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03/09/2020 05:28 PM 

Head cannons.

1: She hates when people assume that because her hero costume is revealing, 
that it is because she wants attention. She takes pride in her quirk and intends to do whatever necessary to use it to the upmost of it's ability.

2: Momo will definitely protect her loved ones viciously, but she also has a knack for honesty. This comes with good intentions, but isn't always nice. She won't spare feelings when she is asked what she thinks. I guess you can say she does believe in the concept of tough love when its needed.

4: She's very smart. In fact her intelligence is a 6 out of 5 (S-rank)
 She doesn't always openly showcase this.

5: She's exceptionally skilled in various forms of martial arts. 
The most dominant ones being 
Kobudo – A Japanese (Okinawan) martial arts focused on weapons trainingWeapons used include the bo staff, sai, tonfa and nunchaku.
Kenjutsu – A Japanese martial arts style focused on sword techniques. In contrast to Kendo, Kenjutsu is less focused on sparring. 
These forms are especially important for her. 
As they go hand in hand with her quirk. If she can create it, 
she knows it inside and out. Including how to use it.

 6: She allows others to under estimate things about her. 
It's secretly a boost to her ego when she proves them wrong about her.

7: She is always aware. ALWAYS. 
Even if she acts like she is oblivious.

8:She's constantly storing information and analyzing ways to handle the situations she observes.

9:Though she was recommended for the hero course. 
It does not mean that, that is the only reason why she excels or wants to be a hero. She has talents equivalent to that of pro heroes.

9: Her anxiety is real. 
She has a few different mental disorders.
Panic disorder- Is a type of anxiety disorder. It causes panic attacks, which are sudden feelings of terror when there is no real danger. A person with this disorder may feel as if they are losing control. They may also have physical symptoms, such as. Fast heartbeat, and shortness of breath.
Clinical depression- Depressed mood that meets the DSM-IV criteria for a depressive disorder. The term clinical depression is commonly used to describe depression that is a type of mental illness and not a normal, temporary mood. It is caused by life events or grieving. Severe trauma that the victim cannot cope with.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which time people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations (obsessions) that make them feel driven to do something repetitively 
Symptoms: Intrusive thought; Compulsive behaviors.

10:She hides her mental disorders. (Nobody knows about them. Not even her family.)
11: She goes to therapy 4 times a month and is prescribed medicines. (She won't take them)

12: S
he comes from a rich and luxurious life style, but dislikes people who feel entitled to things without working hard for them.

13: She will selflessly sacrifice herself for those she loves. This is something woven in her no matter what her status as a hero is.
14: She resents her family for leaving her in the dark about their affiliations with other heroes and or organizations.
15: Her family is very well connected both through out hero society and others.
16: She likes to shop. She can use her quirk to create anything she wants but rarely if ever will use it without having to.
17: Herr favorite food is macaroni and cheese.
18: Her favorite drink is tea. 
She has a impressive collection of teas.

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