02/06/2024 05:28 PM 

In Death's Maw - 死の口中

".... Pruflas, you are pulsating.... Is my future uncertain again or have we found him?", he questioned, still walking into the thick fog that allowed him to traverse the area, any outsider would barely be able to see but a glimpse of him, unable to track his steps

“אפשרות אחת לא שוללת את השנייה, אדוני מצאנו אותו”, the Demon answered, its shape morphing into an arrow breaching through the fog, clearing a path. Eyelids shut, deep solemn breath escaped his lips as he was focusing on his mission. He had to give a proper answer to what he was going to do.

About time…

"It’s go time then"; the summoner remarked, putting on a smile that was shifting into a smirk as he placed his kitsune mask to cover himself. A look at the surrounding area, hands clutched on his kodachi hidden in the umbrella. Too much filth leads to curses that lead to disaster...

There’s one at the door. At the gates of Damnation

Shi no kōchū

What a peculiar weather, the heavy hail having dropped the temperature of summer in United Stated to a bearable degree, yet down in the slums, same old night, with the dim light on the street giving the way to where only criminals came and frolicked about, the atmosphere thickened by the smoke of cigarettes and the fumes of alcohol pestering the whole club.

Zachary Robets, Slippery Zack for friends, a small-time crook, had an awfully busy day on the run, but at last he could rest, maybe spend some time talking to a friend of his… well, if he could call ‘Ray Collins’ a friend: a very mysterious dude from Japan, scary looking.

Some said he had killed an entire yakuza clan over a single night, others said he had escaped the entire Japanese force while on foot after punching the Emperor in the face.

Others said he was born from a tree and fed on roots. Crazy, right? Yet you would believe it by looking at him.

What Zachary, and probably everyone else found more unbelievable, was that they were friends. So quick and sudden: he had saved Zachary’s life, and ever since, whenever they met, he treated him to some good booze within what he could afford.

Only two things were certain about Ray Collins: his fashion style was ridiculously dated, and had first appeared in America during a storm, even worse than the one today.

Today they were going cheap: two pretty mugs of beer today yet Ray seemed awfully silent, looking out at the foggy windows, waiting for something.

“What’s wrong dude?”Zachary asked. No answer from Ray until a bright lighting bolt shook the entire building, lighting up what seemed to be an endless night. What seemed to be the faint flapping of wings seemed to slightly rattle Ray, but he didn’t show nothing but a light shiver.

“Usual sh*t. Except for one thing I have heard…. Shinigami”

Zachary, woefully ignorant, had no idea what the hell that meant. Before he could ask, the loud rumble followed the bolt, shaking the entire building. It was then Ray realized

“Sorry… it means…”, how to explain Zachary without clashing with his Christian belief “Spirit of ‘death’, more or less. The Grim Reaper,”

Zachary was not the kind to believe in that, however, and indeed, he remarked: “Is that a fancy assassin?”

“Some think that”, Ray muttered, drinking a long sip of his mug, holding his head in his grave pensive mood, as if waiting on something. There was an awkward silence following as the bartender, Jakob Dirksen, moved in to take an order.

Did Zachary remember how he first met Jakob DIrksen? He had heard he had moved from Germany recently after some convincing from his husband… at least his beer was delicious. Such crazy stories, between the speculation of thunder, Jakob and now even this…

“...Shinigami…”, Zachary muttered to himself while scratching his head. Something was clicking to him

I … I think I heard that name before, Ray”, he said as if he had the smartest idea in his life “there was like this random file I got … a spam mail”

“I told you not to read this crap. They are scam”, Ray chided him, but Zachary insisted on showing him what it was. Ray seemed more intent in wanting to check at the window, touching his medallion, but… relented, eventually, if only out of curiosity and to keep Zachary calm.

That wasn’t a simple spam email: not only there was missing

A weird tale, of a self declared bride running away from a Shinigami while losing her mind waiting on someone… someone she wanted to kill. Ray was barely changing expression, but he seemed to be becoming more and more uncomfortable with the way her mental state deteriorated.

“This makes no sense”, Ray turned somewhere around the end “I should say ‘Oni’, not ‘Bonnie’.”

