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05/21/2017 08:37 PM 

How do we keep Disney verse active?

It's easy to say you want a verse to pick up
but if you don't do something about it,
it's never going to get any better.
Verses need people to be active. Don't they?
How can you expect a verse to become active,
if you don't stick around and put an effort in?
If you leave I can guarantee you that the verse will die.
If you have no faith in it, it will wither away.

I believe I saw at-least three Disney groups here not including my own,
idk how things are for the owners but I would love see more activity and more groups around period.
If any of you want to make a group or something I will support you completely.
Both here and on DA, and would happily be an affiliate. (Your link would be posted on ALL of DA's accounts, rper.me, tumblr, ani, proboards, & facebook)
There's also a community page.
The mods aren't really active on it but it was made for the Disney community.
I'd be willing to post there myself if we can get some activity up.
So give yourself and others a reason to stay.
Talk to people, make connections, share people out, build group rps to give it a boost if you've got to.
DO SOMETHING. Something is better than nothing at all.
The only thing is, I know some of you are afraid of wasting your time,
about whether or not it's worth it to put in any effort if others aren't...
you've really got to take a chance.
Share your ideas and hopes with people.
Odds are you will find someone who will support you and will help you in your endeavors.
I can promise you I will be one of them. ♥

Here's another thing though. . .
I know there are plenty of people out there who are wary of Disney verse
because of the drama it was known for.
People in this verse tend to be over expressive of their troubles with people,
and cause public disputes that make others feel uncomfortable.
My advice for these kinds of situations is,
if you've got a problem with someone the best way to handle it is privately.
"I don't like them so you shouldn't either" makes for a VERY toxic verse.
I know for a fact that NOBODY wants to be around that type of thing.
If you don't like someone hit the block button and leave it at that.
Don't talk about them to others, don't spread rumors, don't feed the hate.
Negativity only breeds more negativity.
&&that's not what this verse needs.

Hopefully this helps boost some morale around here.


Two Worlds

If any of you have any roleplay groups, can you link me so I can add them?

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07/23/2015 01:03 PM 

RP rant

Reposted for one of DA's Owners

[NOTE: THIS IS EXTREMELY LENGTHY &  a lot of it is standing up for myself, my love, and my friends
but the underlying statement in each is to clear up misunderstandings that are poisoning this verse.
{TIP ! ! This is sectioned off into different parts if you can't read it all in one sitting read it section by section the links are just below this First Bit}]

Merida's Standpoint on Peace in RP
&& More importantly peace in the Disney Verse.

I'm sick of all the smack talk.
I'm sick of all the lies.
I'm sick of all the misunderstandings.
I'm sick of all the judging.
I'm sick of my friends being the subject of trash talk.
I may be naive to ask by why can't everyone just get along?!
Why is that so damn hard to grasp?
Why is the idea of peace so god damn elusive?
We come on here to get AWAY from real life stress and drama.
We come to immerse ourselves in a world of fun, wonder, and merriment.
Not to get drowned out by drama in a roleplay world over things that aren't even worth the time and effort.
Nor the physical stress it causes on one's mind or body.

I just want to be able to come on here and talk to all my friends
without hearing them talk nonsense about each other.
Or without having 911's about people hurting my friends.
Or even seeing all the poison in status streams regarding other roleplayers.
is that too much to ask for?

Can it all just STOP?

I don't pick sides.
I never have I never will.
I can't.
It's not in my ability.
It really isn't.
It goes against all that I am.
It goes against MY beliefs and MY values.
and to go against it would be to give up a part of who I am.
A part of me that makes me who I am.

There are two sides to EVERY story.
There is never only one
and there are infinite ways to spin EACH.
Listening only to one is putting all your faith in someone you may only THINK you know.
It's letting them think for you.
&& idk about you but no one thinks for me,

The only person I could ever pick sides for is Jack
but that is because he is my partner in this life
and he is the only person I put above ALL else.
He's the ONLY person I trust with every fiber of my being.
Because he knows me more than anyone else.
He knows what I'm thinking before even I do sometimes.
&& he's the person I've chosen to stand beside through rain or shine
good times and bad
sickness and health
Yeah. Nuff said.

But even if I could be moronic and pick sides
I wouldn't,
because I have my group to think about.
I'm not allowed to pick sides.
All I want to do is help.
But how can I help when no one lets me?

In Drama, there are no real innocents.
Everyone is guilty of something.
Whether it be lying about something,
spreading rumors, judging someone based on appearance or history,
falsely accusing, wrongly assuming
or even pulling innocents into fights that are not their own.
We are all sinners.
Two wrongs don't make a right
&& every action has a positive and negative reaction.
It's just the way the world works.
If you have an issue handle it maturely.
I've seen TONS of bulletins and status'
of drama between people.
I've been in roleplay for 15+ years
So I've seen more than my fair share.
I've never been the cause of drama or been in real drama with someone.
but I've seen others,
both people I care about and people I don't know at all.
Posting bulletins putting people on blast is not a way to handle things maturely.
Posting status doing the same is not the appropriate way either.
  Posting any kind of hate publically is unacceptable,
  whether you don't specifically point fingers or you do.
He said this or she said that isn't proof of who someone is.
People will believe almost anything
Passing along "dirt" on people's past to innocents is not acceptable.
Some people really regret what their past hides.
Some people regret what they've done.
&& Some people have changed.

