04/08/2017 06:09 PM 

Describe your lord.

When Dredgan looks upon you, you feel that you may vanish if he looks away.

Each of Dredgans fangs has the precision of a finger and the acuity of an eye.

Although he was born at the bottom of the universe, and taught to burrow, Dredgan has figuratively grown wings. The light of wildfire shines through them. Dredgan teaches but he will not be taught.

Dredgans body is corded with strength. His sinews and his muscles are as strong as his Legion and his Legion are the strength of him.

Dredgan wears a raiment of worn silk, made from the caul of gods.

The voice of Dredgan may cause two different numbers to become equal.

Dredgan my lord is the bravest thing I know. Upon Zakuul he learned that we were the natural prey of the universe, the most frail and desperate of things. He thought about this carefully and he found a way to fix it. He made us strong. He will lead us into eternity.

04/07/2017 09:42 PM 

Sun ravens cry pt2 conversation with chaos.

Dredgan, my Emperor, my friend. Kick back. Relax. Shrug off that armor, set down that blade. Roll your burdened shoulders and let down your guard. This is a place of life, a place of peace.

Out in the world the people ask collectively several simple questions. Questions like, can I kill you, can I rip your world apart? 

Dredgan calmly replied, Nothing has ever lived that cannot die. And they call us evil. Evil! Evil means 'socially maladaptive.' We are adaptiveness itself.

Ah, Dredgan, how do we explain it to them? The world is not built on the laws they love. Not on friendship, but on mutual interest. Not on peace, but on victory by any means. The universe is run by extinction, by extermination, by gamma-ray bursts burning up a thousand garden worlds, by howling singularities eating up infant suns. And if life is to live, if anything is to survive through the end of all things, it will live not by the smile but by the sword, not in a soft place but in a hard hell, not in the rotting bog of artificial paradise but in the cold hard self-verifying truth of that one ultimate arbiter, the only judge, the power that is its own metric and its own source existence, at any cost. Strip away the lies and the truces and delaying tactics they call 'civilization' and this is what remains the galaxy in its perfect form.

The fate of everything is made like this, in the collision, the test of one praxis against another. This is how the world changes one way meets a second way, and they discharge their weapons, they exchange their words and markets, they contest and in doing so they petition each other for the right to go on being something, instead of nothing. This is the galaxy no the universe figuring out what it should be in the end.

And it is majestic. Majestic. It is the only thing that can be true in and of itself.

And it is what I am.

For the first time since his campaign began Dredgan encountered the being that whispered to him. As she stated, she was Majestic and powerful, intelligent and wise. A being that could end him on a whim if she so chooses. For the first time he felt fear, he felt weakness and it disgusted him.

But as Dredgan realized how hopeless it would be to challenge such a being he held on with a grin to one simple thought.

"Nothing has ever lived that cannot die."

04/07/2017 09:20 PM 

Sun ravens cry.


Behold the wrath of Dredgan Yor, coiled for countless years. Behold the Golden Amputation the fall of Taishibeth sun ravens, the end of an age. We beat the worlds of Taishibeth like skull drums and we howl in joy for our black war moons as they ram silver orbitals and gleaming star-webs, where infant Taishibethi sun ravens curl and die unborn.

 Atop his throne Dredgan paces ten times.

On the first pace, His legions sends the accursed to blight the Taishibethi worlds.

On the second pace, the Tai unleash their battleplates and arsenal ships to fight our might.

On the third pace, Dredgans Warpriest meets them in battle, and he is victorious, he paints the sky with fire, he salts the planet with ash.

On the fourth pace, his best knights, go to the Raven Bridge, and they stand on it and kill the Tai in droves.

On the fifth pace, the Tai Emperor Raven comes home to her Bridge, and she cuts his fleet with her talons, she cuts it open and kills its brood.

On the sixth pace, Dredgan speaks, saying, listen to me, Emperor Raven, and I will describe to you the one true force of the universe, which is etched in my mind. And he puts out his fist, full of malice and hatred, and he swallows up the Emperor Ravens soul.

 Rejoice! Only Dredgan knows this power, the power to take.

On the seventh pace, the Perfect Raven comes out of Dredgans throne room, and she spreads her wings across Taishibeth. Never again is a Taishibethi child born. She is perfect, she enacts the will of Dredgan.