“You sure?”, the other remarked “This looks like the classical moment where the protagonist's name is revealed”

Ray was looking incredulous at Zachary showing off random culture of literary devices but he just dismissed it: “The Bride was clearly a monster all along, I am guessing a delusional Hannya. The ‘Shinigami’ wanted to call her ‘Bony’ or ‘Oni’. Cheap horror”

Ray stood up, getting up as he picked up a cigarette, but as soon as he opened it… but as soon as he reached the door… the downpour., so much water, he had to slam the door shut to make sure it wouldn’t step further. As he did so, all lights began flickering, the surrounding shadows taking bizarre shapes for a few instants before everything would be set to normal.

“Kuso”, he growled in frustration. More lighting pouring down. He was not amused when he saw that Jakob had moved to read the story on Zachary’s mobile… and had forgotten their order

“... I do not think this is meant to be horror, the finale is sweet. The Bride has a chance of redemption by moving to the bus and then accepts her issues”, he mused with a romantic sigh

“... The beers?”, Ray questioned him, making the tall bartender step up.

“Sorry sorry, I just remembered that my Ehemann… How do you say it… husband? Yes, I first met my husband on a bus…”

Do you remember, Mister Jakob Dirksen? 
There was the myst … and the figure in the shadow talking to you….. So many figures talking to you, not even in your language… Do you want to remember, Mister Jakob Dirksen? Was there even something worth remembering?

Feeling his head pulsating, he decided not to further push himself. He was happy, had become quite rich with his secret beer recipe, had gotten married to a gorgeous guy before legally moving to America and was starting to moonlight as a bartender while his husband kept paying the bills.

Everything was going as smoothly as it could go with Mister Jakob Dirksen’s life…Then why did he have these weird flashes? It was if he wanted to remember something… he wasn’t supposed to.

A sudden draft of a cold that wouldn’t be out of place in winter snapped him back to reality. The storm was still raging….

“I better go and raise the heating system”, he said as he went behind the counter, hearing out a voice suddenly calling him out

“Eh, up, dude, 'ere, about time, give us one o' yor finest ale, right, and quick. I slammed them brass on yor counter”, it yelled out

“Oh, sure”, he said as he noticed the money there and quickly swept it up, as he got ready to prepare the mug.

Wait, where was the client? It seemed like he was very short and…. An upward swoosh and it was no longer anything there. Except the money?..... Right?

“Did anyone see…?”, he asked, but only Ray seemed to care


His piercing gaze overwhelmed Jakob, who meekly bowed his head. “I should go…”

Ray would help the staggering bartender.

“Let me help you”, he declared with a sigh, Zachary giving Jakob a seat.

“I still don’t get why you are so scared of a dude called Shinigami, it’s obvious that you can take anyone, right, Ray?”, he asked his friend confidently, only to be met with silence “... right?”

“.... What if I told you… the Shinigami may have been the reason why Enrico Rossi is gone?”, Ray asked. The other patrons turned at hearing that name

“Don’t. Say. That. Name”, one asked “We don’t want the Scarlet Devilman here”

“Doesn’t matter”, Ray remarked unfettered by the many people glaring at him “He is dead”

“You know, this is what my boss told me, everyone had gotten ready to shoot the f*** out of that bastard. Without even bothering, one of his men literally blocked the bullets, they bounced off his skin. Then Enrico walked up to most of us and offered them swords to fight, talking about some sh*t about Mura-something and, I sh*t you not, my boss gut himself like a f***ing fish as soon as he touched it. Every other person who tried to help him did the same. Then two more of Enrico’s men went and began eating the corpses down to their f***ing bones. Do you think THIS Enrico can die? Then he sent the few of us that had been guarding the boss’ family to see the video. I am not even sure if he is human…”

It was weird… the very first time, Zack could swear Ray was shaking

“I know”, Ray said “And this is why I know the Shinigami did him in”

“What a lovely story”, the wheezed voice of an old lady, barely limping from the door holding an umbrella, was barely able to mutter.

