02/03/2017 03:04 PM 

Izumi's Mangekyou ~

Izumi Uchiha :  One out of two known survivors of the Uchiha massacre. She has awoken her Sharingan at a very young age. Though she struggled considerably at first and could not keep it activated long enough, Izumi quickly learned that both as a Uchiha and a kunoichi she had to toughen up.
Seeing her family fall and feeling Itachi's pain was what changed everything for her. A week after fleeing, while grieving over the tragedy. Her confusion, anger and sadness woke up an internal battle inside her. Fed up with how cruel the world had been to her, she attempted to take her own life but was scouted and stopped by a mysterious man who seemed to know a considerable amount about her bloodline. The man talked her down, and convinced her that she still had a purpose in this life and that if she worked hard, she could become strong enough to protect and make a difference. This appealed to her gentle heart, and she accepted his offer to train her. Over the years she endured intense training and managed to transform her pain into the necessary strength needed to awaken and keep the sharingan in both eyes. However, the man who helped her had his own motives and wanted to harvest her body for his own purposes.  Unaware of her final session and what it would do to her. Izumi was put against a girl she grew close to while on her own. Manipulated to attack her, Izumi ended up having to take the girls life to save her own. As soon as the feelings of overpowering grief and anger started coursing through her, she fell unconscious. While unconscious the man took her to a isolated location and held her captive. During this time, he exchanged her right eye with one of the eyes of Shisui Uchiha. This is how she got the Mangekyou known as Kotoamatsukami. 
With this Jutsu Izumi can completely manipulate and twist a persons thoughts to meet her own desires. The person who falls under this genjutsu has no way of knowing how or by who they are being controlled. The only people who could possibly recognize it are those of Uchiha blood and those who have awoken the same ability within the Mangekyou Sharingan.
With Kotoamatsukami Izumi can change the way a person thinks and even alter decisions made by them. This ability, is the same ability Shuishi Uchiha tried to use against Danzo to thwart the Uchiha massacre. The man who held her captive informed her of this after the exchange. It was then that he also told her who he was. Making her take a blood oath to never speak his name, he promised her a release under one condition. That when the day were to come that he would find her again, she would return to him without a struggle. She agreed to these terms.
(In my portrayal, Madara is using Izumi to harvest the eye because she is of Uchiha blood. His plans with her from the beginning were to manipulate her and use her as a tool. He does plan on using her as an instrument of war before taking the eye back one day. It's important that I note this. So that it makes sense.)
Unbeknownst to her, Izumi's ability is one of the most sought after and valued ability's of the mangekyou. It is rare and should others become aware of it, could cause her a lot of problems.
Izumi preferring peace rather than war has used her Mangekyou to help the villages she has come across and stayed at. Her way of protecting them is to simply alter the mindset of what has caused the turmoil. Where there was destruction she manipulated it and replaced it with peace.
Because this ability takes such a toll and requires a decent amount of time to recharge Izumi has fallen sick quite a few times. She keeps this to herself and will not allow others to see this in her. Much like her love Itachi uchiha, Izumi is full of hidden agenda's and is always analyzing things around her. She acts in the name of what she feels is right and will not back down even when faced with death. Many who meet her see her as a kind. sweet girl who hasn't a mean bone in her body. She can come off quiet innocent minded and naive in certain aspects but very rarely is this actually the case. 
In conclusion, Izumi Uchiha is just a girl who wants those she holds close to be happy. She prefers peace and kindness and does whatever she feels she can to benefit the greater good of the shinobi world. This is also the same mentality that prevented her from ever doubting Itachi. Even when she saw him fleeing on the night her clan was killed.

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