05/26/2024 01:29 PM 

Book of Prophecies.

Disclaimer: I am not the person in the pictures. If you think I am then you're clearly nuts and I don't want any part of that. This is my temple so please keep insanity at the door.

1. I try to write with everyone I come across. I ask for patience when getting back to you. 

2.  Please don't mistake Ephemer for being a really nice guy for flirting. There is nothing in lore indicating he's shipped with anything save for player telling Xehanort he was a descendant of Ephemer and before I count him as family I'd at least like confirmation on this. Besides how many takers are going to look at Ephemer's Tindr and see dead guy as a plus?

3. Connections are earned. My apologies but I have to have a very good story and writing relationship with someone to accept anyone as a connection.

4. Don't Godmode me. I don't like it and I'm not really all that tolerant towards other characters taking control of my character.

5. Be respectful. You might get into my list once but if you're a serial deleter you likely won't be returning.

6. Don't get creepy on me. Creeping is fine during roleplay but the moment you make me cringe out of it I'm out.

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