“... any issue, granny?”, one of the more grizzled patron asked, but she just coughed

“None at all, my dear grandchild is outside, he is parking in this Scheißwheather….”, she said, making Jakob surprised


“I am old, young man, don’t ma’am me!....”, she said before coughing just while another thunder crashed down “Sorry… this rain makes me worry for my dear grandchild … as an apology… a round of beer for everyone while we wait for him!”

And thus the old lady conquered the entire bar with this. She seemed heavily overdressed and frail, but…. Eeeh, it had been a tiring day for anyone to want to be daring and rob an old lady. One tried, but he felt like something poked his behind, causing him to recoil away

As Jakob offered the beer, the old lady spoke

“So… are we telling stories about devils? Don’t you fear them?”

Silence from everyone. They really didn’t like to talk about Enrico Rossi. It had been over a month since the last time he had appeared in public, or was there even a vague hint of any of his criminal activities, but…

Such was the power of fear

“... It’s not really a literal devil, he just … a very scary man”, Zachary remarked

“Bah”, the old lady mumbled “Men. All of us are going to die one way or the other, what’s the deal?”

…. Awkward silence

“... Awww, come on, now what?”, the granny remarked “I am going to die before all of you, likely, be grown ups!”

She cackled a little before muttering

“Sorry…. You remind me of an old story I heard when I was young”

Once upon a time,

There was an ugly and baaad demon, it looked like a human sized hairless bat. And, let me tell you, was she bad! Every night, she slipped in the shadows to enter people’s bedrooms and sat on their stomach.

Ignorant of her presence, she would weave nightmares in their mind. At times, they woke up in tears. And was she proud? Oh yes, she deemed herself an artist in her bad dream craft, her chest swole in pride every time she felt their fear and distress.

This Demon, let’s call her the Alp, savored their terror, she lived for it. And every time, they sought her, she hastily hid in the dark so well that commoners could never see her, but they knew they were being watched.

But art is beauty, and beauty takes time and concentration. Her victim was a little girl. The Alp did the usual: slid out the shadows from the shadow of her sleeping bag, sat on her stomach… And began weaving a Nightmare through her fears

It was then the light came on.

The Demon had made a mistake in picking a girl in the middle of a sleepover. No shadows, no other beds, no closets to run away… just, around nine little girls had surrounded her.

The Alp was a master of psychological fear, she wasn't the kind to believe in just making verses and jumping, thus she was stunned by the bright light… She stood frozen in anxiety and fear.


“Ugly”, one child called her

“Ugly! Ugly! Ugly”, the other children joined the chorus and began beating the Alp back with pillows.

Despite the Alp’s claws and fangs, she was not fighting back: poor her,having lived her life in darkness on solo performances, how could she know she suffered from stage fright? They had called her ugly. She had never considered that.

Overwhelmed, she was pushed out of the window and fell. Once the child hosting the sleepover party warned her parents… The adults found nothing.

The Alp had run away in fear, hiding in the shadows but, maybe, she should have tried to fight back for from that day on, she had stopped living. She was afraid of whenever the shadows retreated. She could no longer sow terror for she feared the light to turn on and to be called ugly again.

She had no desire to follow her craft, how could she follow a will to live?

Resting, she waited in the darkness for oblivion to embrace her. But much to her surprise, it was Death to come.

First, it was a cold chill. Then came the fog… with but two large luminous eyes piercing through, freezing her like the first time she was bathed in light.

“Alp of the Night clan”, Death spoke, its dark figure framed by light “I have come for you”

She didn't answer. There was no way to back away…she saw the blade. Her eyes closed, waiting for the reaping to begin. Eye closed. Shaking, yet accepting her grim fate.

… Or so she thought.

Minutes passed, but she could still feel conscious and alive. When her eyes were open, it wasn't the cold steel of a cruel blade that was facing her, but a humanoid hand. The other risen to cover the bright light away from the demons visage

“Come with me. We will wander through the darkness, and dig the hiddenmost fear of the foul ones that believe not to be afraid”

She understood… And chose to accept the offer. And thus, people who Death comes to will forever have one more reason to fear it, if their heart ever so wishes.


“The End~”, the Old Lady spoke

“What now?”, Zachary remarked “You are telling us you are the child that called the demon ugly?”

