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09/22/2014 06:42 PM 

Year Zero: Episode 1: Prologue.

ooc; Hey, Lord Superman here.
Time for an update!

As you may know, I was planning on a big return,
and I began making moves to prepare on Monday, Sept. 22nd.

The plans I had for YJU, which won't be happening,
(we'll just call it creative differences)
will be rescaled smaller, and I'll be putting them out in open starters

[Present Day.]
[Justice Lords Watchtower; Laboratory.]
[Alternate Earth 12.]

"Welcome To The Laboratory, Lord Superman."

The recorded introduction was the same whenever he entered, but it always brought a smile to his face, when the metallic doors opened, and he got a first glimpse at his project. Covered completely by a tarp, was a rather large figure, resting in the center of the floor.
There, technicians and scientists lined up in front of it, in their all white coats, gloves, boots, and goggles, to salute their malevolent leader.


A female, relaxed, unnerved by the Lord's presence,
took center stage in front of the others.
She was Alicia Jameson.
A world renowned scientist, and as beautiful as she was intelligent. Placing a hand onto her chest, she instead bowed to the Lord, her soft black strands floating down.
Rising her head, she gazed over her shoulder at the rest of the men and women, telling them to return to their dorms for a few moments.

"B..but why Ms. Jameson?"

One questioned, and it would be the last time he dared question her in the presence of Lord Superman.
The Man of Steel gripped the weak scientist and effortlessly lifted him off of the ground, his hues quickly transforming from baby blues to a furious crimson.
Just the heat from them caused the scientist to sweat.

"I..I'm sorry sir! It won't happen again! P-please!!!"

Something Lord Superman practically gets off on.
He released the male, who dropped to the ground with a thud, before scrambling out after the others. When the door finally closed again, the Lord of Justice and his head scientist began to converse.

...Preparing His Throne...

Alicia Jameson
"You didn't have to do all of that, for my sole attention, sir.
I'm sure he would of left with a simple command.

Lord Superman
You already told him once, and once is all that should be enough. Now, he knows better.

Alicia Jameson
Well thank you, your Lordship. Though, I know you didn't come here to test my leadership abilities...

Lord Superman
"Correct, so let's get down to business.
How is it coming along?"

Alicia Jameson
"It is amazing, your Lordship. I apologize for the earlier delays you've been experiencing."

Lord Superman
"20 years. It's been a long time coming.
We're almost there."


Here we are, inside the universe of the Justice Lords. A parallel Earth that visually was a carbon copy of the world you live on.
The same people, places and things all exist.


[Flashback; 20 years ago.]

Wally West, better known as the Flash, was executed
and the world was on a brink of a Third World War.

By President Lex Luthor.

The Justice Lords, a parallel version of the Justice League, were on their way raiding the White House to stop him.
Superman arrived first, and when confronting the President, was put in a compromising position.
Stop Luthor temporarily with jail, or permanently.
Luthor gloated, how only death would truly stop him, and that Superman didn't wanna stop the cat and mouse game.

Which was truly more important?
The love of being a hero? Or actually providing results?

Realization Kicked In.

The smell of charred flesh flowed through the vents and into the noses of Wonder Woman and Batman, who joined him.
Now, a new brand of justice was to be revealed.

[2 years later; 18 years ago.]

The Justice Lords discovered the League's universe, and entered it, after tricking the League into a trap. They were ready to deliver their totalitarian justice onto the new world, whether they were ready for it or not.

The Justice League wasn't going to take this lying down, however. With a bit of help from a remorseful Lord Batman, the League was able to return to their own world. There, they made a deal with the Lex Luthor of their universe.

A pardon of all crimes.

Lex quickly devised an experimental creation,
 a power disruptor.
The Lords didn't know what hit them.
In complete shock of being taken down by Lex Luthor, the man he killed personally in his own time, Lord Superman made sure to make it clear that whatever happens next is on the League's head.

The Lords returned to their own world, powerless prisoners.

[Secret History.]

Attacking the League's world with a straight on onslaught was a failure. Lord Superman was a tactician, however, and that plan was only the one he told the other 5 members of the Lords. Him and Lady Wonder Woman created their own plan in case of failure.

When the League entered the Lords' world and was taken out, Lord Superman switched places with the standard blue boy scout. And instead of sending the standard version of him in his place, he sent one of his android duplicates.

The Real Lord Superman stood back and watched the chaos while pretending to be the good guy all along.
When the final battle took place, he simply hit a switch on his belt which 'stopped' the android's power.

Now, he returned to Lois Lane, who just had the most amazing news for him.

He was to become a father.

Putting his plans for world domination on hold, he began to actually care for this new world and the family he was creating. The beautiful girl was born 9 months later on March 18th, and named Laura Lane Kent
She was also giving a Kryptonian name of Lai-El.