Judge me not for who you think I am or who I was,
Judge me for who I am

My little spin on an age old quote.

I do not judge people based on what I've heard by word of mouth.
I do not judge by what I see.
I judge by what I learn ON MY OWN.

Why is this such a difficult thing for other people to follow?
It's a valuable ideal to live by.
It opens up so many possibilities and can bring more happiness than strife.
I've lived by it and as I mentioned before,
I have not been a part of drama or the cause of it.
I have lived a relatively guarded life because of it.
The only drama I deal with is usually familial.
Because my real life family is full of dramatic cholos who feel the need to put "people in their place".
I have learned a lot from my family on how NOT to be.
I've learned from their mistakes and their flaws.
So I suppose you are quite lucky none of my real life family would have anything to do with this place,
because they would destroy people for the pain I've been through.
Ergo if I wasn't who I am I would be just like them,
&& I would destroy people too.
But I'm just not that kind of person.

So as I mentioned way at the top, this thing is freakishly long. Like ridiculously so.
  Why because I have a whole novel of things to say
and they need to be said not just for the sake of my friends or my sanity,
but for this verse as well.
So for organization's sake, I'm going to be splitting these off into different topics
and link them so you can jump to that section if need be.

Click the links to jump to each section

Efforts to Improve
Editors Vs. Non-Editors
Final Straw


  So here's the thing.
Raise your hand if you thought I was an elitist who wouldn't talk to you
because of my editing abilities or my group of friends.
Now don't just tell me you didn't raise your hand.
I've heard from people before including a person who is a REALLY close friend of mine now,
that people are afraid to approach me because I come off as "too intimidating"?
In my opinion that's "nice talk" for "You looked like an elitist
and I didn't think you would ever talk to me, and sure as heck didn't think you'd be nice to me."
  I've even heard of people spreading lies ABOUT me being an elitist.
  Like really?
  Are you joking?
Okay Take a breather because I'm about to send you to something that I posted MONTHS AGO.
If you don't want to read all that fine I'll nitpick at it and write what's relevant here
in three...

-----------Sep. 04, 2014-----------
  I just figured, some of you in the verse don't see me for what I am.
Because I can edit differently than others and because I tend to get really busy people don't think I'm serious as Merida.
Or if anything they think I'm just here as something "pretty to look at" not Me Me but Merida Me and my page.
This past month I've come to realize that this current time is the only time I've legitimately had storylines going with people on this page. Not that I'm not serious but some of you don't want to bother me, or bother with me, because I'm busy, and others go inactive.
I always send out comments to people I add and sometimes even to those I don't,
especially on the days where I make sure to send EVERYONE on my friendslist a comment
and though it's generic and the same pretty much for everyone I atleast try.
It's not that I don't want storylines. It's just sometimes I feel that people in this verse don't take me serious.
[&& this is where I talked about my connection to Merida and how I became her yada yada.]
I've been Merida since November 2012. I've never planned on deleting. I may have gone away at some times but I have never and will never leave for good. DA is my home and Merida is in essence a part of me.
[Blah blah blah]
I'm a multi-para rper, and no when I say Multi-para I don't mean 3 paragraphs, the least amount of paragraphs you will ever receive from me is 5 and the max would probably be around 13(I've gotten there once) and my word count is never below a thousand. But I do try to adjust for people who can't write as much and if it'd be alright by you, and if I'm able to manage it, I would continue writing at atleast my minimum amount if anything to get some of you more familiar with my writing. But again, want to know the sad thing about all this? The only rp I've ever had is the one I have with Jack at this current moment in time. It is the only rp I've ever been able to reply to (as Merida I've rped on other pages before). I've received a handful of surprise starters, the kind that I had no part in creating the storyline for, and so I can't count those because I don't rp without a storyline. But point of all that is that I've never really had bonafide storyline or rp going with anyone and yet again it's not because I don't want one but because I've been busy before and people either decide, "Why bother she's just going to disappear anyways" or "She's only here to edit so why should I waste my time?"
[explanation here but I'm going to do it below this since I'm bringing it up YET again.]

Point of all that,
  "Well Merida everyone gets judged you're not the only one stop acting like you are"
  I'm not the only one.
  But NO.
  Here's my point.
  People are JUDGING ME, and automatically assuming I'M JUDGING THEM.
  When I'm not.
  So all this judgement on who's judging you, knock it off.
  You're not helping the verse.
Just because someone can't or doesn't edit doesn't make them any lesser than someone who does.
Just because someone can edit doesn't automatically make them a snooty nose-up in the air priss.
Stop all the Prejudgement!

