02/22/2021 04:30 PM 

Once Loved.. Now Lost.. Part One.

Her heart battered like the rainstorm on an open field. Like the war drums of the lords before charging into battle. Screams of terror filled the ever quiet village in a matter of moments so abrupt that it startled the very straw doll from her hands to drop silently to the ground at her bare feet and the bamboo toy sword from her older brothers hands to clatter to the ground. Standing there.. stiff as statues or deers in the meadow upon hunting season, worried that if they moved their fragile world might just shatter. Beyond the wooden walls of the structure they had called home, topped with straw and branches to build a sturdy roof, there was an abundance of bewailing outside that her ears had never heard before in their six years.

Without realizing why, her eyes—so brown they looked as though the Earth had been born into them—began to sting with sensitivity as tears began to gather at the very rim of her lashes. In an instant, the world outside was no longer held there by those strong roof and walls but had infiltrated its way into the her life, forever changing her and the path her life would take from there on. Her father, a farmer with calloused hands but a handsome smile charged into the hut with a look of trepidation upon his face that she had never witnessed. Behind him,  her beloved mother, whose gentle hands in contrast that held her and cradled her since birth, closed the distance and with the door ajar like a wide jaw, rushed in and picked up her beloved child from the wooden floor and held her close, as if those arms could cast out the horrors of the world that dare show themselves.

The strong hands of her father grabbed the arm of the boy in the room. Her elder sibling whom watched over her as their parents gathered stock and worked for their liveliness, looked just as overcome as she did, but with the trust that he could keep on his own feet by their side, their father dragged him along. What was happening? Why were they being brought out into the world of screams and nightmares? As the blinding light of the sun piercing their eyes had subsided, the world was revealed to them. Ever changing the innocent eyes that cast themselves upon it. The village they once were born and raised was maddened by the onslaught of bandits.
The wheat fields that had grown off in the distance were burning, large black smoke pillaring to the sky from the fires that had been started. The same flames licked hungrily at the tops of the homes that surrounded their own and even as she was carried away those once innocent eyes could lift and see that their own strong straw roof that had kept out many storms was no match for the red and orange heat that covered their home like raging flowers.

Held to her mothers chest, her small arms around the very neck that wore tied flowers that they would make together, she could feel her hand on the back of her head, trying to guard her eyes as they ran. Her breath, panting in her ear as they made their way down the road in a hurry to escape the violent onslaught. But it was no use.. the girl watched as the bandits laughed and cheered upon conquest as they ripped open the stomachs of neighbors and brought down feet upon children and wives she had known all her young life. The tears fell.. creating clean marks through the soot on her cheeks as she clung to her mother tight. Her father’s voice, encouraging them onward to escape.

For a short time, as they ran over the hill away from the village and down the dusty road, they thought they were safe. Her heart began to calm in softer beats.. until she heard it. The beating of horse hooves against the ground that even she could feel despite not having a connection with it. Her mothers breathing picked up.. her father cried out louder for them to hurry, to run.. to survive. She saw them first.. the horses with eyes arage and the eyes of their riders with malicious joy as they came closer and closer..

For the last time her voice would cry out.. “Mama!” As a warning.. but it was too late. The rider drew back his arrow as his horse moved onward and with a thud of the bowstring against the air he let go and a whistle sharply exhaling from its grasp shot forth and before one could blink the arrow became a part of her mother. Embedding itself between the ribs near the spine with such a force even she felt the thud. Her world began to spin.. her mother’s balance undone as her upper body lurched forward without her feet, the comforting arms once warm and kind suddenly loosening around the girls body. Within the second of an arrow, her mother would never hold her again.

With momentum, the girl fell back, her back hitting the ground as her body rolled, creating a loom of dust around her as she impacted with the road. She lifted her head, tears falling from her eyes like virgin rivers that never touched the land, she saw her mother lying there, eyes already cold and staring at her, no longer the loving eyes of the mother she knew this morning.

Her brother ran to her, picking the girl up from the ground and lacing his bigger, stronger fingers with her own. They looked one more time.. their father, ever their hero, standing over his wifes body, facing the oncoming storm that would depart them forever. Looking over his shoulder, her smiled at his children once more before his unyielding voice howled out to Run. To run.. and not look back.

Her feet took her faster then she thought was able. At one moment she thought perhaps if she ran any faster she would be picked up into the air for such a speed. Her brother’s hand in hers, never letting go of the grip he held upon her. Now the ever lion-hearted male. Her last hope. Determination and purposefulness in his eyes as he looked forward down the road and no where else despite his own irriguous occulus. She tried to look over her shoulder, but the sudden howl of their father, the last sound sound to be heard from the man who accompanied their mother in evening song just the night before,  caused her to flounder that judgment and she just looked forward.

