11/08/2015 10:31 PM 


I hate having to do this, but apparently it is needed.


1. Messages for roleplay. Comments for ooc. I make little to no exceptions with this. If we somehow end up starting through comments it will eventually move to messages. 

2. Multi-para to novella. Send me a one liner and I'll never take you seriously.

3. Drama? Sure, I live for that sh*t! So long as it's IC. I won't tolerate any drama outside of character.

4. Don't rush replies and neither will I. If it's been a while I'll ask if you're still interested in our RP just to check.

5. If you're no longer interested in our RP let me know. Maybe we can work something else out. I'll be courteous enough to let you know if I'm no longer interested. 

6. I don't do numbers. If we have no RP going or aren't discussing a future one then your ass is getting deleted. 

7. I have the right to delete whoever I want. Don't like it? Tough. As I mentioned, I won't keep numbers on my list.

8. Want to send a random starter? Go for it, I like that sh*t!

9. There will be blood, gore, rape, violence, disturbing scenes, and--let's just say all the things people tried to shield you from as a child. Can't handle it? Then we shouldn't be role-playing together. 

10. I don't bite...much. So, let's have some fun~ 

More will be added if needed.

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