I mentioned in my blog that I send comments to EVERYONE.
  My rule is if you add me you send the greeting
but sometimes I break that rule and send something first anyways.
Because I genuinely want to make friends.
If you comment on my status' while I'm online I'll respond,
the only reason I don't comment on other's status' is because
  People have been telling other people for idek how long that I'm an elitist.
Do any of you even know what an elitist is?

elitist [ih-lee-tist ey-lee‐]
1. (of a person or class of persons) considered superior by others or by themselves
 as in intellect, talent, power, wealth, or position in society
2. catering to or associated with an elitist class, its ideologies, or its institutions
1. a person having, thought to have, or professing superior intellect or talent, power,
wealth, or membership in the upper echelons of society
2. A person who believes that they are superior to others (and thus deserve favored status)
because of their intellect, social status, wealth, or other factors.

So now that that has been defined.
  To put it blankly,
  An Elitist is someone who THINKS they're superior to others because of lack of talent or intelligence or what have you.
An Elitist in roleplay?
  They're assholes.
  They're the kind of people who aren't afraid to talk shit about a person
straight up in a status or bulletin and will spare no mercy.
They won't even bother hiding who it is they're talking about they'll call you out specifically.
They're the kind that STARTS drama with other people.
  They're the kind who look at people as lepers.
Pretty much "Everyone is beneath me" type bullshit.
  They're the kind that will COME OUT AND SAY
They're the kind who would tell you that you suck as a person and a roleplayer and should quit roleplay.
  So of all the things stated,
  Lemme point out how I'm NOT an elitist.

1.I have never, not even once, claimed to be elite
  I am not anyone special.
  My skills are just that skills that I've learned over time.
  (&& here's the thing in DA I've planned on IMPARTING MY EDITING KNOWLEDGE
to people who don't know how to edit [& want to learn] or want to get better at it.)
I don't look down on people just because they can't do something that I can.
That's just stupid and idiotic because there are things I can't do too and would hope I didn't get looked down on it either.
So stop judging me for the same.

"You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world."― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

It's dark yeah && A tad bit mean
but the reason I'm quoting it is because people seem to have the misconception that a person having a particular set of skills
makes them better than everyone else.
Which isn't true at all we are all the same.
We may be different, have different skills and act differently,
But we are all human and we're all here for the same exact thing, to roleplay.
  So people need to get off their high horses.

2. I TRY to talk to everyone.
  When I don't it's not because I don't want to it's because I'm working on things for my RPG
Which comes before you, he, she, we, they, them, and whoever the heck else.
  My duties as an owner come first.
I don't exactly add people too often
because I'm afraid people will view it as me trying to recruit them for my Rpg.
Which I'm not allowed to do by the way because that's all just biased opinions.
  If a member comes to you about our group it's THEIR genuine opinion on it
which is why we do our best to make it a grand ol' place.
That and some people have already been "warned about me"
Therefore will stalk my page but not add.
So then I sit there wondering "what's wrong with me? Am I not good enough?"
So I don't try and add them for fear that they already dislike me.
Or think lesser of me.
Yeah, I'm being completely honest here.
I FEAR that, because if we're in the same verse why view but not add
unless it's for one of the aforementioned reasons.

3. I have friends that can't edit & you know what that doesn't matter to me at all.
  Just means I can shower them with love by making them stuff they can appreciate all the more.
&& in the future maybe even teach them a few things if they want.

There have been instances where people have stolen from me but those we're handled properly.
Otherwise you don't hear me saying that girl/guy did this this this and this.
in a freaking status or bulletin.
  I've never put a person on blast before.
Any issues people ever had with me they never said anything to me,
and even if I knew/know they're talking smack about me I don't say anything.
Not because I'm a wuss and won't stand up for myself,
but because I have the decency not to behave like a 13 year old.
I am 22 freaking years old.
  I have never behaved like a child by posting ridiculous crap that should be handled in private,
not made public.
&& I won't be starting now.

5. I'm willing to help people to the best of my abilities and time.
Considering my duty comes first to my rpg everything else follows after.
If you need help with a banner or want to learn how to do something I can give you quick tips
but if you want me to give you in depth tutorials
you're going to have to be patient with me so I can get my job done first.

6. I have never really hated someone.
  The only people I really come to hate are those that hurt JACK.
I'm wary of people who hurt my friends but I don't hate them unless they've shown how ugly they can be.
&& no I don't mean physical I mean mind/heart wise.
But I've never prejudged someone based on what someone else told me
or on what their page or editing looks like.
Because those things don't even matter.
  I rather judge someone based on how they come off to me
and how they act with me.
Yeah it screws me over sometimes.
Because I'm too damn trusting
(apparently [according to people who are close to me])
&& people take advantage of me because of that.
  I've been used plenty of times.
  People stealing my ideas, stealing my code-work or materials.
  I've been used as a punching bag before,
because I'm the kind of friend who will usually just sit there
and let you say whatever you want about me if you're upset
and won't do a damn thing about it.
  I've been lied to and countless of other things and yet I can't change who I am.
  I'm still here just smiling and putting it behind me as best I can.
  I get mad about it for a time but I mostly get mad at myself rather than others,
because I let people do these things to me.
  Even if I've been warned a million times over about a person I still give them a chance.
So first thing I want you as the person reading this to take from this section.