..What would happen to the two of them now?

To Be Continued…

02/17/2021 11:36 PM 

Memories and Home (Random Rin Writing) --From Bulletin

What memories could be held in flowers, one might wonder. Or at least, did so the mind of the young woman sat in a field of many of them. Many.. such a small word for what she saw before her. No.. Vast would do. A vast field of colorful flowers that swayed in the breeze and in the tides of green that flowed and rolled in the fresh spring heat. She sat there, her yellow kimono tied about her young and womanly form that budded much like the flowers and plants of the coming season. Long since had she halted in wearing a part of her hair tied out from the rest but instead it had shifted into a unique braided strands of long hair to frame her face from the rest of the thick raven locks that flowed down the center of her pale back. An orange obi, tied around her waist just above the defining hip bones that tied behind her in an ever pleasing bow that might be spotted from across the field in such a distinct color that it would be hard for her Lord or anyone else to miss her with a glance of their eyes.

Her knees, bent up just enough that her ever-bare feet might plant themselves grounding against the Earth, her hands adorned said knees as her eyes looked to the sky. What a beautiful robin's egg sky did earthy brown eyes look toward, watching as the clouds passed by in white beauty as if ships sailing the ever bright seas for adventure. Her chest rose, a deep breath inhaled through her nostrils along with the scent of the field before she exhaled from her slightly parted lips that often smiled and laughed and sang even as much now as so in her youth.

What memories could be held in flowers, one might wonder. Her head, turning to look down beside her as a hand lifted from her knee to pick the tender thing, therefore ending its cycle of life, but giving it purpose just the same. To be lifted to her nose  as her free arm leaned back, touching the grass behind her to keep her leaned form steady. She looked down at it. If this flower or all of it's predecessors could tell tales of the many times she had journeyed through this field. Alone, wither her Lord and Master Jaken, even on occasion with A-Un, the great Beast of Burden whom adored the girl just as much as she did them. Did these flowers hold as many memories as she did? Of battles fought and won. Of conversations and games and sweet dreams she'd have upon them in the nights she rested her head upon the ever protecting lap of the great Lord of the Western Lands.

Would they gather more stories still? Would they watch over her and she was sure the spirits of her family did and guide and grow with her as she found her way in life? Did flowers hold the types of memories water might, or perhaps the wind or trees in the forests? If so, she hoped they remembered this too. The day she sat upon the field just to spend time with them and reminisce over the beauty that this field had brought her for so many years. Of how she knew that this field grew with her as she grew, and the memories they had together of times shared. She hoped it could feel her presence and know this was one of her safe places. One of the few true places, along with that of being by the side of her Lord, that she might call.. home.

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03/14/2019 01:45 PM 

"..Would you always remember me?"

The summer wind blew through her raven hair as eyes, dark as earth, stared out to the horizon while the sun began to peak from beneath it, changing the colors of the sky to gold and blush. Memories of laughter swept through the tall grass and she could remember being a young child here before, as the sun began to rise. She closed her eyes..

She could remember dancing and spinning as the white seeds of the dandelions lifted into the air like a reversing snow and into the sky to spread their beauty throughout the world. Not everything had been easy for her. In fact, very few things.. 

The girl with the smile that reflected true happiness and innocence, had begun the tragedies in her life by witnessing her parents and her brothers savagely murdered by thieves, leaving her all alone in the world. It was then that she had to learn to take care of herself. No mother to wash and brush her hair and tie flowers together with. No father to toss her into the air and catch her, teaching her to rely on her fathers strong arms. No brothers to wrestle with and annoy. They were all gone. In a world of demons and unspoken creatures, her first trauma.. had come from that of her own kind. The real monsters. Humans.

A fear for humans had plagued her nightmares for as long as she could remember. Except for the gasps and cries in the night as her nightmares took over, she had become a mute. She wouldn't speak to anyone.. further outcasting herself from the rest of the humans in her village as some sort of.. freak. They would beat her and scold her until she was unresponsive. She had memories of lying in the dirt, so sore that she was numb. Dissociating herself until she could move again.. and she would. She would show that fighting spirit even before she knew what that spirit was. She would pushed herself up and make her way back to her abandoned home to live another day.