On the eighth pace, the Tai say, listen, you are spoilers, you are death, you rot, why do you kill? We made silver orbitals and golden star webs. We hatched eggs. We had a good thing. Our clothes were nice, our food was famous. With one of her feathers our Emperor could have swayed the gods..

On the ninth pace, Dredgan says, this is the only god, this ability to dictate what will and will not exist, this power to go on existing. This is your god. It is never swayed.

On the tenth pace the Taishibethi are extinct.

Then Dredgan says, listen my siblings, do you know what we have done? We have conquered our way to the edge of the force. It whispers to me when I call on it, and it guides my flight. It says that we are at its threshold and that I should come inside.

I will go and speak to it.

04/06/2017 04:57 PM 

The Challenge

Afraid, All of you are Afraid!

You send your beast at me in waves, Your abominations half-man, half-machine.

Then you send your Monster. Massive, hulking a pervasion of life more metal then flesh.

But I know of monsters, and how to deal with them.

I am going to kill you. I am going to salt my meat with your briny little thoughts. I am going to cook flesh on your broken, molten hull.

This ship is my throne. You want to take it from me. You want to fill it up with your own spawn and use it for your abstract purposes. But I defy you.

You will never be what I am. Simulate me, wretch. Calculate the permutations of my divinity. Compute the death in the shape of my throne. Render my shadow on the stone of ten thousand graveyard worlds! It will never be enough. I hold the force in chains, shackled to my will. I speak to the bringer of chaos herself. Not with a galaxy of thinking matter could you encompass me. Behold!

This is my inheritance, my estate eternity, infinity, the whole galaxy beneath my sword. This is what I rule forever and a blade.

04/06/2017 02:18 PM 

The Fall

His arms were heavy.

His power was spent.

The pale skinned man spun the saber in his hand, grabbing hard around the hilt.

A new wave of chittering death was upon him fragile but aggressive, overwhelming in their number and oppressive in their rage.

The hilt as well as the hot plasma of the blade connected with skull after skull.

They caved and fell. Like the others before them.

The pile of vanquished nightmares half bone, half dust grew at warriors feet.

There was a calm to him. An ease.

The chaos of battle was no time to panic.

His swing was wide, but measured. No wasted movement.

A demon clawed at his back. Then another.

They were heavier than their frail frames would suggest.

He gave a shrug and shake, turned and drove his fist hard into the side of one creature's temple. Its skull splintered and his knuckles lodged deep in the wet, chalky mass beneath the bone. He made a fleeting effort to break free as the rush of demons increased. 

The man kicked the other monster to the floor, stepping on its neck while shifting to backhand a throng of attackers eager to make their killing lunge.

If the blade, his battle-worn crimson light saber had served to thin the herd and buy the man time to assess the whole of the situation, his dark saber would see him through.

It always had.

 The warrior, awash in the ash and gore of his enemies, pulled his blade and in one swiping motion leveled the wretched beasts closest to him.

The trail from each swipe lit the cavern with flashes of white heat the only light that burned bright enough in defiance of this vile, hateful kingdom of shadows.

On the far end of the sea of gnashing maws, the wicked woman danced in the air.



 The warriors fingertips cracked with lightning ready to fire as if an afterthought.

He let loose another barrage and six more demons slumped, lifeless and charred to the bone upon the pile.

The witch unleashed a violent cry.

And as quickly as it had begun, the onslaught subsided.

The chittering fell from a deafening roar to an eerie chorus humming through the ebon haze just beyond his sight.

 The lone warrior stood, straightened his tired back and took long, deep breaths.

The storm had not been weathered.

He could feel it in his gut.

He stood now, not at peace, but within the eye the swirling, terrible lull before the waves came crashing once more.

The wicked woman laughed, a horrid, grating screech.

Followed by footsteps. Heavy and hard.





 The warrior squinted against the dark as he cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders.

A shape took form, approaching from the deep.

A being of might and mass that dwarfed the Warrior.

A cleaver the size of an ordinary man..... no bigger hung effortlessly in its hand.

Its body was thick with ornate bone a living armor that was one with the beast.

The warrior let out an accepting sigh.

The creature walked like a man burdened by untold sin lumbering and slow, though its stride covered ground with unnatural ease.

To the warrior, the approaching horror cut an imposing silhouette not unlike that of an ancient, disgraced knight.