Stop all the prejudgement.
I get if you feel off about someone you're more wary
but don't just NOT give them a chance.
That's not helping anything.
Be careful what you say to them and get to know them a little.
Just give them a chance.

Next thing.
Stop warning me about people.
I love you all.
  I really do.
More than some of you can even imagine.
But please stop telling me who I shouldn't talk to.
Let me judge on my own.
I'll do it anyways.
Cause I just never listen.
Jack's warned me a million times about people he gets bad vibes from
who end up doing legitimately bad things to me.
and yet like the dumbass I am I still do it anyways because I want to give everyone a chance.
So just please keep your words to yourself.
I have people who can pick me up off the ground when I'm proven wrong about a person.
They've done it for me countless of times.
They're not leaving me anytime soon.
So if I fall, let me fall.
I don't care.
Because I have people to catch me whenever I do.

Another thing people think when they see me is that I'm only really there to edit.
When in reality...
I have had the same layout since I first made my page in 2012.
Only the love interest has changed since.
  && a few sections have been added.
My photos..
of the total 66 images I made only 12.
YEP 12!
Two in "Guardians in love"
all four in "Future Queen"
the only one in "Spirit of Love"
One in "Love has Many Faces"
One in "Cause for Celebration"
One in "Royal Court"
One in "Anime to Princess"
&& the only one in "Love Given"

So yeap...
I'm totes only here to edit...
in the nearly three years of being Merida
I've edited a total of 12 photos.
&& Mind you these were all made over the span of MONTHS not Days.
So calculate that a bit...
That's 1 edit for every 3 months.
So yeah...
I can totally believe I'm elitist that's only there to edit.
When I've only edited 12 photos.

Please just stop.
I'm not an elitist stop spreading lies about me.

To be quite honest,
and this isn't me boasting about it,
but I'm a good friend.
Sometimes too good to the point where my partner feels I put friendships above even him.
I value friendship more than most things in the world.
&& to me my friendship comes before even my own family.
Because I never fit in with my family.
I am literally the odd one out.
No one in my family values what I do.
No one in my family acts like I do.
I go to family get togethers and sit alone in the corner of a room on my electronic device or just sleep
because I have nothing in common with any of them.
So I have nothing to say to them...
So my friendships are the only family I have.
So the second I lose one ask Jack, it hits me as if I'm losing a family member.
I may not be around all the time,
&& I may always be busy but it's not being a bother to me
just saying hi.
But if you send me a 911
I'll be here in a heartbeat when you're at your worst.
&& I'll love you even then and at your best too. ♥
I can be one of the nicest people you'll ever meet,
probably because of how much of a pushover I am.
I  can be a bitch when people threaten my friends
or my roleplay group
Especially the latter.
But I will defend my friends so long as I'm doing it in a manner
that isn't going to have negative effects on my roleplay group.

Side note: if you've ever tried adding me and didn't get accepted it's one of the following reasons.
1. I don't accept all crossovers because idk how storylines would work.
2. I've never seen your cartoon show therefore would have no idea how to make a storyline with you.
3. Because I deny characters from shows I don't know I don't see it fair to accept characters from shows I do know.
4. I literally have not legitimately logged in a long time and have yet to see your add.
(even if it says my last login was the same day you added me I'm always logged in on my phone.
If my browser refreshes I'm automatically logged in on here)

There are a few show characters that have slipped passed my adding requirements and those would be reasons like,
1. you are a friend of mine and just want to have me on your other page
2. it was a friend of a friend
3. You were a friend but vanished and I know your characters
4. complete accident
5. it's actually an alternative page of MINE or JACKS

But I don't delete people unless you do something that forces me to do so.
I do not block people unless you've stolen from me, a friend, or anyone else for that matter.
I don't take kindly to thieves of ANY KIND.
That is where I draw the line.
It's not because I hate you, don't like you or what have you.
I just want to be able to put forth an effort into a storyline with you without making you do all the work yourself.
storylines are supposed to be a two-person effort.
That can't happen when one knows absolutely nothing about the other.

Table of Contents
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  This is a topic I find absolutely ridiculous that I even have to discuss
but it goes hand in hand with the previous topic.
Because people are feeling the need to judge my particular group of friends
and make up all sorts of things that isn't true at all about it.
I actually have to sit here and explain it because no one seems to understand.