The world embraced the new child.

The Lady of Steel.

[19 years later; 1 year ago.]

The picture perfect life began to break apart the closer Laura came to adulthood. She was perfect.

Too Perfect.

Lord Superman had wanted his offspring to have a bit of his true tendencies, a rougher edge, yet she was uncorruptible. And Lois wasn't having any of his sh*t, as slowly he began to revert to his normal, true self.
At first, it was just being a bit rougher with criminals.
The masses didn't mind.

Then, came the return of the black suit.
The masses lost their minds.

He tried to quell their riots, reminding them that Lord Superman was gone, and that while he seemed evil, he was more misguided. That some of his tactics were actually plausible and can be used without the world going into a death dive.

While there were a few outspoken voices,
the majority agreed and he continued on his turn.

Lois and Laura, however, were getting a bit tired of his act now. These past few years, Lord Superman would leave for longer and longer periods of time to 'take care of business'. In reality, he was returning to the Lords' universe, making preparations for his eventual domination.

Wanting to know the truth, Lois, Laura, and Batman, who also wasn't too satisfied about the situation, decided to do a bit of espionage, spying on the leader of the Justice League.

His stop was S.T.A.R. Labs.

Inside, he entered what appeared to be an elevator car, a free standing metallic box hooked up to dozens of electrical equipment. With a huge surge of electricity, a plume of smoke, and a loud scream, the doors reopened to reveal him gone.

The three then entered the laboratory and demanded answers.

"Where did he go?!
Where's Superman?"

As they conversed with the scientist for more answers, the naive Laura began to prove that she wasn't so innocent. Tapping on the caped crusader's shoulder, she stopped his interrogation to give him some important news.

Laura; Lady of Steel
"T..that is a teleporter... it crosses the void and takes you into another universe...

While Lois was impressed with her daughter, Bruce was annoyed, wishing he had known.
The scientist also wished this information was known.
Because the scientist was Alicia Jameson.

Knowing Lord Superman would have her head if someone knew about his plans, she began to get close to Laura, angrily scowling.

Alicia Jameson
You little wench! You're ruining everything!

Lois, wasn't going to let anyone get near her daughter, and leaped into action. A small scuffle occurred, as Batman tried to break it up, but Laura couldn't wait for cooler heads to prevail. She entered the machine and flicked the switch. Moments later, she was now on the other side, the Justice Lords Universe. As the door opened, a few feet directly in front of her, was the man she called her father, Lord Superman. And a few feet beyond that, was another man.

Wearing the costume her father once wore when they were younger. But, it was tattered, almost destroyed.
The man looked like her father, but he was bruised, his hair had grown out and down, and he hasn't shaved in forever.
Bound by the wrists and legs with heavy glowing shackles,
 his head hung low, and his breathing was barely there.

Laura didn't know this man,
but she felt an innate connection with him...

When Lord Superman realized someone was behind him, he turned around to see his wide eyed daughter, petrified.

Lord Superman
Laura.. I didn't want you to see this.

Laura; Lady of Steel
Who is that man, papa? And why does he look just like you?

Lord Superman
Remember how we once told you about the Justice Lords? The bad versions of us? He's one of them. He's the bad version of me, and I was just finishing him off.

Laura; Lady of Steel
Finish..him...off? B-but I thought you said you weren't going to do that anymore! You promised!!!

Lord Superman
Laura, this isn't the time, go back to Lois, I'll be home soon and I'll explain everything.

Lois Lane
What the hell, Smallville?! Why are you coming here and...

The reporter and Batman had bound Alicia to a chair by this point, and forced her to watch as they activated the teleporter, entering the world of the Justice Lords.
Before Lois could berate her hero, she stopped in her tracks.
On the other side of the man she lived with for the last 18 years and raised a daughter with, was another.
He was hurt, battered, bruised, barely a shell of his former self. But like Laura, there was this innate connection with him, as if they had spent a lifetime and then some together.

Was it really...

Lois Lane

The sound of her voice. The smell of her perfume.
The weakened man raised his head, and gathered all his strength to gaze into her eyes.


His words weak, frail, but it was enough.

Lord Superman tried to stop her, but Batman came prepared, wearing an exoskeleton double packed with strength, to hold him back. Lois knelt down and touched his cheek, the rough whiskers, and the bruised flesh.

It was him.

Lois Lane
Don't worry, we're going to get you home...

Lady Wonder Woman
Tch, I don't think so.

Arriving on the scene now was Diana, Princess of Themyscira, better known as Lady Wonder Woman, the only other Justice Lord free and powered at the time. Hearing the commotion on the comm links, she arrived to see what was going on. Grabbing Lois, Diana tossed her aside, Lois scrapping her knees. While Laura didn't have the heart to attack the man who appeared as her father, taking down the woman who hurt her mother would need no extra justification.