The lady laughed, taking the joke in stride. She began shivering a little as some fog had again leaked in when she entered.

“Sorry, my bad”, Jakob said, closing the door and locking it, just to make sure there wouldn’t be any further draft. At least, with the heaters on, the place would soon get cozy.

“You totally got me... I like you boy”; she said jokingly pinching his cheeks. It ever so slightly hurt due to her very long nails, but Zachary paid no attention. Ray was glaring at her throughout

“What now, young man?”, she asked him challengingly, her small beady eyes, clearly almost completely blind, narrowed even thinner as he looked at the man walking in front of her, seeming confrontation. She couldn’t help but notice how he was holding and nervously touching his own pendant

“.... When is your grandchild coming?”, he pointed out at her, causing her to dismiss him.

“Patience, young man, patience”, she muttered “The patience gets always awarded while otherwise…. You know what happens to the young man who steps in the wrong den right?”

“What is it? Another story?”, Zack asked “Come on, lady, you just told one”

“...it’s going to be shorter, just enough for my grandchild to arrive”, she said as the sound of a large car braking echoed “I think he is close”


“.... If you listen to my story, another round of beer”

The hardened criminals, acting pettily, were about to just mind their own business, when some could swear hearing some weird noises

“... Is something in the pipes, Jakob?”

… but a beer was beer, and this old lady seemed to like it.

“Such good beer, I was told it was super good”, she remarked with a chuckle

“Told ya, Granny”, a voice nobody seemed to come from hallowed out, but the old woman coughed a little

“So… I owed you a story…”, she muttered, earning a groan from everyone

Once upon a time,

A boy and a girl that were in the woods, living their life as aimlessly as kids do, enjoying the moment.

But the girl wanted to go to the forbidden woods, where there was said to be… Let’s call it a wolf. The most dreadful, cruelest and most uncompromising wolf there was, said not to hunt for hunger nor sport, but territory: all that crosses into the wolf’s den belongs to its maws. No matter how big, small, strong, weak, old, young, from the mouse to the bull, each had been a meal that had fallen to his mighty jaws.

However, the boy was determined in saving the girl. He grabbed her and ran. The Wolf went after them… Because it thought nothing could stop it, much less a boy. But the boy had plans. Traps. Weapons, negotiation. Just like the Wolf wouldn’t yield to nothing from getting the girl back, neither the Boy would dare to budge against him.

Silence, the lady took all of the time to order another mug and slowly drink it down, seeming to ignore the group of people that had gathered around her table

“... And?”, Zack questioned her, waiting for any way to get a proper conclusion.

“Ah, the story more or less ends here”, the old lady remarked with a nod

“This isn’t a story, it’s barely a pitch of one. First of all, what were even the boy and the girl? Brother and sister? Did the boy love her? Anything?”, he snapped, feeling underwhelmed by how abrupt it had ended.

“Does it really matter? Honestly, I don’t think even their gender matters beyond distinguishing them. Just like the Wolf in some stories is a Jackal, a Dragon, or another monster… One crossed over the forbidden den, the other did their best to defend the other”, she explained with a calm nod.

“... okay fine, but the story didn’t even end. Who won? Did the boy kick the wolf’s ass?”

“Nah, obviously the wolf ate both children”

Ah, speculation, this made the old lady chuckle

“.... end? This is a story that has many versions, Kinder”, she answered, suddenly a German word escaping her lips “In some stories, the boy is able to negotiate with the wolf… his life for hers. In far too many, the wolf succeeds despite everything, the grimmest ones having it kill both. In yet others, the boy is able to seal the wolf, but it escapes after several decades to finish the job. I have heard there is one version where the boy is able to permanently defeat the wolf. Other versions say they are still running to this day”

“... the meaning is obvious though, what does a man do when faced with the inevitable? The impossible challenge, shall we say. To give an end… is the answer few people want to give”, the old woman commented “... What about your friend Ray?. Wait, I think he has run away…”

Zack and the others went to look for their friend… she was right. That made no sense, though…. Why would he be running away from an old lady?

