03/10/2023 04:28 PM 

Classified File: Jaden Voxx
Category: Open Roles
Current mood:  creative

Full Name: Jaden Alexander Voxx
Alias': Nuke
DOB & Age: May 30th, 1992
Gender: Male, Non-Binary
Race: Irish
Species: Human Core (Non-Human)

Past Info: Captured as an infant. Parents were both brought in and charged with aiding Cores to escape the Government officials. Their location is (REDACTED) to remain close to the infant. Too far of distance has proven (REDACTED). 
-Subject # 1323 (Jaden) has shown great promise in his growth. However his abilities may become hazardous to Humanity. Subject # 1323 will be moved to the lower levels of the Foundation, and catagorized under Nuclear. 
-He is too dangerous to allow him to work with the public. Relocation to the (REDACTED) faclity will be issued. Change is catagory to (REDACTED)
-His powers have matured, and his energy readings are off the charts. Keep subject #1323 confined in a lead lined chamber. All metalic objects are prohibited within 15 meters of his room. Only official and confirmed personel are allowed to enter the observation chambers.

Personal notes: 

"that lead chamber doesn't do anything! Just yesterday that stupid freak was staring at the camers. he gave this sick as sh*t smile, and suddenly every coffee mug in the observation chamber shattered! I'm not working with him, ever again!" -Agent 207
"Can... Can he see us?" -Agent 308 
"I'm concerned. I swear he can hear us... Just this morning, I was talking about how I missed my mother... At lunch time, when it was time for my rounds... He was staring at the cameras...and humming my old lullaby she use to sing to me...but... How could he even know about that? I'm crazy... Right?" -Agent 006
"Kill it. He's ******* insane! He's evil! That lead line does NOTHING!!!" -Agent 207
"Agent 207 was KIA during a routine cell cleaning... I swear... Jaden was only after him... When he looked at me...he just... He just smiled." -Agent 006

Updated Info: Subject # 1323 is to be moved to the lower cells in Block (REDACTED). All Agents will require Level 8 clearence. Jaden A. Voxx has become a fully evolved Core. We call this level (REDACTED). The world must never know about his existance. Objective... Find a way to neutralize this monster.The Heads of the Foundation demand it. -Agent 004, Marcus Wave.

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