06/14/2024 09:45 AM 

Primary Realms of Existence
Category: Character Info

Data File #2
     There are three Primary Realms of Existence, according to the teachings of the Demon Realm. These realms are the Immaculate Realm, inhabited by the Angels, Gods, and other Spirits and creatures that would be considered to be "good" or "holy." Next is the Mortal Realm, inhabited by the Humans and Animals that "the world" is accustomed to. Finally, there is the Demon Realm, where Satoshi was born. This realm is inhabited by the Demons, Devils, and Monsters common in Mortal folklore.

     The Immaculate Realm was founded by the Gods long before recorded time. Here, the land is peaceful and plentiful. Verdant valleys, crystal clear lakes and rivers, colorful and beautiful smelling flora; it is a land of color and calm. It is in this land that the Angels and other Spirits that have not been corrupted by evil and hatred live out their lives, or afterlives.

     The Mortal Realm is both noisome and quiet, aromatic and foul, beautiful and hideous. This place, with it's wide open plains and towering, compact cities is where the Humans and other mortal creatures call their home. Beings here carry out what most from the other two realms would call a menial and monotonous lives. The creatures zeal for life and ability to create has fascinated many others from the other realms, though, for centuries. Some mortals have even been given a ranking and life among the other realms based on their achievements.

     Finally, we have the Demon Realm. This place is a burning, desolate, putrid wasteland throughout. There are, of course, few areas where things are not quite so fetid and outright deadly, but they are few and far between. The entirety of the Demon Realm is a survival test, only allowing the strongest to thrive. Or the best at adapting. The lives found here belong to those Demons and Devils that were corrupted in Mortal life then died, or were born directly from the land itself.

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