10/09/2021 03:59 PM 

Memory- POUR LA FRANCE! under co

    "Levez-vous, enfants de la patrie !
    Aux armes, citoyens !
    Écoutez le son dans les champs !
    Le hurlement de ces redoutables soldats !

09/29/2021 02:43 PM 

Memory-The Doll Maker

"A doll is a timeless thing... In the shape of a human yet created perfect. Immortal, unmoving. Yet hollow and devoid of soul. Free of obscenity, vice, and vulgarity.  A perfect way to capture eternal beauty where there is none... Tell me... Would you like to be beautiful...?"
Year- 1784 AD

Location- Great Britain

City-London during its "age of industry"

Memory type- Horror, Psychological, thriller, suspense, open

Memory Shard description- This fragmented shard appears to show the tragic descent into homicidal madness of one young man, with a harsh upbringing in the rat infested slums of London and the loss of his parents, this young man was raised by dogmatic, overly religious and abusive caretakers in an orphanage of ill repute. The only solice this young man found was in the doll he had saved from the fire. The only memento of his family left. Despite its singed hair and clothes, it's soot covered face and body, and it's burned, flaking porcelain, the doll was still far more beautiful then those around him.. And so, he began to craft dolls. As the years went by and the man left his childhood behind, this young man grew so skilled that the dolls he created appeared to be almost life like. Human like expressions and beautiful physics as well as life like skin and eyes... He was praised for this, as he could create dolls for those who'd lost their loved ones, or perhaps they wished to see themsleves in a more perfect way...? Whatever the case... The young man began to make a living selling his creations... But... No matter how much he worked. No matter how much his skills improved or how expensive the material... Something was never... Right. They were perfect to others... But to him? No... But why? Why couldn't he capture the essence of "humanity" in his dolls. How do you replicate humanity perfectly? He couldn't replicate the disgusting flaws. No... That would ruin the point... But.... No amount of porcelain or cloth or anything else would make it more human... That's when the young man looked at himself in the reflection of a cracked, stained and dusty mirror... he could faintly see his oldest, most precious doll. The survivor of the fire... And he could see himself... He wasn't perfect. No one in this twisted, selfish, disgusting world was.... How do you perfect humanity...? That's when an idea came to mind. Of course... It was so obvious!! To make the perfect doll, you need to capture the perfect moment in time. And what better material to make a human... Then a human itself! Humans have all the pieces... You just need to find a way to preserve them... Discard all the flaws, clean the skin, dress them properly... And you're left with something beautiful!!!  With this thought in mind... The young man walked towards the window of his doll shop... Looking upon the very same disgusting people that walked along those rat infested streets... Only now he didn't feel bile, or sickness or disgust... No... Now he saw potential in each and every face that passed by.... The porcelain could go to waste. He had a new material to hunt....

08/24/2021 09:47 PM 

Rules/Info/Discord and Anton's backstory.


Okay! Some basic "rules" I use that word loosely cause... I'm not too big of a stickler of them.

- Basic things like respect, patience and all that is appreciated. That said, about patience... I... Tend to go off the grid sometimes. More often than I'd like. I will do my best to get back to you, but you can poke and prod if I take too long. That said, I whole heartedly understand if I'm deleted/blocked for taking forever. No hard feelings~

- I tend to write longer than most. I can easily do mult-para and novella. And for the most part my starters will always be one or the other. That said, if that's not your cup of tea, please tell me. I'll do my best to accommodate any specifics you have in mind. I don't mind writing any length~ by the same token I expect you to give me whatever you're comfortable with, never feel the need to match my length. As long as you give me whatever you feel justified to, I'm more then happy~

-Believe it or not, this isn't actually a multi-character account. Anton will look and act a specific way in each story, but he'll be the same throughout. Just with a different name for each slice of history that he lives through. That said, considering he lives different lives, there will be a female version that can be RP'd with if you request it. Other than gender however, there won't be any major differences.

-I do write smut, let's not kid ourselves, but I wanna make something clear. I don't JUST do smut. I'm sure some people do and that's cool but I try to at least have some semblance of story even if it's centered around lewd acts.  That said, I'm also down for stories with no smut at all. So don't hesitate to tell me your preferences.

- Speaking of preferences, I don't mind random starters. With how I designed Anton, he can fit into just about any genre, so if you have an idea in mind and just wanna jump right in, then please, by all means~ on the other end, if you don't prefer discussion but you're blank on ideas, have a look through the memory fragments stuff, they're just little stories meant to give you ideas or if you wanna play them, we can~ I'll gradually be adding more as time goes by so feel free to take a peak.

that... Should be about everything. I'll add more later if anything comes up. 


- I do have a discord and it is available. That said if you want it feel free to ask and I'd be happy to add you.

C H A R A C T E R 
WORK IN PROGRESS (laziness has prevented me from writing it XD)

If you had the chance to live and see life through someone else's eyes, experience every moment of their pain. Their happiness. Their anger. Would you take that chance? 

This concept, of living life through someone else is an unfortunate reality for one being. Ageless, formless, and even speechless, this being exists with one sole purpose... To return "home"... But therein lies the problem. "Home" has become nothing but a distant memory, all details and any identifying features of "home" have long since disappeared. The only momento that the being remembers of this place... Is a name. Anton. This memento is something that this being clings to desperately, as if it needs the name to survive.

Anton exists in a realm detached from time. From space. From reality itself. A place dubbed "the sea of 

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