A battle was about to ensue.

To Be Continued...

06/25/2014 03:01 PM 

It Has To Be Done...

Hello everyone. I'm sure you all know your favorite former superhero turned malevolent dictator, Lord Superman. But right now, I need to take off the cape and S on my chest, and speak to you as his writer, a simple 24 yr old.

Don't worry, I'm going to keep this quick.

While my life is far from bad, it's been in a place I don't like for too long. And while there are many different reasons, one of them is roleplay.

And because of that, I will be taking an indefinite semi-hiatus beginning today (6.25.14)

By semi-hiatus, I mean I may only be on once a week. No more. And I may be gone for entire weeks at a time.

I've been planning on replying to my YJU post, roleplays with the new Marvel people, my Justice Lords was opening this weekend. I've been migrating over to RP.me as well to roleplay with a different set of people, too. But during all of this, I've noticed that I was putting a bit too much of energy into roleplay that I just wasn't doing anywhere else.

I need to take care of me, the person, before I can continue anything with this role.

When I do return, I will be back with a vengeance. Until then, take care, please. No fighting, no drama, none of that. Or I'm kicking everyone's ass. Yes, yours too.

~ The Management ~

06/15/2014 12:46 PM 

Danica Williams: Flash

First Appearance:

Justice League Beyond #19 (February 2013) (digital first comic)

Who is she?

Danica Williams is the Flash of the 2040s and a member of the Justice League. Ever since she was a young girl Danica had wanted to be a runner. A deep love for the Flash legacy had been instilled in her by her family and even though Danica knew she could never become the real Flash, she wanted to pursue her dreams through a sports career.

Her career, however, was cut short before it even started as due to a mysterious medical condition she would collapse and lose her consciousness before she even began a run. 

This was a huge blow to Danica. It caused great concern to her parents who took her to several therapists. Thankfully, on one fateful day when a man fell off the platform in front of a speeding train Danica was there to save him - her speedster powers finally kicked in properly. It turned out her blackouts had been attempts at tapping into the Speed Force (the energy source speedsters have fuel them).

What is more, her three imaginary friends, she spent most of her childhood talking to revealed themselves as Jay Garrick, Wally West and Bart Allen, all previous Flashes, speaking to her from the Speed Force. The three men chose Danica to be their successor which she couldn't be happier about.

One of her first adventures had her meet and rescue the Justice League who had fallen into the clutches of a powerful villain. She gained their respect and had Superman without the least hesitation ask her to join the group, which she gladly agreed to as long as she could keep being Central City's protector. 

What can she do? / What makes her unique?

Danica has all the typical speedster abilities such as fast running, phasing and quicker healing (due to her accelerated metabolism). She proves to be faster even than Bart Allen (usually regarded the fastest speedster) as she is capable of running in mid air (by using air particles as footing before they collapse beneath her). 

She has also received extensive training by her mentors as well as a course in Flash history (her father being a Flash fan pitched in too). Her expertise allows her to work as a docent at the Flash museum when she's in her civilian identity. 

Her dedication to taking over the mantle made her join a parkour group in order to improve her agility and skills in moving around areas with dense architecture. 

Danica trusts her parents implicitly and hence she revealed her identity to them quickly, receiving from them support in creating a protective costume for herself. 

Apart from her speedster powers and agility Danica impresses with her bright mind and positive attitude. Even in times of hardship she loves being a superhero and does everything to be the best heir to the mantle possible.

Differences with Justice Lords version:

While the normal Danica had the ability to speak to the former Flashes via the Speed Force, Justice Lord Danica considers this ability to be a mental flaw, claiming that "Hearing voices doesn't mean you have fairy god-Flashes. It means you're crazy. Yes! Embrace the crazy!"

Fan Reception / Position in the franchise:

Barely moments after her first appearance the fandom embraced her, enthusiastic posts and fanarts appeared rapidly. This is quite the achievement for a character not from the main DCU. Fans and reviewers appreciated the much needed diversity Danica, being a black woman, brings in by taking on a mantle most typically associated with white men. 

Where can I find her? 

Justice League Beyond #19 - #20*, #25 (origin)

Justice League Beyond 2.0 #1, #3 - #5... **

*issue 18 is also recommended reading as it is the first of the arc (aptly named Flashdrive) she appears in and adds useful context

** vol. 2.0 has her in cameos so far, but as the focus between team members shifts look forward to more of her in the future

If you're in need of physical copies check out Batman Beyond Universe - it collects the digital chapters of Batman Beyond and Justice League Beyond monthly in print. 


The character is inspired by real life race car driver Danica Patrick and Olympic runner Rafer Johnson.

An article about Danica's creation.

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