Darkness had completely fallen down, the granny’s silhouette seeming to shift into another shape entirely. It was unclear as it was seeking to move behind, but it looked like a human sized wingless bat

"Schande über ihn. Ich hatte nicht erwartet, dass er ein Feigling wäre. Aber wie gesagt: Angst vor dem Sensenmann ... für diejenigen, die es verdienen. [Shame on him. I didn't expect him to be a coward. But like I said: fear of the Grim Reaper...for those who deserve it.]”

Out of instinct, Zack sought to run away, but he kept saying just the vaguest hints of the bat-like creature… only to realize that on the ceiling there seemed to be a third creature, imp like in size…

Jakob tried to run away… but the Alp moved behind him and whispered: “Ich hoffe wirklich, dass Ihr Mann Sie liebt: Seien Sie vorsichtig mit Ihrem geliebten Loki”

Frozen, he saw what seemed the imp-like creature

“Right on cue, right, Alpie, right, let's give them chumps a good ole shower from Lethe waters, for Luv’s duck”

Tiny fist slammed on the fire alam!

And while the sirens blazed and water would wash away memories like rain, Ray Collins was running away amidst the storm, seeking a way out from the mysterious fog that seemed to overwhelm the storm. But … the wall. He had run in a dead corner… and the shadow had cornered him.

“Ray… Collins… Raiko”, the Shadow guessed Ray’s name or, as he knew him…


“Agent THUNDER, it’s about time we finally meet! But you do know who I am… I would have sworn Enrico had killed you. That's what I get for not looking for the body, am I right?”, Yami Kuzunoha cheered, his steps ringing into his interlocutor's ears like a funerary bell toll. “... Did you like the story of the children and the wolf? I made it up, but the Alp has recited it magnificently: I’d ask her to step out of the shadows if she didn’t suffer from stage fright. Admittedly, I personally had written the predator as a catty fox rather than a wolf but…”

Ray narrowed his eyes, his knuckles ready, as well as his necklace hiding his summons, interrupting the rambling ‘Shinigami’ “Yami Kuzunoha?… I thought that Tyrfing’s curse…”

“... Oooh, don’t tell me, you have no idea what I had to do to get rid of it. Turned out, it was Odin’s plan all along, but … Ah, my Goddess! Verdandi is as adorable as a cupcake!” Yami replied with fake pleasantries “Nonetheless, you don’t want trouble? Well, that is grand, neither doI. What I would rather have are the reports you dared to hack from my computer”

Finally, under the false smile he was wearing, the ‘Shinigami’s voice was beginning to sound annoyed, even grave.

“... Why, Thunder, how did you escape both Yatagarasu and the Scarlet Devilman?”

That was when Thunder barked back with bold defiance, aware of the sore spot it had to be: “How else, but Demonlover?”

Demonlover…, he had known about that woman, a tenuous ally of Yatagarasu at best, yet one of the masterminds behind the creation of the Kan’non collective. Most importantly, Demonlover was the girlfriend of one of his supervisors, Geirin Kuzunoha, representative of one of the main divisions. In other words, she was borderline untouchable without the right way….

“First she sabotages my entrance ritual, then this…”, he grumbled in frustration.

“Don’t feel special, she likes to prank everyone at Yatagarasu”, the retired summoner spoke, his eyes narrowed on the the ‘Shinigami’ had lowered his guard

…. It was time to fight back. He still held a demon hidden in the pendant around his neck …. The same one the Alp, sliding out of the shadow, had slipped out of his neck from the shadows just before tossing it at her master. Before the fugitive could take it back, he had been halted by the demon and forced to watch as the elitè Demon Hunter picked the Kartika knife.

One slam of the Vajira end. Two. Three. A crack, at last.

Lighting bolts came out of the metallic pendant as a creature tried to come out

“Leigong of the Destroyer Clan… impressive”, Yami said, acknowledging it as a potentially tough opponent…. Had it been able to take shape. As nothing but electrified magnetite, it was easy to destroy and dispel before the slashes of his Kartika dagger.

At last, the rain was finally beginning to subside, the fog triumphing over it.

