07/27/2015 03:54 PM 


{Take the time to read this before speaking to me please, no need to sign. I'll know you read them or not eventually. I'll just delete those that obviously didn't bother to. If you have any rules of your own I will make sure to read them as well, but I will not sign them. That is just my own preference. If  for whatever reason I feel I cannot comply to your rules, I will just just remove myself from your list. If you feel the same way towards my own, then you may take your leave.}

✣This account is for Role play only, I do not wish to get to know 

you personally or vice versa so keep 

ooc to a minimum please. 

There will be multiple story lines that 

will not conflict with one another. In other words, my rp with you is 

between us alone and there will be no 

interference from another person's role play or vice versa. 

✣Literate Para and Multi-Para role play is preferred, I kindly 

ask that you put effort into your 

writing, give me something good to work with or I may not be able to 

reply properly if at all. 

✣Please do not steal from me, I spent time on developing this 

role play account so I want for you to 

respect it.

✣Messages are for role play but you may speak to me ooc there if 

comments are not preferred; do speak 

with me (ooc) before sending a starter though. If requesting a starter 

we will have to share some details so 

that I may create a starter that is appropriate for your 


✣I tend to be very occupied so responses may be delayed often. I 

will do my best to keep up with 

everyone that talks to me or role plays with me. Now, I kindly ask for 

you to please try to be patient; there are 

some days where I don't feel like responding to anything at all.. I do 

get around to it though. 

Can't wait a day? can't wait a week? Just delete me. 

Don't even come threaten with deletion and a deadline.

I simply do not care for impatient people.

✣ No exclusive dating on this account. Ever.

I don't care who you are or if you think you are so special 

as to even change this rule, it's not ever going to happen. 

I won't deal with petty jealousy from anyone over my partners in role play.

✣I will not tolerate drama from anyone outside of role play, 

start it and you're gone. 

Also I don't like seeing it, if you are one that is prone to constantly post about it I will most 

definitely remove you from my friend list.

If you are disrespectful and repulsive 

(Lacking manners), I 

won't even think twice before clicking delete/block.

✣Do not force my character to change his gender, I will change the gender if I see it fit for the 

situation in role play. My character is male and always will be unless I decide otherwise for 

someone in particular I am carrying a serious storyline with.

✣ATTENTION: If any one of you are even so fortunate as to even be given another form of contact beyond this site. Be it Skype, Aim, or even my number. I do not care who you are, if you even let it go to your head and think you can hound me with texts and calls. I will block your number or email.
My rules still apply outside of this site. I do not wish to get to know you personally or vice versa. If you're given any contact info it's for role playing and light chatting purposes only. I am sick and tired of people causing drama and bombarding my phone/skype with spam texts/ims/calls. If I don't want to, I will not reply so give it up, it will only make me not want to talk to you anymore.

Note: I delete people very often and will not keep anyone I do not role play with or have any real interest in. Also bothersome people who whine incessantly on status updates or bulletins will be blocked, I hate it, it's a nasty habit you people really need to get over. Grow the fuck up.

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