She discovered the daiyoukai Sesshomaru in a forest near her village. Relentlessly and fearlessly tried to help him, even though he would not accept it. She went through the trouble of finding food in the village preserves or in the forest itself, and brought this food to him. Sesshomaru never actually ate the food or accepted the help she gave him, but she continued with her actions. She was caught rummaging through one of the village's fish preserves, and some village men beat her and warned her not to do it again. When she later brought food she foraged in the forest, Rin's visible injuries sparked Sesshoumaru 's curiosity, and he asked her about them. This brought about a beaming smile on Rin's bruised face. Sesshoumaru scoffed at her, silently wondering what had made her suddenly so happy.

When Rin returned to her home later that day, she discovered a thief going through her food. She was shocked and remained in the doorway, frightened by the man. When the man realized she was there, they could hear the sounds of the Wolf-Demon tribe attacking the village and searching for the thief. Whilst the thief ran off, Rin realized that she had to get away from the village. She ran into the forest, hoping to escape with her life. However, the wolves gave chase to her and she was soon overcome and killed by them. Her last thoughts were of Sesshoumaru .

Elsewhere, Sesshoumaru had been rejoined by his traveling companions Jaken and a two-headed dragon. He picked up the scent of blood and discovered Rin's corpse in passing. Her death did not interest him and he had planned to continue on his way, but he recalled the girl's smile from earlier, which made him pause. He unsheathed Tenseiga and it began to pulsate, allowing him to see the messengers from the other world surrounding her corpse. To satisfy his sudden curiosity, he tested his sword Tenseiga and he slew the messengers. Once he had, Sesshoumaru knelt down by her side and was satisfied when she opened her eyes. Feeling his task complete, he stood back up and continued on his way, ignoring the questions from Jaken. Without a care, Rin followed him, and became a part of his entourage from then on. She regained the ability to talk when she was revived, so she spoke very often to Jaken, the two-headed dragon whom she named A-Un and to Sesshoumaru as well. Oh how she spoke to him in ways Jaken would verbally punish her for.. but her Lord Sesshoumaru did not seem to mind. If he did, he need not say a word.. for a stern look was enough to get her to calm herself.

Being a young girl without combat skills, presented the problem of becoming a liability to Sesshoumaru when he battled. She dutifully remained in safe places far from the battlefields as instructed of her, often awaiting his return with A–Un and Jaken. She was also told she would have to fend for herself if she ever got hungry. This did not faze her, and she agreed since she already knew how to survive on her own. He had Jaken accompany her to assist whenever she went in search of food, much to his argument. Though even the small demon eventually gained a soft spot for the girl.

Her mind had wandered to the past. To the past where she had journeyed with Lord Sesshoumaru, A-Un, and Master Jaken and had the best days of her life. When she eleven, it all ended. Lady Kaede, a kind old woman from the village near the well that Lady Kagome and Master Inuyasha had settled down, had thought it best that Rin know how to survive with her own kind. That it was safer for her. Oh how terrible a day it was to be left with humans again. Not that Lady Kaede wasn't always kind to Rin but.. she wasn't Sesshoumaru.

Oh she longed for his vists. Frequent, at first.. until they grew farther apart. Perhaps he didn't know that she noticed. How could he. How could he know that she went to bed every night after looking out at the forest line or the horizon of the sky, hoping to see him come back for her. She learned much over the years. She learned medicine, how to shoot a bow and arrow, how to identify herbs and how to throw a Kusarigama from Kohaku. She didn't like fighting, not in the least, but she had hoped that if she could prove to the others, prove to Lord Sesshoumaru that she could be ready for whatever came their way and that she didn't have to hide anymore.. that he would finally come and take her away. 

Kohaku was a kind boy who grew into a kind young man. She could hear the whispers or the huddled words of Kagome and her friends when they said how cute Kohaku and Rin looked together. What a wonderful match they would make! But it was then, and as she grew older, then she noticed more and more how long it took for her Lord Sesshoumaru to come back to her. 

She closed her eyes again and let the memories fade of such a time. Even then, she never really fit in. But now..

"Rin! Are you coming or not!? We must not keep Lord Sesshoumaru waiting!"

Eyes, dark as earth, opened again and she lifted a hand to brush back the long raven hair she now held in her youthful womanly age, and turned to see Master Jaken calling for her across the field. She could see Lord Sesshoumaru waiting at the edge of the forest before catching her eye and turning to leave within the trees. "Coming Master Jaken!" a now soft, tender voice called out to him before she turned again and looked down at the village from the top of the hill. He had returned.. and for some reason, she didn't have to stay anymore. The village had not yet awoken but perhaps this was the best way to leave. No goodbyes of saddness, no desperate words to make her stay. This village, as kind as it was to her, had never truly been home. Her home was with him. 

