03/06/2024 03:51 PM 

Under Contract
Category: Guidelines

Greetings souls of all eras and worlds. I would like to lay down some ground rules for our interactions if you may.

1. Please understand that like you, I do have a life outside of this website. Depending on my schedule I may be unable to reply as fast as one wishes.

2. Do be respectful. While I am aware of the nature of the verse my OC is a part of, this is not an invitation to be outright unhinged. Unless it is stated to be the nature of your character that is. A prime example would be the core character design of Valentino.

3. Bear in mind that I have not been active with roleplays in quite some time and will need a bit of a warmup to meet your expected quality.

4. Don't be afraid to speak on any dissatisfaction. I am more than willing to compromise to ensure the roleplay is enjoyable for both parties.

5. As stated before, I have roleplayed in the past and there is one issue that I wish to not encounter again. That being those who can not separate real life from a simple story. While I have no issues forming meaningful friendships between screens, please understand that I am not, in no form or shape, interested in forming romantic relationships on a personal level. 

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