09/26/2022 01:05 PM 

Plotlines 101

I have a load of ideas I'd love to write out as RP - or as fanfic - and I thought I'd put them all down here so I have a place to remember them! 

1 - Before the madness. I would love to explore Sephiroth's earlier/younger years. It could be working at ShinRa before the Wutai war, it could be as a young teen training and such. Maybe he makes a friend and that changes the future in some way.

2 - The Wutai War - now wouldn't that be just fun!

3 - I would love to write a secret love affair story with someone - it would be gritty, involve cheating and snooping around. I have no idea how it would end, and that would depend on the person I wrote it with but there would be scope for exploration and plenty of passion. It wouldn't have to incude smut or anything graphic, but the scope is there depending on discussion.

4 - Blasted off to another world - fighting to get back? Fighting to save the world then get back? Sure. Sounds great

5 - Madness - want to take over the world - awesome. Try to stop me! Might be tough because being the bad guy is difficult, but I would learn a lot about writing that way, which would be fun!

6 - Wouldn't mind writing some Ds type stories too but that would very much depend on who I wrote with and would require a lot of discussion too.

7 - After the madness. Maybe he comes to his senses, or awakens 100 years later and realises everything is a disaster!

8 - AU - I love going AU. Taking the characters and putting them in a different setting entirely can be a lot of fun. Wild West? Apocalypse? Zombie? Historical? I love writing these!

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