In those last moments, she saw Kaede, always the first one awake, exit her hut and look up the hill to see Rin there. It was in that moment she knew. Rin offered her a smile, Kaede returned a sorrowful one- perhaps hoping the girl had found this village to be the place where she belong to drown out the wanderlust she felt after the demon who had saved her so long ago. With that smile held, Rin turned and once again her bare feet padded through the grass, the trail of her kimono and the length of her hair blowing in the breeze, her giggle in the wind and a smile on her face as she ran after them.. once again home.

"Um, I was wondering Lord Sesshoumaru. If I died one day, I was wondering... Would you always remember me?"--Rin, Age 9

03/13/2019 11:37 PM 

OOC Rules and Guidelines

While "Rules" seem a bit elitist, over the years I have come to realize that these are intensely necessary. Not only to draw a line again what I will and will not accept but also to hopefully and potentially, weed out those who I am uninterested in role playing with so no one wastes their time.

So, here we go.

1. I am not on every second of every day. I have a real life and that includes real life responsibilities. I rarely close out of sites that I use often so while it may show that I am "Online" this is not necessarily the case. When I know I have a storyline active, I do try and check for a new post to respond to a couple times a day but sometimes I am just not able to get on. I promise, however, not to disappear for weeks at a time without some form of communication.

2. As strict as it might seem, I am not here to discuss real life or to make life-long friends in the real world. I am here to escape said real world into a world of our own so I'm sorry if I don't go into the details of my life unless necessary. 

3. I am not into the jealousy and drama that often accompanies role players nowadays. I will not stop playing a character with someone simply because I have a story going on with you and the same character. My story lines do not co-mingle so there should be no issue here. I don't take on millions of stories at a time regardless, so really whatever else I am playing or whoever else I am playing with is not anyone's concern but mine and my partners. Let's keep our business to us. So please, no jealousy. In our story line my characters attention is for you, that does not mean I do not play them in other story lines or "universes".  Our stories are ours.

4. While I understand that asking for detail seems too much for many partners nowadays, if you can not give me a steady paragraph or more (we are talking 7 or more sentences with detail) then I am uninterested. I will meet or go above my players posts most often but I expect a little effort back. With that-- I understand that typos can occur. I often type too fast and proof-read too fast to capture all of my mistakes. But please make an attempt as I will. Though, on average, I am a multi para to novella writer with the right partners.

5. I have been role playing for over eighteen years. I have role played many types, genres, characters-- some stories lasting years. I will not mess with you. If I am uninterested in the way our story is going, I will tell you. With either the intent to fix any issues we have, or simply to tell you that as fun as it might have been or we had hoped it would be, it is best if we part ways. Take it with class or don't but not doing so will not get you any further play with me in the future. We are adults-- I would hope-- so please understand that two people and two styles don't always match. I'll accept it if you tell me, please do me the same courtesy. I understand this seems a bit Elitist, but that is where we are.

6. I am not against a role play delving into romance or more "mature" situations but I am not here to "Cyber". I am here to work out stories, to build characters and relationships and worlds. So let's keep out of the mindless display of erotica, shall we? As well, on the subject of stories and building worlds and relationships-- I expect not to do all the effort in a story and I would not expect you to either. These are co-op worlds. We should work together to make a story work. If you want to take lead-- be my guest-- but it doesn't mean I won't do my best to help flesh out the world and add my bit to it. Visa verse is asked as well. Darker themes are more then welcome as not everyone has a happy and sunshine filled life, but again, plot and story is crucial to keep me interested.

7. When messaging me, please show some effort as well. I agree with many of the role players I have met over the years that "Hi, how are you" and "Yo, want to rp?" shows no effort and pulls no interest from me to respond. While I will respond if I get bored, your message is not my top priority to answer. Show me you have read my rules or my profile or have seen a character you are interested in playing with in my albums. Let me know you have some idea and aren't just asking to role play with the intent to leave everything up to me. I am not going to pull a random character out of a hat and just go with it so if you message me-- please have some idea what you are looking for, even if it is not something I am interested in. At least this way it shows that I can trust you put effort into a story like you do a message.

Other then that, check back here from time to time-- sometimes things occur to me once they happen and I have to add to the rules. However, these should be basic for now.

Otherwise please "Sign" so I know you at least skimmed. 

I will have a Multi-character name as well. It was the name I was using this one for  "Written Words (MCRp)" and she will have my multiple other characters, as well as a Potter-verse/Marauders-verse name soon enough. Let me know if you are interested and I will keep you in mind to add.

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