06/09/2024 10:17 PM 

Genshin verse

Full name: Jamil Viper
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Romantic orientation: Homoromantic
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Birthday: September 12th
Nation: Sumeru
Vision: Pyro
Constellation: Anguis Susurri
Affiliation: Asim family, Kalim al Asim, Sumeru Akademiya, Spantamad Darshan

Jamil was born into the Viper family. His family's been servants for the Asim household for generations. Due to this, Jamil's obligation has been to be an attendant, security guard, and companion to Kalim (the heir to the Asim family), since a very young age. Jamil´s role in this companionship is distinctly protocolary, with rules that Jamil is bound to follow, like not overshadowing Kalim in any way or giving even his life if it is required to keep him safe. Jamil dosen´t want to awaken the wrath of Kalim´s father, the head of the Asim family, against his own family, so he was forced to develop his skills to the top in order to protect Kalim, making him an expert in many interdiciplinary areas like potions making, herbology, fighting, academics, diplomacy, doing various housework, organizing various events, tutoring, etc.

Jamil was also instructed by his parents to never outdo and perform better than Kalim, keeping a low profile of himself beneath Kalim and not drawing attention away from him in order to keep the Asim family content. As a result, when Jamil was invited to study at the Akademiya, Kalim's family bribed them to let him in as well. So, the two ended up in the Spantamad Darshan, studying elementalism.

In his own time, when he can get away from his duties, Jamil likes to spend his time down at the Grand Bazaar, dancing with the others there. He's had a love of dancing since he was young, and enjoys taking any chance he can to indulge in his hobby. Jamil also enjoys singing as well, as will often sing songs from the desert down at the Bazaar as well.

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