Maybe it had been heroic once.

Maybe here in these shadows, to the watchful eyes of the wicked woman and her rotting horde it was a hero still only for a darker, sinister cause.

The thought intrigued him.

The fight he had come all this way to find, the enemy he had hoped was nothing but a legend's lie, seemed eager to greet him.

He smiled beneath his helm, then spun his darksaber with a confident twirl, before raising his free hand and letting out a torrent of lightning.

The angry storm lit the dark in shades of the finest blue.

The warriors lightning crashed against a sudden, shimmering wall of black.

The knight had conjured a protective barrier as if from nothing.

Unable to comprehend the creature's arcane methods dark magic or unimagined tech, or even a joining of the two, the warrior didn't care. He eyed the creature down and activated his trusted saber once more.

As the ethereal shield faded the beast raised its blade and let loose an aggressive, inhuman roar: Hell's own battle cry.

Dredgan Yor accepted the challenge.

His saber gripped tightly in his vice grip, the warrior charged forward.

He would meet the shadow's rage head-on.

Two days had passed since Dredgan stepped from the dark corridors beneath the icy surface of Odacer-Faustin, back into the light. His HK droid pressed him for details time and again. He wanted to know all he could of the wicked woman and her promise of suffering.

Of the sea of mindless, chittering death.

Of the hulking knight and Dredgans epic battle..

As they watched the sun try desperately to shine its rays through the ravenous storm of ice and wind from the loneliness of the howling surface the pair planned their long journey off world and home, Dredgan pulled fragmented bone from the pouch that hung on his left hip a reminder of the evil that lurked beyond the light, and the last remnants of the being he came for..

And while he recounted once more the events of his time in the shadows he took his trusted saber from its holster and began grafting the bone to its duranium frame just another trophy, from another battle won.

It was only later, and far too late, that the first whispers came and the bones revealed their true, jagged purpose.

02/14/2016 10:03 PM 

Force ghost absorbed.

Darth Sion, the Lord of Pain, was a Sith Lordwho lived in the time of the Old Sith Wars. As a Sith Marauder in the Great Sith War, Sion fought for Exar Kun's Sith Empire until the day he was struck down. Rather than die, though, Sion found that by calling on his pain, anger, and hatred, he could rise from certain deathand achieve immortality, at the cost of all-consuming agony. With a body fractured and decomposing, but held together by the dark side of the Force, Sion survived the Great Sith War. He was struck down for the final time by Meetra Surik above Malachor V.

Darth Nihilus,  Lord of Hunger, was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the era of strife following the Jedi Civil War. Before becoming a Sith Lord, he lost everything during the Galactic Republic's waragainst the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. He survived the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator superweapon during the war's final battle at the planet of Malachor V, which surrounded the planet with a destructive spatial phenomenon known as a mass shadow. Experiencing the shadow that obliterated almost everything on and around the planet made Nihilus crave Force energy. The affliction painfully ravaged his body while rendering him a wound in the Force. He was finally ended on his ship the Ravager above Telos.

Tulak Hord, known as the Lord of Hate and Master of the Gathering Darkness, was a Dark Lord of the Sith that ruled during the early Sith Empire, commanding great armies and possessing a mastery of the dark side of the Force and lightsaber combat which left him nearly unrivaled. During battle, Hord wore a black mask, making him a fear-inspiring sight. 

Currently Hunting.

Abeloth, also known as the Bringer of Chaos and Beloved Queen of the Stars, was a beingvery powerful in the dark side of the Force. She first lived as the Servant, a mortal woman who served the powerful Ones on a unknown jungle planet over a hundred thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. Over the course of her life, she became the Mother: she kept the peace between the Father's warring Son and Daughter and became a loving part of the family. But she was still mortal-she grew old while her ageless family lived on-and she feared she would lose her precious family. In a desperate attempt to hold onto the life she so loved, she drank from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge. Her actions corrupted her, transforming the Mother into the twisted, immortal entity known as Abeloth.

08/12/2015 11:02 PM 

Control abilities

Control Abilities

Force shield

Force barrier was a very basic application of the Force. Depending on the individual, it manifested itself differently, appearing as a shimmering, stasis field of Force energy, or sometimes not "appearing" at all. In combat, these barriers were capable of absorbing a wide variety of physical and energy attacks. Force barriers were only used as defens


Tapas was a Force technique that allowed its user to draw on the power of the Force to remain warm in a cold environment. The Jedi Knight Jacen Solo once used this Force technique, employing it in conjunction with a Force shield during the Battle of Ebaq in 28 ABY to survive in a mine that had lost its atmosphere.