Now the former agent was desperate, seeking to grab away the Alp to avoid it from attacking him any further. Before any blow could be blended, he got struck by Yami’s elbow to the solar plexus, taking the breath off him and bringing him down to his knees. Before Thunder could stand up, his opponent had his foot pressured on top of his head

“Thunder…”, he called out again, in a more serious again

“Kill me”, the retired summoner called out. No answer,

“I am sick of all the sh*t Yatagarasu has put me through. Ever since I was born…. You have gotten everything from me. When the Scarlet Devilman attacked… about f***ing time. I could finally have an excuse. Agent Thunder was dead. I could live a life… sure, I scrap by money, I get into fights non-stop… it’s a bit of a sh*tty life, but it’s MINE”

“While still keeping a bound contract to a Chinese Thunder God…”, Yami pointed out the hypocrisy of what the man said, causing him to snap. Any attempt to move was pushed down by Yami’s foot pressuring him

“A leverage in case one of you would come”, Thunder barked back

“Good it did for you. To be honest… I do not hold any interest in your life. Live, die, do whatever… but you stole my files, my very report about my fight with the Scarlet Devilman. What were you trying to accomplish? Blackmail me? Blackmail Yatagarasu? Maybe just erase any mention of yourself?”

Thunder didn’t reply to Yami’s accusations. A click from his gun made his back shiver.

“My reports. Now…”, he repeated

“They are home on my computer… too far from here. I didn’t know you would come here….”, was Thunder’s meek defense, an easy lie

“You had been summoning Leigong’s power, you definitely knew I was coming for you”, he remarked “But if you truly kept them home….”

Finally the foot pressure was relieved but Yami had just grabbed him by the back of his hair… and had Thunder’s mobile. Forcing his hand on the display, the Kuzunoha summoner was able to unlock the mobile, and uploaded one of his demons. What seemed the icon for firefox began moving in the monitor, beginning to burn and destroy the files

“And here. Yeobul is feasting on your files at the speed of light. Next I am going to your email and having her wreak havoc on your computer as well. Any file you had of me will be devoured by her flames…. I fear whatever was in your ‘private folder’ is going to be destroyed as well Sorry… however, just to make sure…”

He tossed the mobile against the ground, promptly smashing it with his feet.

“Buy yourself a new mobile, Ray”, Yami remarked drily, turning the former summoner to his back “For all I care, Thunder has been killed by Enrico and his body's still missing. As for you, Ray, your life begins anew tonight”

The former Summoner was too shocked to be rational and accept the mercy from the élite who was already walking away, standing up and call him out. He did realize something. If Yami had been acting like this

… Yatagarasu hasn’t realized I am here, then…

“What the hell is wrong with you, Yami? If you are sparing me, you know Yatagarasu is sh*t, why are you still with them? ”, Thunder remarked. The other summoner’s face piqued in curiosity, pleased at being asked

“Don’t pull my leg, you don’t want to know, long story, just leave”, was Yami’s curt response, turning so his facial expression and the new grimace wouldn’t be seen

“I have all the time to listen”, was Ray’s bold claim, still as defiant as ever. A deep breath escaped the Kuzunoha, his weapons still drawn so he could make sure the fugitive wouldn’t get funny ideas. He slowly turned, checking on the man struggling to get back up to his feet

I suppose there is one more time for a story, the élite summoner thought to himself

Long ago, before I even knew of Yatagarasu, I used to want to be a hero…”, was the young man’s incipit, hastily halted by the older fugitive’s coarse laughter.

“No, Seriously? To be a hero? That was your dream? This sounds … so stupid”, the former agent of Yatagarasu remarked incredulously, looking down with a mix of mockery and curiosity “What made you stop?”

Such a reaction was met throughout with silence and a deadpan glare on the Kuzunoha’s face. The desire to continue this conversation was gone

“...I wonder myself”, was his monotonous response as he turned his back again “Get the f*** back to his friends”

Ray just shook his head, still defiant, running towards the fog Kuzunoha was creating

“You are insane, Kuzunoha. Run away from them, or you will end up alone and crazy, you get me?” Thunder could see nothing any longer. He couldn’t see from an inch from his nose, he suddenly felt a hand pulling him in. Was it Yami’s? Before he could attack he realized who was holding him….