I am a part of a mini-clique if that's what you want to call it.
To be honest that's what people KEEP calling it.
what we call it is a freaking Joke between friends.
This "clique" is called the "SMM" and it was started
when me and a few really good friends of mine here decided to join the Sailor Moon Verse when it wasn't really active.
SMM stands for "Sailor Moon Mafia"
Now hold on a second!
  No it's not a freaking mob.
We're not like bitches who go around bullying people.
We don't do anything to be honest.
Lemme show you how the stupid thing came to be...
&& let me clarify a few things.
(I am Usagi[Pink], Jasmine was Hotaru [Purple],
Mulan/Esmerelda is Rei [Red], Peri/Odette is Minako [Orange], and Jack as Seiya [Blue {wasn't there}])

1.  I said my four favorite people are online.
I didn't really have anyone on my friendslist
in addition to that when asked if I have a best friend anywhere by anyone
my answer is always the same.
  I have many.
  So if someone gets to know me and gives me the chance to know them
they just as easily move to that list of "best friends" and "favorite people"
My favorite people are the ones who aren't judging me because of what they heard about me
and are willing to give trying to be my friend a chance.
That's all I want.

2. When Mulan said "We're amazing we'll be the coolest in the verse >8D"
  Hello look at the emoticon it was a joke.
We didn't seriously believe that we were the coolest in the verse.
In fact we were very well aware that calling ourselves the SMM was stupid.
That's why we did it.
The whole thing basically only started because we began quoting mean girls.
&& honestly people quote that movie ALL THE TIME.
  What it is, is just an inside joke to the people who were in on it.
It's a freaking nickname for a circle of friends.
We never said our SMM label made us better than everyone else.
We don't act like we are.
Because we're not.
We're all just roleplayers.
No better no worse.
We don't single other people out
though with the fact that most of us are pretty much silent a lot
has more to do with the fact that we are all busy with other more important things in RL, or in mine and Jack's case with both RL&RP,
then with the idea that you're not good enough for us.
I will send out comments to everyone I've added & EVEN who's added me once I finish with my stuff for DA.
Same with Jack.
Jazzy's got other things to deal with but talks to people when she can.
Mulan ALWAYS talks to others.
Peri talks to people when she's on because she's got a real life to deal with.
We're not avoiding anyone.
We don't act as if everyone is lesser than us.
We're not a "//group//" or "clique" the way people keep accusing us to be.
We don't hold private events with just the few of us,
we invite others to join in on nights we decide to make chatzys or skype group calls.
Yeah we make pictures together as a group but hell,
Mulan makes pictures with EVERYONE.
Jasmine makes more pictures with her and people NOT in the SMM than she does with those who are in it.
Jack makes pictures for whoever asks.
He doesn't just make an image for a group of friends all willy nilly.
Peri...doesn't really edit too much but she does try to make pictures with others too.
&& Me well I went over my editing thing earlier but lemme point this out to you.
If you become my friend like REALLY become my friend,
I'll make a picture with you when I feel that friendship.
If you ask me to I will but it will be put on my to-do list which is by the way a MILE HIGH
Like have you seen my Edit to-do list?
16 freaking edits + all my challenge edits for DA (8).
So a total of 24 Edits I have to do.
I'll add your edit to my to do list but if even the SMM and my really close friends
have been waiting MONTHS for edits from me.
You will be too.
There is no more important person than the next.
Aside from Jack and guess what?
He usually comes after everything and everyone on the to-do list
because he's not going to whine and moan or break up with me
just because of some stupid list that HAS NO ORDER.
Replies from me period come as follows,
DA Members (in order received),
non-DA members (in order received).
I do my edits as inspiration strikes.
That's not always in favor of the SMM.
Another thing I am a part of the SMM but wanna know something else,
  I'll be in a million different circles if I want to.
  So long as that group is filled with people who are kind and won't act like elite assholes I don't care.
Recently Alice (who by the way has been "my son" for almost two years now) said she wanted to make a squad.
"The Squirtle Squad"
Why cause it's a freaking joke and it's hilariously cute.
I made an edit MONTHS ago for me, mulan and a friend who isn't in the SMM
&& called it the Walt's Angels edit.
  So is that another clique?
  Because I care about Flower a whole ton.
She's been with me from the very birth of DA and she is a cherished friend of mine.
Alice is my son, point blank she's pretty much been inducted into mine and Jack's family
roleplay and real life.
She's damn important to me and isn't a part of the smm...
Just because I have a circle of friends and an inside joke to go with it
doesn't mean I would chose them above all others.
I'll stand by them yes just like I'll stand by everyone else that's on my friendslist.
Show me proof I'll stand by you.