Art of movement

Art of Movement was a technique taught at the Jedi Temple during the Old Republic, it could be done with the Force to improve its performance.

Breath control 

Using the Force power breath control, a Jedicould literally numb the body's instinct to shut itself down after long periods without oxygen, allowing the user to be able to go without breathing for longer periods than he or she ordinarily could by using the Force to reserve the amounts of air in the lungs. It was believed that some users of the technique could hold their breath for hours or even days with this power. 

Detoxify poison

Detoxify Poison was a Control-based Forcepower that allowed a Force-user to detoxify poisons or eject them from their body in a much shorter amount of time than would normally be possible. It could also be used to cleanse their body of alcohol, allowing the individual to remain sober while consuming vast amounts of the drink.

Force healing 

Force healingForce heal, or Cure was a power that used the Force to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly.

Force speed

Force speed, also known as burst of speedor Force sprint, was a core Force power that allowed the user to maintain sprinting speeds for a brief time. Greater aptitude granted greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration. The increased speed of the Force-user enabled the individual to see the world and the entities around them in slow motion, allowing them to dodge attacks easily and attack more quickly with greater accuracy.

Force cloak

Force cloak, also known as Force camouflage, was a rarely seen Force talentinvolving the manipulation of light and sound waves to render a practitioner virtually invisible to the naked eye.

Tutaminis was an umbrella title used by the Jedi Order to classify Force abilities related to energy absorption. Designated as one in a family of Control abilities, tutaminis techniques were taught to Jedi Initiates within the Jedi academy throughout the history of the Order. While taught to all Jedi during the days of the Galactic Republic, it was a rare feat to be capable of dissipating concentrated energy such as what makes up a blasterbolt or lightsaber blade. While it was named and practiced by the Jedi Order, tutaminis was not restricted to use by Jedi. In fact, most Force-based groups and Force-users in general learned to use or at least control some of the abilities taught at the Temple. As the basis of many abilities, tutaminis included many skills that were given proper or common names within the Jedi Order. Other abilities stem from this skill but were more personalized and not taught throughout the entire academy, if at all. Many skills, such as a simple body shielding or as advanced as catching and/or dispelling a lightsaber blade with one's bare hand, were all considered applications of tutaminis.[1]

08/12/2015 10:44 PM 

Sense abilities

Sense abilities

Shatterpoints were a complex Forcephenomenon, perceivable only by an unknown innate talent or immense focus and concentration on the part of the Force-user. Shatterpoints were akin to fault lines; similar to different pathways of actions. Adept Force-users were able to perceive these faults through the Force, and influence them.


Precognition, also known as danger sense, was a universal Force power.The ability of foresight was perhaps universal to the Jedi or Force-sensitives and was manifested in the form of Force visions of future events, or helped the Jedi predict their opponent's movements. 


Farsight (also called far sight or farseeing) was the ability to gain vague impressions of events happening in other places or times using the Force. These visions focused on strong imagery and emotions. The future is always in motion, however, and is thus subject to change.

08/12/2015 10:43 PM 

Alter abilities

Alter abilities 

Cryokinesis was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to draw heat away from the object, causing its temperature to drop rapidly.This arcane technique caused the heat vitality of the victim to hemorrhage, but it was impossible for the caster to channel that vitality into their own body

Convection was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to alter their body chemistry, causing the skin to burn with incredible heat. While such concentration of Force energy did not cause lasting injury to its caster, it could be used to harm an opponent.Jedi martial artists who knew the power could even set their targets on fire with their unarmed attacks

Combustion, or Flamusfracta, was the Forceability that allowed users to cause an object to explode by sheer force of will. It was rarely used on a person, and the effects on inanimate objects and people was devastating. Depending on the size, density and vulnerability of the object in question, combustion would become harder or easier to use successfully. 

Force bellow was a power in which the userwould amplify their voice using the Force

Doppleg�nger, or Similfuturus, was a Force power that allowed a user to create a perfect illusion of his or herself through the Force. The ability could also be used to duplicate objects that were visually indistinguishable from the real item.

