Nuclear Core on - Nuclear Core
Original verse. 18+ content. From paper to keyboard, let's get this story started....

32 years old


Last Login:
May 08 2023

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   Contacting Nuclear Core

     Nuclear Core's Details
Status: Married
Here for:Friends,
Body type:Average
Children:Proud parent
Education:College graduate
Occupation:Deah Companion @ Universal Life Industries
Characters: Jaden Voxx,
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller/Suspense,
Member Since:March 10, 2023

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   Nuclear Core's Blurbs
About me:
Story Plot: Human Nuclear Cores. Humans born with extraordinary levels of energy in their bodies. These levels can range from harmless and able to coexist with Humankind, to catastrophic and need to be locked away from the light of day...according to the Government. Human Cores are ranked by level.

First, we have the Safe level. Cores that are allowed to walk amongst Humans. They live normal lives, work normal jobs. Their brains are energized, and absorb everything they a computer. These Cores do not exhibit powers of any kind, and pose no threat to civilization.

Next... We have the Power level. Cores born with inhumane abilities and extraordinary intelligence. These Cores harness enough energy to power an entire city. Power level Cores are to remain under official watch at all times, for safety of Humankind. They can't risk these Cores evolving, and gaining more energy.

The third level is called Nuclear level. Cores born with so much energy in a single body, that their blood runs hot. Risk of allowing a Nuclear Core roam free is prohibited. These Cores have unearthly power, and have a lower requirement for basic Human needs; such as food, sleep, medications. The energy levels of a Nuclear Core are just as powerful as that... A nuke. All Nuclear Cores are to be quarantined, sedated, ID'ed, numbered, and locked up in Level 4 at the Foundation. Cells are lined with lead, to prevent any of their powers seeping through the walls. Cell cleanings are to be done twice a week, with no less than 3 armed guards, and one scientist to administer a sedative if necessary.

The final unheard of. Core Level (REDACTED).

""Down in the depths of the Foundation, level (REDACTED) Cores make their home. It's not much of a home...when you're the only one there. These Cores...This Core... I am in a level all to myself. Displaying multiple powers seen in the Nuclear Core level, and my blood is explosive when introduced to a sudden temperature change. I never eat... I never sleep... and I'm even finding out new stuff about myself, every day. One day...this cell won't be enough. One day... My blood drops on the walls will open my door. I don't deserve this... We don't deserve this... We were first...and we will be the last."" -Found etched into the wall of Jaden Voxx's cell after escape.

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   Nuclear Core's Friend Space
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Nuclear Core's Friends Comments
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Red String of Fate- MCRP

Mar 16th 2023 - 8:12 PM

Yeah I'm the same way I love writing especially 2ith a good story. My record is 50 paragraphs. I don't expect my partner to write that much and I'm happy as long as it's 3 Paras or more lol. But....since my starters tend to be like...idk 20 some Paras people tend to not respond ever. Which saddens me.
Red String of Fate- MCRP

Mar 15th 2023 - 12:38 AM

hello! its not a problem though I do have auto accept on! I so happen to get an email that someone added me and at first i was like... huh? I have several accounts and I almost forgot about this one as it kind of died and its hard to find good roleplayers to be honest. but! if you have discord feel free to add me! Fate Bound#9424 we can get something going for sure. But i'd like to say Welcome back to the roleplaying community! 
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