Zackary greeted him. Once more back at the bar

“Yo, Ray. Did you see the rain? It was crazy”, he cheered “Come on, I got some beer for ya, rounds on me”

Ray looked around. No Kuzunoha… no Yatagarasu… no Summons… no way to get back. Maybe it was for the best. A stoic nod and he sat next to his friend,

“Of course, how are you doing?”, Ray asked

“Good, you?”, Zack replied curious

“Please… you know not even Death can stop me”, his bolder and more badass friend replied, hearing the flap of wings of something in the far distance.

But he didn’t care. He was with his friend, Jakob seemed ready to make his amazing beer, and the bar seemed unusually cozier, likely the heaters had been turned on.

He was no longer afraid. Today he was going to enjoy what little was left of the night.


“Yes, my superiors, my wage has arrived. Thanks for the concern. No, sir, I can confirm that ever since the cupca-Lady Verdandi performed the exorcism I have had no side effects from Tyrfing, I will come tomorrow… No sir… still no trace of Agent Thunder. With how fierce Enrico Rossi was… I am not sure if we will hear of him ever again”, he grimly remarked. His voice trembling a little, the firefox who had just come back in a rare case nuzzling him for comfort…

… No wait, she just wanted snacks. As soon as she had eaten a candy bar, her flames turning bright azure, she had returned to mind her own business.

From the other side of the phone, there was nothing but a buzzing annoyance in his ears, a spiel about how rightful it was to wish him for mercy on his soul, as away from Yatagarasu, who knows what the poor man was going to deal with

“I merely do my job for the sake of Yatagarasu and our superiors”, he answered calmly “As the time I have killed Enrico Rossi, you won’t be let down”

Finally a smile at the next words. Just to make sure, he checked his account

“I can confirm the Macca is already there. Yes, I shall take my day off to rest, I am most aware I should avoid stressing myself… We shall meet tomorrow for a check up as already established. Best wishes”

He hung up his phone, now his voice turning at the demons

“Easy comes”, he said admiring the money, subtracting a small part, just enough to allow someone to buy a new mobile “Easy goes…”

A deep breath. Soon, he noticed that all of his demons that had summoned were looking at him intensively. He knew what they wanted.

“... yes, we are going to take a beer to Dirksen later, just give them a few to allow the power of Lethe to be done scrambling his mind… but for the time being… you are dismissed. I need to rest”

Pruflas, Alp, Yeobul and Jack all nodded and, soon, they were fading into data as static noises buzzed down. He immediately closed his hand and…. Everything was over.. There was no mist, there were no streetlights, only Yami Kuzunoha, and the bus. With no clients around, and his demons away, The night was his and his alone..

Gods are described these days as cruel and unjust, but the truth was that you cannot just pinpoint a race and think to group their personality as a dividual. Each god is different, some were pranksters, others were slaves of vice, yet rightful. Ultimately, gods were human, and just like people, you can’t apply a specific rule.

Of course he had to learn that, for he was no Shinigami, despite people mistaking him for such: he didn’t choose who lives and who dies, only carries them to their rightful place. A duty stolen, of all things, from an actual long lost deity by his clan’s founder.

And with such a task, you had to learn to adapt and grow… and this is what Yami Kuzunoha had done across his missions. He had no regret in his act of mercy, despite Thunder seeming to do his best not to want it.

After all, he was under Demonlover’s protection. Yami was going to have to deal with her someday…. But far later down the line.

Formerly a young man with a dream, now a worker, capable of balancing his own past with the present, and growing out of it a bit more. From a man unable to control his own demons, to one learning from the very inner demons of mankind.

But right now… all he is doing is enjoying some bentoes. He has people who love him and help him prepare such lovely meals. Slowly nibbling on his food, he looked up in the sky, quizzically admiring the rising sun with a sense of challenge gleaming in his dull red orbs.

“... What is in store for me, exactly?”

tu viru viru ra fa~ tu viru viru ra fa~
tu viru viru.. tu viru viru.. tu viru viru.. ra fa~
tu viru viru ra fa~ tu viru viru ra fa~
tu viru viru.. tu viru viru..


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