Force drain

It is a technique that is almost as old as the Sith themselves...it is a means of severing connections between life, the Force, and feeding upon the death it causes. It cannot be taught...it can only be gained through instinct, through experiencing its effects, first-hand.

Mind tricks, or mind control, refer to a spectrum of Force powers which influenced the thoughts of sentient creatures, most commonly used to coerce into agreement by suggestion through voice manipulation, or to cause one to reveal information. This allowed its practitioners to resolve matters in a non-violent way

The Force-flash was a Force power employed when the person using it did not want to be seen. Related to Droid Disable, the user could temporarily disable a security holocam, causing a brief period of static, allowing the user to pass while only alerting security to a minor holocam malfunction. Another usage of the Force under the same name allowed the Force-user to produce an unnatural flash of bright light, temporary blinding his opponents.

Force pull

A telekinetic ability using the Force that could cause a material body to draw close to the user. The greater the user's aptitude with this, the heavier the object that could be pulled or the more wide arc or radius of the Force "wave". It could be used to pull weapons from enemies, or, at higher levels of skill, could be used to pull enemies themselves closer to a Jedi's lightsaber range. This power was also very useful when a chasm or hole lay between the caster and the opponent. It could also be used to pull foes to the ground. One of the most powerful uses of the ability was pulling a starship from the sky.


The primary purpose of most telekinetic powers was to move objects through space. Force-users could use this ability to push, pull, and lift objects, as well as to stop or redirect projectilesIt could also be used to disarm or attack opponents. It could also be used as a method of defense for the user or the target.


Rend was a dark power that allowed the practitioner to move a single target, be it creature or object, in two different directions simultaneously.

Force push

The most basic applications of Force Push utilized telekinetic energy to push objects away from the caster. At more powerful levels, Force Push could create a telekinetic impulse via the Force, launching a concussive burst of pressurized air akin to an explosive force. Depending on the power of the user, this ability could be used to do anything from staggering a target to shattering stone.

Force repulse

An extremely powerful telekinetic Force power similar in function to Force Push, and perhaps even more to Force Blow, but on a far larger scale, akin to that of Force Wave, Force Repulse was no more or less than a gigantic telekinetic explosion. The user would concentrate in the Force and violently push it outwards, creating rapidly-expanding kinetic ripples in space, flinging nearby objects away at high velocity. 

Force choke

This was an attack via the Force that was used to crush a living being's throat, in effect choking them if used at a low level. Sith Masters used this when wanting to punish people or prove their strength to a number of individuals. Those under its effect would usually clutch at their throats. Although it was more commonly used by the Sith, it was used by Jedi as well.

Force crush

One of the most violent Force abilities known to the Sith and the Jedi, this deadly technique lifted the opponent into the air and, as they were floating, their body would implode as it was crushed by the Force.

Force throw 

It was an offensive use of the lightsaber. It is not clear if it was an ability in its own right or a technique combining powers such as Force Pull. The Force user, whether by manually locking the blade in the 'on' position or holding in the activation button using the Force, could throw the lightsaber in a boomerang fashion, with it cutting its way through obstacles and (usually after deactivation) returning to the hand of the caster. Variations in the skill of users meant that some could hurl their lightsabers great distances, make mid-air course corrections, or keep them hovering in place. These techniques, finely honed, could be combined to make telekinetic lightsaber combat possible.

Force Wound

This power allowed a Force user to telekinetically apply pressure to their opponent's organs or body. If not resisted, it could crush the victim's heart or lungs. 

Force lightning 

Force lightning was a purely offensive, energy-based attack that channeled Force energy down the user's limbs, hurling arcing bolts of electricity from the wielder's fingertips or palms; Force lightning could be executed with either one or two hands.

Lightning variants.

Force storm was a Force lightning variant. The user would raise their palm upward and would create, through the Force, an explosion of electrical energy directed at all foes in the vicinity. It also appeared as a tornado of energy which created a great disturbance in the ForceJedi could also join together to create a Force storm, though its use was frowned upon by more orthodox Jedi. Higher levels created a volatile dark side Force power capable of creating hyperspace wormholes that were able to displace objects across vast distances and tear apart the surfaces of entire planets. Storms were incredibly difficult to control once unleashed and required intense mastery or intensive rage. The drawback to this skill was the large amount of time required to preform it.

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