02/18/2024 02:25 PM 

Purifiers - Kiseki

Since the beginning of the Purifiers, the Tree of Life has been the center of the Kazoku. The symbol of which they based their entire lifestyle on. As the Purifiers deepened their bond to the great demon tree, they were altered in ways that even other members of their clan could not expect. With each generation that past the ways the Purifers used their abilities evolved to conquer new and every shifting changes. What never changed was that the Purifers remained the only branch capable of not only destroying a demons essence but converting it into celestial particles as did the Tree of Life with their Sacred Light.

The Purifiers have from the very beginning represented the sentinel force of the Kiseki. Those who stood guard at the compound directly and where the primary frontline soldiers of the clan. Because their Sacred Light draws the attention of the demons themselves they have the most direct combat experience of any member most often than not having to fight multiple groups of demons by themselves whenever venturing out. 

With the birth of the 4th generation came changes so unexpected that they almost seem like a completely different class. While the first and second generation chose to forgo the use of their secondary elements to attain the purest of Light, the 4th began to manifests light with elemental properties to them, as well as communicate with the Tree of Life. Ice and light became a freezing moon beam while fire and light became concentrated heat which could pierce even the hardest of armor. Water and light was thicker and moved with a fluidity that was unnatural, while earth gave light a such mass that one could shape buildings out if them and never lose luster. Only a few ways that the Elementals could use these new powers.

No longer possessing knowledge of the past the items used by former Purifers no longer functioned like they used to and new mutations allowed all Purifiers to perform their jobs more efficiently. The rituals which traded blood with the Tree of Life now caused the Purifiers to lose all emotion and feeling in their bodies. They became solely focused on attaining enlightment and spreading their light to all corrupted beings. This focus allowed them to suffer what would normally be crippling injures as minor annoyances while they enacted justice upon the darkness of chaos. Their blood became so saturated with light and celestial particles that any cuts on their flesh sparked with the light of stars.


Hikaru no Kami aka Sacred Light: Light that has been saturated with celestial particles becomes divine in nature cleansing all that it comes across. As the purest form of rejection of anything corrupting it psychically attracts all demons within a certain range of the Purifer. The attraction creates a ravenous hunger reminiscent of the Tree of Life causing all lower rank demons to go berserk while higher rank ones vary in how influenced they are. In the case of multiple Purifiers being in one spot the demons are innately attracted to the strongest of group first splitting off to the others if they can not get to their target. 

Essence Purification and Conversion: The core of the Purifers lies in their innate ability to use their light and celestial particles to purifiy the corrupted essence of a demon and convert it into celestial particles. Given the ravenous nature of the Tree of Life once a purification process has begun it will not stop until the entire being is converted leaving nothing else behind. It emphasizes their hatred and total rejection of the demonic influence at birth. This doesn't stop though at just demonic essence. Any matter or energy saturated in their light will also be taken over by their aggressive celestial particles and be converted making their power dangerous to the environment if not properly controlled. 

Guardian's Blessing: Using the Light within their own bodies the Purifers creates a reactive shield over their bodies that hardens their skin to lessen the impact of attacks.  Tattoos or ritualistic holes in the body were used to allow their light to more easily release from their bodies which would create a sensory field which once cross would harden the area being blocked by their light. 

Pain Nullification: Because of the constant state of mediation the Purifiers are in they are able to nullify all aspects of pain. Even the loss of a limb can not sway them from their objective of slaying demons. This coupled with the State of Rage which they can induce can turn them into unfeeling beasts on the battlefield willing to sacrifice life and limb without hesitation.

The Shades of Nature: Because of the mutations created during the blood transferring rituals with the Trrr of Life, the secondary element granted to the Purifers is forcefully blended with their light. As light is the purest form of energy and the direct opposition to darkness, their own bodies sought to find a way to enhance that weapon. This allows their light to take on aspects of natures elements it would not normally have. This allows their attacks to retain their speed while also providing interesting an unexpected results. This also prevents those with immunities to specific elements such as light or fire to be overridden as as their light is their own.


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