03/02/2024 03:39 PM 

We all hate these.

1. OOC or IC greetings are acceptable, but please don't come in with, 'Hi, wanna roleplay?' That's why I'm here. I know a lot of people aren't here for that, but y'know... 
-Side note: Just tell me your expectations, if you want to plot, nosedive, or have a prompt you'd like to use, and what length you want.
2. OOC v. IC, please know the difference. Our muses might have a romantic connection but us as writers do not. I'm not on here for relationships. I'll take your friendship if you'd like to hand me that opportunity.
3. I write my muse typically in a darker path. Which this would include; Drug&Alcohol use, abuse, blood/gore/violence, possible NSFW content(only if the other writer permits this), foul language, etc. If this is something you can't see your muse in, there won't be any hurt feelings here if you remove me. 
4. Smut is fine. We all have our desires for one thing or another. But, if I kindly decline this offer, please pick up your things and quietly take the exit. I won't tolerate you abusing me with sour words because I declined. We're adults, act like it.
5. Drama. I don't want it. If there's someone on my list that you had issues with in the past, you're more than welcome to remove me; again no hurt feelings over here. 
6. No text talk, please. Now, there's an exception to this rule. 
-She sent a text, 'see u soon' or if you're leaving for a bit and say, 'brb' that's fine. But don't type a whole reply/starter/greeting using all text talk. 
-This kind of goes with this rule, but make sure you make sense when writing. I understand sometimes we misspell a word, don't punctuate at the end of sentence. Don't do it on purpose.
7. I write para to multi; typically around 3-7 paragraphs. Now, I don't expect everyone to have this mindset, but I do appreciate if you try to make it to 3 paragraphs. 
-Banter is different but I do prefer that in Discord mainly. 
8. If there is something you didn't like in my reply. Please tell me straight up. Communication is my favorite kink. I can't fix something if you don't tell me. The same goes for the story, I understand stories can end up in a dead-end. Tell me, we can come up with a different plot or we can go our separate ways.
9. Have fun. That's what we're here for, at least most of us are. 
10. If I have sent you a greeting of sorts to gesture I'm interested in writing, and I don't see any effort on your side in replying. I have a month limit. Meaning, if you've not responded in a month with something, I will remove you and go on with my journey. I don't exactly enjoy just being a pretty face in someone's list. Same goes for me to you, if I don't respond to whatever your day limit is, you have ever right to remove me. If I so happen to add you again, either you can accept or block me. Entirely up to you!

All I ask from you now is to comment that you read and understood the comments. Could be an emoji, a simple 'k', or whatever to ensure you took in the information. 

Thank you.


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