one can liken it to D&D's wild magic. Prior to that, he knew fire magic and glamours. 

In a pinch he can immolate himself and make it very unwise to get too close. Being immune to fire, all this does to him is make him feel nice'n'toasty. He can't throw balls of fire, though he can flick it around. The fire he wields acts more like a fire would when its fed by a liquid fuel. It drips. It sticks. It gets everywhere. Like napalm.

As for glamours, he can use illusory magics to change his appearance when the need arises. It makes mingling among humans and the like a Hell of a lot more convenient, but it has a tendency to waver when around Holy symbols or on consecrated ground, and those sensitive to spiritual things can usually see 'shadows' of his horns. He also can't change the appearance of his shark-like teeth. 

09/22/2019 09:21 PM 

familial nonsense

Taz'riel has more siblings, half-siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, and nieces than he cares to count for one reason in particular: it's a half-baked scheme by a group of devils, demons, and fiends to cheat the odds of having a child that winds up in high standing. If they have hundreds upon thousands of spawn then one of them, eventually, will find its way into a barony, or perhaps a duchy--perhaps even a lord or ladyship--and then they will proceed to pile on like a very large and still growing swarm of parasites.

Being a lazy f*** who wants absolutely no part in any of that, Taz'riel has consigned himself to relative obscurity. He doesn't seek to further his influence or power and he has sworn off ever having spawn of his own. He's content being 'pathetic' in the eyes of his family 'cause they don't expect him to help further their agenda.

All of that aside, he tends to take the fall for the one clutchmate that ended up in the same court as him. She'll do something stupid and pin it on him, and he can't bring himself to care so long as the consequences aren't extremely unpleasant. 

08/12/2019 12:51 PM 


By the time he reaches his nine-hundreds, Taz'riel will begin to mature. That is, between the years ~130-900 he can be considered more or less an adolescent taking into consideration how his particular branch of his family grows. 

Maturation comes with the following perks: 
✚ Thicc'er thighs. 
✚ Wider hips. 
✚ Longer fingers. 
✚ The ability to control his hair / prehensile hair. 
✚ Stronger hair tensile strength. 

The hair-y abilities would have developed much sooner if it weren't for the incident in his childhood that f***ed up his ability to wield new magic. As it's innate for his branch of the family, however, he eventually obtains the skill.

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07/10/2019 05:31 PM 

a happening. ii

When he was a small little thing, one of his very first summoners was an old woman. As she was getting on in age she found that she needed assistance and couldn’t find nor afford for anyone to help her, so she resorted to other means. Taz’riel lived with her for several years, and that is where he gained an interest and affinity for poisoncraft: she taught him how to read her books, and how to concoct several potent mixtures. In a way, she was like a mother to him.

Unfortunately, one day, while making tea, he accidentally used the wrong herbs and poisoned her. 

07/09/2019 05:01 PM 

a happening.

Once upon a time there was an idiot unaware that he was being closely watched by an angel sent to guard him for hitherto unknown reasons. He was new to the whole summoning thing, and so decided to practice by summoning young infernal creatures, as they’re more easily controlled and less likely to know all those fun little loopholes that come with age, wisdom, and experience.

The little devil he happened to bring forth could see the angel, and it could see him, and it wasn’t happy. It didn’t give him the courtesy of hiding its Holy light. As the devil looked upon it in wonder and fascination, he fell in love; he gained the scars–black, creeping veins around his eyes–to remember it by, and lost his ability to wield magic as well as his fellows. However, he managed to keep his sight, and gained an infatuation for all things Holy. Much to the confusion of the idiot who pulled him up from the depths of Hell, the angel banished the devil back from whence he had come soon after.

07/02/2019 10:53 PM 


Casually snagged this from Tumblr. Feel free to also steal it, kek.

In-depth Character Questionnaire

FULL NAME: Taz'riel
NICKNAMES: Taz, Tazzy, Roach
PLACE OF BIRTH: Fifth circle of Hell / Fifth layer of the Abyss
CURRENT LOCATION: Either at his home or where-ever he's been summoned.
DEFINING GESTURES (I.E. LIP TWITCHING, KEEPING EYES ON THE GROUND, ETC.): Plays with his hair when bored, thinking, or nervous. Seems to try to hide in it when scared--or when trying to retreat for a nap. 
SPEAKING STYLE (I.E. FAST, LOUD, STUTTERING, ETC.): Generally slow and even, rather formal. Likes to play with his words, sometimes. 
INSECURITIES: His ears and the veins around his eyes.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Patient; generally kind-natured; has at least one good thing to say about nearly everyone he meets; affectionate, even if it's inadvertently at times, or just a means to get close enough to leech some body heat.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Kind'a morbid; has no qualms about killing people; also has no qualms about killing innocents when targeting one or two people; a little too trusting.
OTHER PEOPLE’S OPINIONS OF THEM: Affectionate, attractive, annoying. Clingy, too, probably.
ONE MAJOR TURNING POINT IN THEIR LIFE: The reason for those overly-noticeable veins around his eyes - he bore witness to the unfiltered form of an angel and fell in love. He should've been blinded, but he managed to retain his sight. It left him with an infatuation for all things Holy.
IF THEY COULD TIME TRAVEL, WHEN WOULD THEY GO? Whatever time was least busy so he could sLEEP.
IDEAL ROMANTIC PARTNER: Someone sweet, nice, kind, warm in both presence and personality.
FAVORITE WAY TO WASTE TIME: Taking care of his hair.
GIVEN A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER, A PENCIL, AND NOTHING TO DO, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN? Experimental recipes for new poisons to try.
VIEW ON HOME AND FAMILY? Pure and unadulterated "meh."
HOW DO THEY EXPRESS THEMSELF? Words and physical contact.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THEM? He's fun to doodle, and fun to write.
ONE OR MORE PLOTS YOU’RE DYING TO HAVE: I wanna shove him at some angels.

06/27/2019 05:35 PM 


I'm a certified dweeb and this kept me awake this ... Morning, so I'm going to toss it here in hopes that my brain will stop thinking about it.

My boy, being a devil, is ruled by his Vices. They are, from most applicable to not, as follows:

I mean... He spends a lot of his time looking after his hair, and he knows he's a snack. His appearance and how others seem him is important to him, first and foremost, even if he doesn't come off as such. It's why he keeps his ears pinned away with his hair and why he keeps the veins around his eyes hidden with coal.

He's a lazy bitch. If he could, he'd sleep forever - but he can't, so he just takes naps whenever he can get 'em. Sadly, they're pretty rare. If he likes you, expect him to use you like a pillow as well as a convenient source of warmth.

And if he really likes you, he will kill for you. His wrath is rarely, if ever, for himself: if someone wrongs someone he likes, or gets in his way of being with them, he will try to get rid of them. In this way one could say he fits the yandere trope.

... I mean, he's a big fan of this one. It's an easy way to get people to do what you want, and it can be used in self-defense, in a way. Dealing with someone who is horny is easier than dealing with someone who wants to kill you, so kindling the flames of lust can be a good way to avoid bad situations. Besides, after they're tired, they're easy to get rid of.

This goes hand-in-hand with wrath, but to a small degree. So long as he trusts whoever he really likes, then it's whatever. Otherwise, he might try to... Do something about it.

He doesn't really want for much. As long as he has enough to get what he wants, then it's another "whatever" - and he's generally easy to please when it comes to material things.

Pretty much non-applicable. He's much too vain to gorge himself on anything.


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