  So the reason I brought up the SMM
is because people have been pointing fingers at us saying we're a group of elitists.
I can't even begin to fathom the stupidity of that statement.
  We're not elitists and I've gone over it a bit here but I'll go over it again in the next section.
Point blank stop talking about something that you know nothing about.
It's rude and it's besmirching because we do absolutely nothing to people.
Yeah in the past there have been groups that have behaved like elitists in Disney verse.
There have been the kind of people who will literally sit there and scoff at people not in their clique.
But to say that every group of friends is like that,
is just another way of pre-judging and that's not right either.
Everyone is guilty of having groups of friends in ANY verse don't act like it isn't true.
There are people you will talk to on a daily basis.
You may talk to other people too but guess what?
This is something we all do.
&& if you want to say that we're choosing each other over others.
Stop what you're doing and go look at our status'
Jazzy doesn't post anything out of character
Mulan talks to every single person in her status'
(sometimes that it gets confusing on who she's talking to lol)
Jacks status' have absolutely no members of the SMM talking to him
and doesn't even get to talk to them much anyways because he's been working
and busy working on a page of his.
Peri replies to people not in the SMM
but with her status' it just looks like no one besides the SMM talks to her...
So who's in the wrong there?
Peri is a good person.
She's had people talk smack about her,
Whether it was when they knew her or didn't.
&& yet she didn't do anything in retaliation.
I've asked her before what her take on drama was
and it's always been the same.
Life's too short to be holding grudges.
She doesn't have ill will towards people even when they're malicious to her.
So when Peri who isn't one for dealing with drama,
getting in the middle of it,
Or retaliating because of it is just about done with all the drama that speaks VOLUMES.
Me...like 90% of my status' are people not in the SMM commenting.
My comments? Not a single conversation with an SMM member.
  the ones I have to reply to are all DA members and two non-DA members.
I can't speak for everyone else but I know Jack hasn't responded to any of his comments in a long time.
Mostly because we were dealing with a RL crisis, and then we came back
& he had a new job to focus on and roleplay drama to sit through.
So do you blame him for not responding?
He has a life you know.
We're not, not talking because we don't want to talk to you.
We're busy with other things.
&& all the rp drama that keeps getting in the way,
Is making doing so a difficult task.
Stop throwing shade!

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Efforts to Improve

So me and my friends are elitists huh?
We're the kind of people who cause the verse to keep dying?
Really now?
Because in the past two years,
aside from the Disney groups that have come and gone,
The few people who have ever tried to make this verse active again by sharing out banners to get people interested
or sharing new people who've joined the verse
or trying to do something to make people feel welcome in the verse,
are members of the SMM.
(Not to say there weren't maybe one or two others who didn't try because there were but they didn't stay [NOTE: the smm are not the only people who share out new members or try to make them feel welcome I was referring to the banners here.].)

Lemme re-count all the ways for you though.
Starting with Mulan (Esmerelda).
She has made atleast two or three share banners for the Disney verse in the last two years since we all moved to Anirp.
She shares out newbies to the Disney verse and even if they're not newbies she does.
She has tried to get group roleplays going that were supposed to be open to anyone and everyone.
Jasmine has made banners to help the Disney verse,
She assisted in co-owning a Disney Rpg.
She tried to get people interested in this group
and yet got used by the owner
because they either didn't do anything or vanished.
(I don't know the details about it but still)
Jack & Me...
We own a Disney Rpg.
&& yes Disney RPGs don't exactly have the best reputations
Because people turn them into a popularity contest.
And a lot of them become these things where the members will ONLY talk to other members.
But that's not what I was pointing out.
Because we own a group (& even if we didn't)
We try exceptionally hard at getting people interested in the verse
And making others feel welcome to it.
We have had community events where we open up events that are normally member only to the public.
Both so they can see what happens during these things as well as so people don't feel so left out.
We've had parties where non-members were welcome to join and even got to take part in raffles and win prizes.
(Though no one ever collected any of them)
We made "the Disney Revival whore train".
Which was a train that we shared on a regular basis with a section for people who have been in the verse before, a section for the fresh new faces which was bigger than any other section, and a section for those who were supporting the train though weren't in the Disney verse themselves.
And granted we required people to add the Rpg
but the only reason we did is because how else are we supposed to know if someone wanted on the train?
We didn't require people to audition, or to even look at DA's profile or what we had to offer.
It was a no strings attached deal and we even shared people individually before adding them to the train.
And do you want to know what happened to all our efforts?
Either no one, or the same people reposted them each time,
And only once.
Once an effort does not give you double the results.
If you want something to work you have to spread the word about it.
No matter how much any of us tried to spread the word,
It was pretty much all for nothing when no one would even pass it along.
So are we really the poison you keep claiming us to be?

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Everyone just wants someone to point fingers at,
&& this isn't right.

