12/10/2023 01:32 PM 

[ "Diamonds and Pearls" ]

// Fair warning, while they are twins, you will only get to roleplay with one off the bat until I am confortable with your roleplay enough to introduce the other. They are not a package deal off the bat.

[| name |] Zura "Diamond" Luminara (Left) Rizu "Pearl" Luminara (Right)
[| age |] 27
[| gender |] Female
[| position |] Submissive (Zura is a switch)

[| bio |] Zura and Riza are a pair of enigmatic twins with a life that intertwines the art of jewelry and the world of the night. By day, they run a quaint jewelry shop, renowned for its exquisite, handcrafted pieces. Zura, the financial brain of the operation, ensures their business thrives, while Riza, with her artistic flair, creates stunning jewelry. Unbeknownst to most, their creations aren't just visually captivating; they're imbued with a subtle magic that renders their clientele more open to their nightly ventures. As night falls, Zura and Riza transform into sought-after prostitutes, using their bewitching jewelry as an aid to entice and captivate their clients.

[| personality |] Zura is the more dominant of the two, exuding a confident and assertive aura that belies her submissive inclinations. In the business world, she's shrewd and decisive, handling finances with a firm hand and a sharp mind. Despite her commanding presence, she possesses a softer side, especially evident in her interactions with her sister and clients. Her dominance is more about taking charge of situations than overpowering others, making her both respected and approachable.

Riza, on the other hand, is the creative soul, gentler and more reserved than Zura. Her talent for jewelry making is unmatched, and she pours her heart into every piece she crafts. While she may seem more submissive, there's a quiet strength in her demeanor. She's perceptive and empathetic, able to connect with clients on a deeper level, both through her art and her presence in their nocturnal world. Together, Zura and Riza form a compelling duo, each complementing the other's strengths and weaknesses.

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