10/18/2017 08:57 PM 

Philosophy of Action (Guidelines)

Here we gather and entreat ye, consider mine words least ye become louts crowdin' the roadsides. Keep these thoughts in yer heart. Mark 'em like ye mark yer favorite oak with a lass' name or the sir's call. Carry 'em like yer coin purse and we ought find ourselves speakin' most civil I tell ye.

( Just kindly keep these in mind and our role-play experience will be wonderful )

  • I am rather busy in real-life so my time here will be limited to a day or two each week on a good schedule. Sometimes I may not reply for a few days to a week or two to compensate. Please don't rush me knowing this and I will do the same by virtue due patience for your own communication.

  • Please make no assumptions since this is an original spin on the take of The Legend of Arthur. Yes, I will borrow from mythology and various other inspiration sources, but the flow of his end and future is an open canvas for story to decide.

  • Generally I prefer multi-paragraph and higher writing. However, I am able to write and respond with a detailed paragraph to help push things along. Quality is most important over quantity after all. Though please maintain a sense of literacy when we communicate.

  • Mature themes in the sense of foul language, racial and social prejudices, graphic violence, political and psychological elements, religious themes, and at times explorations of sexuality in the world at large may be prevalent through our experience. If any of this is offensive please let me know so we can cater a custom experience safer for you.

  • Crossovers and AU's are most welcome! In fact, I enjoy finding unique ways to make a new spin on Arthur. The more settings and circumstances I can place him the better I say.

  • Drama between people is bad. Not tolerated. Drama within context of characters and stories (muse betrayals, shifting of factions, surprise support and seductions) that are handled maturely are wonderfully welcomed! Sadly I know people have a hard time making the distinction between dramatic writing and characters being involved in something larger, versus drama with actual people.

  • Connections are more than welcomed, but require story to have been developed. If you wish to help flesh out this new Arthurian Legend in the making then by all means let me know you're interest, and then let us see what flows from a story once we get it discussed.

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