I know this bulletin kinda may seem like I am doing it too
but please know I'm not trying to point fingers at anyone.
I'm not posting this because there is any specific person I'm directing this towards.
  I'm posting this because these are on-going problems for both me and the verse
but no one seems to see it.
The honest truth is that,
we're all to blame for this verse being the way that it is.
In my efforts to make my rpg members happy
I don't really do the same for the people not in the group.
I mean yeah I mentioned that I try to make them feel welcome in the verse by means of the group
but I don't get to send new members of the verse things very often from my own personal account
because of how busy I get.
&& because again I can't exactly add everyone because the little voice in the back of my mind is like
i ^ i
I don't mean to but it happens,
and I have nothing but good intentions and they lead where such roads always lead.
No good deed goes unpunished. /:
(my love to you if you recognized this reference, we're new best friends lol.)
But I'm not going to blame someone when they're not solely to blame.
again we're ALL to blame for the verse.
Some of us for being more caught up in the glamour than the roleplaying
Some of us for procrastinating on comments, messages,  replies or starters.
(I'm guilty of this too ; ^ ; Mulan, Ori. I still owe you both I so sowwies)
  Some of us for prejudging before we get to know someone.
  We lose friendship opportunities when we do this doesn't anyone see that?
Then some of us for expecting too much from others.
I don't mean in the editing sense I mean just in general.
You know the kind of people who expect responses the same day
or whathave you when some of us have lives that keep us pre-occupied.
&& others for not attempting to do anything and expecting others to do it all.
Whether it be for them to greet you or them to send the starter or for them to come up with the initial storyline.
(For those who only rp with a storyline)
The list is neverending and this isn't just disney verse either this is EVERYWHERE.
If a verse is having trouble staying aloft...
This is most likely the cause.
Stop pointing fingers at everyone else and re-evaluate where YOU need to work on.
If need be I'll even shut down DA, temporarily of course, to focus where I need to work on.
  i.e responding in a more timely manner (to everything).
  Point is it all just has to stop.
Otherwise this is just a site full of drama
and filled with poison.
Who even wants to be a part of that?

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Editors Vs. Non-Editors

  Yeah I'm addressing this again,
because it's a reoccuring issue EVERYWHERE.
On both sides.
As mentioned under Judgement,
Just because someone can't or doesn't edit doesn't make them any lesser than someone who does.
Just because someone can edit doesn't automatically make them a snooty nose-up in the air priss.
Some people DON'T edit because they don't care about fancy photos
Some people CAN'T because they don't have a program to use
Some people DO edit because it's a form of expression or because they want to
Some people CAN edit because they have programs &/or were taught how to use these programs
Some people learned how to use these programs on their own.
What's so wrong with one or the other?
When did it become a crime to have an ACQUIRED SKILL
& I say ACQUIRED because that's what it is.
it is something that is LEARNED over time.
Not something that happens overnight.

For Example,
and I'm going to actually embarrass myself a little here...
I started from the very bottom.
I didn't always edit.
I didn't always know how.
But when I saw people putting names on their pictures,
I wanted to too and this is where I really started editing...
I started off using PAINT you guys.
yeah that thing that comes on most windows computers pre-installed.
To show you what "kind of editing" I did...
well look for yourself...
2 (RL img), 2 (RL img), 3

That's where I started.
& those are RL images of me in like Jr. High/Freshman year in High School.
I ended up using lunapic not to long after to make GIFs
but I won't show any of those cause they may cause seizures...
  but yeah...
After awhile my mom got his canon camera.
A kinda fancy one (but the image quality was terrible! >_<)
and it came with a disc.
This disc was one of those basic editor things.
So I tried to make use of it.
I edited a lot using it but I can't find very many images of me using it...
but these are a few...
12345 (RL img)
Yeap that's real...
But I always saw these people who edited beautiful images on myspace...
(I was mostly in the Anime verse and very rarely did I move through the verses.)
&& wanted to edit like them.
Anyways this guy friend of mine Hiroshi was nice enough to give me a download link to photoshop cs4 way back when
So I started using Photoshop then.
  I didn't have anyone to teach me how to use it.
I messed around with all kinds of settings when editing.
If I wanted to do something in particular I would look it up on youtube.
Not too long afterwards though my computer crashed. -__-
So I had to say goodbye to photoshop and a lot of other things for a good while.
When I would visit my grandma she would let me use her computer for editing though,
so that's what I did.
When the photoshop trial ended though I had to find something else so I tried GIMP...
  I couldn't use it ; ^ ;
It wasn't until my Jr. and Sr. year in High School that I got to sit in an actual photoshop class.
In school it was "Photography" but we got to use photoshop a lot.
So I learned some neat tricks I wouldn't have known otherwise.
A friend of mine convinced me to move sites to . as Alice from Twilight
So I did.
I used the computers at school to edit for her when I wasn't working on Photography assignments.
But when I got home I couldn't do anything. /:
I can't remember when I got it but at some point I got this smart phone for my grades?
Birthday? I can't even remember...
It was an HTC inspire so it was like a mini computer.
A really good friend of mine at the time had this helpsite
and one day when I was browsing through it I noticed she had linked online editors
one of them being a site called "pixlr.com"
This online editor works similar to photoshop and ran on my phone!
So I used that.
the stuff wasn't anything fancy but it was something.
  and it was better than the Camera disc's editor that's for sure.
Point is I used that and here's a little example of what could be done using it.
Old Edit
After graduating though I got my own laptop and found a hacked version of photoshop
  and started using it again and here I am almost 4 years later this is where I'm at...

