06/14/2024 08:39 AM 

Satoshi Hoshimaru
Category: Character Info

Data File #1

Name: Satoshi Hoshimaru
Race: Demon
Age: 118 years old
Height: 6' 0" (183 cm)
Weight: 172 pounds (78 kg)
Eye Color: Ruby
Hair Color: Scarlet

     Satoshi Hoshimaru is a Demon male born in the depths of the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm exists in the same place as the Mortal Realm, but on a different plane. Think of it like another dimension that occupies the same physical space, but doesn't interact with the Mortal Realm. More will be explained about the Demon Realm in another file.

     Satoshi was born in the Demon Realm, but as soon as he could, he left. He wanted to explore the Mortal Realm, having found himself nearly obsessed with the Mortals that traversed the realm. He was mesmerized by their art, fashion style, and stories. But what fascinated him most was the fighting. Mortals could find any reason to fight, just as Demons could. Where the two races differed, however, is that Mortals could fight and then celebrate with their former opponent the next moment. Demons fought to the death. Always. And so, when Satoshi found he had gathered the strength required to leave, he left. And he never looked back.

     Satoshi has a fairly lighthearted outlook on life. He was born in a realm where creatures battled to survive daily, but he hasn't let that ruin his sense of humor. To the Mortals, his humor can be considered cold, at times. But he is a passionate being with his own complex moral code. Many of those that have tried to nail down a certain aspect of his character have found themselves grasping at straws. The Demon does not create friendships easily, but once he considers someone a friend, he is loyal to the death. And violently protective.

     He is usually found wearing a black coat that hangs down to the middle of his calf with no shirt underneath. On his legs, he wears black, slack-style pants that appear slim but fit loosely, freeing up his movement. Completing the ensemble, he can almost always be found wearing black loafer style shoes. A chain bracelet, black as obsidian, dangles from his right wrist, a small one-inch long dagger talisman hanging from it. In the hilt of the dagger is a crimson jewel. A matching bracelet hangs from his left wrist, but silver in color, with a small, elegantly engraved shield talisman.

     His scarlet locks will almost always flow freely from his head, a curtain of blood and flame gracing his shoulders. Overall, his hair hangs down to just above his butt in back, reaching to about his navel in the front. His bangs hang down to partially obscure his ruby eyes, piercing and bright. His ears come to a point, similar to that of the elves described in Mortal fables. His body overall has a slim build that belies his true strength. Poking out from his scarlet tresses, Satoshi has two curved, black horns on either side of his head, matching the large, black wings that grace his back. His total wingspan when fully outstretched is eighteen feet, each wing stretching to an estimated eight feet long.

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