11/25/2018 11:31 AM 

6. Prince Overboard! The Unforgiving Storm

Finally, able to sail the open seas! Noct’s excitement was above and beyond. This mean fishing even more than before, right out in the open waters. The boys boarded the Royal Vessel as Cid gave a grin, minding them to keep it in one piece. Noctis took the Operator’s seat and began to drive the boat. A nervous Prompto exclaimed if it was truly safe for him to drive, but Gladio assured there was no way Noctis could crash in the open seas. 

Sailing from Cape Caem all out~ the radar picked up activity of hotspot fishing. Noct cast out and actually reeled in a few catches. The quad took a break from all the sailing, until... a rumble of thunder was heard as clouds began to move in. Ignis awoke and looked to the sky, his eyes widened as he nudged the others. The boys awoke as Noctis gasped at the sky, he made haste to the operator’s seat, attempting to beat out the storm and began to sail towards their closest dock.. Galdin Quay. 

However, the storm was proving a challenge as the waves began to increase and shake the vessel side to side, strong enough to eventually throw Noctis from his seat, which spiraled the boat towards the heat of the storm. Lightning cracked across the sky as the waves became rougher and larger. Ignis took to the seat and struggles to keep control against, the now raging sea. Noctis held on to Prompto and the railing, Gladio struggled to keep the two from falling overboard. Another wave... massive in height.. Ignis gaze was of pure worry as he gave a hard pull away from the incline as much as he could.. his efforts meant nothing to the tidal wave as the vessel turned over with the wave. All went under... the vessel had turned back up.. the boys coughed out any water they ingested “Everyone here?!” Gladio called out, he counted Prompto and Ignis.. .... Noctis! his eyes scanned around for the ravenet “Noct..! NOCTIS?!” he called out desperately. The realization soon hit Prompto and Ignis as they too searched around.

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