02/03/2024 06:20 PM 

Patience is a virtue many of you do not have

Y'all know people work, right?  Waiting a a few hours won't kill you, nor would waiting until the weekend or they have time off to do roleplay related stuff that's more in depth than status banter.  Don't be like Adventurous and be a little bitch about people on statuses and spend more time bashing them then actually roleplaying or doing replies instead of using something called your brain.  Many of the people who do those status bants do so to keep the juices flowing while they're busy doing rl stuff.  I know SOME of you neglect rl responsibilities for rp which you shouldn't.  If you're the type to block after a few minutes, you don't want a story that isn't the least bit thought out, but again... there's people on here who try to pass those kinds of stories off as well thought out.  Not everyone's into doing those "thanks for the add" messages, that's basically assumed when you accept the add.  Would you rather a "thanks for accepting my friend request" be the first message or the first message even if it takes a week to be "okay, here's my idea for a roleplay between us *insert display/ character here*?  Which sounds more like they have a story in mind and ready to fire in your first message? Being thanked for something that's implied upon request accepted or being hit with a story suggestion?

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