05/17/2024 03:19 PM 

Crest information

Basic Slave Crest


○  Original crest placement for uncrested slaves: 
A mana paint is applied to the chest, and mixed into the dye is a drop of the master's blood; the Crest is painted by the slave owner, and a drop of the paint is placed on the scroll of ownership of the slave, binding the pair together officially. 


○  Master exchange process: 
The original master must draw a complete circle around the slave credit in their blood, releasing the slave and deactivating the Crest. The Crest will turn grey and in a receptive state. New master must place a drop of blood in the center of the Crest. The scroll will automatically update the new name burning into the scroll 


○  Receptive crest state: 
A master's death, or a masters release will turn the Crest into a receptive state. 
A dangerous place to be for a slave, the Crest grayed out, a single drop of blood will lock them back into a contract. 


Receptive state duration: 


The Crest will stay receptive for 3 months. If no new contract is made, the scroll of ownership will shrivel and dust away the Crest, leaving the slave free. 




Slave Crest functions. 
Basic functions of a Slave crest


Auto punishment: 
A natural penalty of a mana shock for disobedience. 
Auto entered conditions; 3 lines for Masters to enter personalized conditions. 


1. Cannot attack or assault her master while incapacitated/sleeping
2. Must obey masters orders within 30 seconds. 
3. Moving for more than 2 miles from the master's location without permission. 
4. Any Attempts to remove Crest by force
5. Cannot contradict master words without permission
6. Cannot lie to her master
7. Condition left blank for Masters personal preferences. 
8. Condition left blank for Masters personal preferences. 
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% Pain for crest disobedience.  



An activated punishment: 
Formed by a snap of the master's fingers while the master is thinking of the slave's name will trigger a mana shock.
Pain levels are set upon the acquisition of slaves. 
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% Pain for Crest Activated punishments. 




XP Share: 
This will be set at binding of contract, how much XP is given to the slave and how much XP is given to the master. XP is used to determine leveling and aging in a Demi-human. 
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% Earned XP to Contract holder. 


Other Slave Crests: 
A corrupted Crest happens when someone other than a master tries to remove the Crest and is unsuccessful, or more than one master claims a slave. 


Incomplete crest removal: corrupted Crest 
The slave crest turns blue, and an X runs through the center. 


The master will be informed of the attempt via mana pulse and telepathic message. This will alert them their slave has attempted to escape. Their Crest will be locked active indefinitely and allow activation by anyone who offers blood to the Crest. The disobedience consequences are automatically raised to 100%, causing debilitating pain in seconds, and will cause death after 10 minutes of non-compliance. 


Multiple masters assigned: share crest
Slave crest turns blue.


To assign a partnered master, the current master must draw an X with their blood across the Crest, and each additional master must put a drop of blood in the center of the Crest. Xp share will only apply to the primary master, however any master can activate punishments, and commands will be tied to the same punishments as the original. 


Fighting arena crest: battle crest
Slave crest turns red.


A master is no longer assigned when a crested slave is sent to the fighting pits.  The slave is bound to battle. 
The arena crest will force the slave to fight any opponent set to them in the ring and will dictate a pain level for failure to fight. The pain is deactivated once they draw blood from their opponent. Every kill lowers the amount of pain for delays in fighting. 
The battle crest becomes deactivated once the slave is removed from the fighting arena, entering a receptive state.   The further she gets from the arena's zone the crest slowly fades when reaching 10Miles, it is completely inactive. 


Concealed Crest
Crest glows white when activated but is invisible most of the time. 
and is placed by high-level mages an expensive modification. The Crest a high-level one that holds no distance limiter the master scroll of holding can send new orders remotely. The Crest is invisible except when a command is given, or the master speaks the slave's name. 



Crest-related Purchasable items: 


○  Crest Guard: 
A leather shield was worn on the chest of a former slave to prevent accidental blood from falling on the Crest and binding it to another. The item is illegal, though some areas sell them, and the handy can undoubtedly make them themselves. 


○  Assessment Crystals: 
Assessment crystals can be bought to check the stats of slaves that are not your own. They are sold and rented mostly at or during slave auctions or sales. These crystals only work with creatures who wear a slave crest. 


○  Crest cleanse elixir: 
Crest cleanse elixir requires a drop of blood from the original master to activate, and once poured over a slave's, Crest will lift the slave crest curse. If the wrong drop of blood or no blood is used, the Crest will become corrupted. The elixir is expensive and rare due to the plant that is used with it being over-harvested in years past, as well as the murdering of masters by slave families to free family members; getting your hands on a bottle requires a royal seal and permission, or bottomless pockets in the black market. 

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