The point of that long-winded recount of my history with editing,
is to prove a point.
We all start somewhere.
I didn't just wake up one morning and was able to edit like this.
It took me YEARS. nearly 7 to be exact to get where I am
Is it so wrong to be proud of where all my hard work got me?
I don't edit the way I do to make anyone feel second class to me
I edit because it's been a passion of mine for a very long time now.
  I want to be a web designer or atleast on the side anyways.
  I want to be a graphic designer.
Oh same goes for my coding skills except I started with that WAY earlier than I did with editing.
  && what I did was mostly default layouts or changing background images or whathave you.
  It just grew over time.

So now what I do when I have the time and ability to,
I try to help teach people how to use these programs too.
I can't make tutorials on the spot though
so if you ask for help with a certain thing I'll take you through step by step.
DA even has a photoshop class.
Though it won't pick up again until the member count increases it is there.
the first lesson was to help members GET photoshop without worry about a virus.
The second was supposed to be how to use the tools and shortcuts etc.
The list goes on.
So I'm not an editor who is like "OH I LEARNED ON MY OWN YOU SHOULD TOO"
No, I try to teach when I can and when I'm able.
Heck I have to make a tutorial for a friend on how to make GIF's even as I'm writing this.
&& that tutorial would end up on DA's photoshop lessons list.
Not all of us are the mean people who most believe us to be.
If we can help we will,
If we can't we'll point you in the right direction.
(Oh and before you ask about coding being something I keep to myself)
DA was gonna have a HTML class as well..
&& I offer the same help as I do with editing.
If I can I will walk you through things step by step.
However I will not hand over my stylesheet to a novice.
&& that's mostly because some of my layouts can be a real pain in the arse to mess with
It's best to teach someone from the ground up so they can develop their own style.
Something that suits THEM.

Again point of that we all start somewhere and not all of us value editing abilities over everything else.
Some of us actually use editing just as a means of expression.
What is wrong with you?
You were one of them at some point.
Did you really put your ACQUIRED skills on a pedestal
that you don't think people who don't edit or can't are unworthy?
Who the heck do you think you are GOD?
Get your head out of the clouds the people who don't edit are people just like you
and who you used to be when you had 0 skills.
Stop trying to pretend you're something so much better because you're not.
You are the kind of person that gives editors a bad name,
and have fed into the misconception people have that we editors are elitists
who only care about being the best.
&& I can't wait until someone knocks you down a peg.

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The Last Straw

  So the reason I decided to post this Bulletin
is because recently there WAS some pretty heavy Drama going on between people I hold really close to my heart.
It's been settled but I still wanted this to be said regardless,
and there are so many other unrelated things that I needed to get off my chest
that have been there since the second I came into this verse.

But the biggest thing that made me finally snap and not want to keep my mouth shut about all this stuff...
Seeing my friends tear away at each other was literally breaking my heart.
I felt like it was killing me
and it was getting to the point where I was losing inspiration to do just about anything,
not that being sick didn't play a hand at that too but I digress,
and I was starting to wonder what my reasons were for staying.
Because Drama just makes a mess of everything.
&& there was so much he said this or she said that, finger pointing, and EVEN MORE JUDGEMENT.
Not to mention because of it  people started blocking me and my friends without even knowing us.
But the drama with my friends was literally pulling me in all sorts of directions.
But as I said way up there ^^^
  I am neutral I don't pick sides.
But I believe in this place.
I believe in my friends both close and estranged
and even those who are barely even acquaintances.

I have told friends time and time again.
I see far more than people think I do.
I am not blind or Ignorant.
I do not have to spy,
I'm just extremely perceptive.
I may not know if what is being said to me is the truth,
but I see the good in people even when they don't see it themselves.
I saw the good in Jack and now he's the most precious person in the world to me.
Even amidst the darkness that hazes this world of roleplay over the people I care about,
I can still see the good in them.
 In all of you.
I believe in you.
&& I want what's best for you.
I want to help you.
I may have a bit too much hubris,
to believe I can actually help
but that's how strongly I believe in you.
Even though you all see nothing but darkness in each other,
I see a light.
I just want to help people,
to make that light stronger in each and every one of you.
It may be foolish of me to believe that I can
but I can't give up on people I care so deeply about.
So Please can it all just stop?
I want to be able to listen to all your troubles and make them feel lighter.
I want to be able to take some of your pain away.
I want to be your friend.
I always want you to smile.
That's all I want.
It's an impossible dream,
but it is all I want.

So Regardless of the fact that #theMovement was started in a VERY different verse,
I believe in the message and that it transcends the verses.
(I didn't re-post the bulletin because it's died down since I started this bulletin.
But if you would like to see it you can read it here.)
  #theMovement Original Post
So shouldn't you believe in it too?
Thank you for taking the time to read this,
I'm sorry it's so freakishly long...


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