11/13/2023 10:52 PM 

Renestrae ||Connected To Aelua||

Name: Renestrae
Human Name: Keya
Age: ?
Height: 5’6

Race: Demon

Weapons: Polearm, sword (soul-bound)

Powers: Demon physiology, weapon mastery, electricity manipulation, soul-bound weapon, healing, paralysis inducement (limited), telekinesis (limited)

Other Facts: Blind (wears a blindfold), Has a trained falcon to aid her


The tragedy of losing a loved one was the first memory Renestrae had. Never knowing her father, Renestrae lived with her mother inside their small horde.

Demons were generally seen by humans as evil creatures that did not deserve to live. It may have been true for most of her people,  but Renestrae's mother was not a bloodthirsty demon. The woman avoided humans and most other creatures.

One day, their home was attacked by humans. They were knight's sent from a king to purge the land of anyone he found undesirable. Demons were at the top of his list. Renestrae witnessed her mother's death as a child, before she was able to escape.

Days later, she found herself in a human village. A kind, older and childless woman took her in, in spite of knowing what she was. Renestrae learned to control her powers and even take on a more human appearance. The name she was given was Keya.

Despite having a caring family again, Renestrae's life was not the same. Even though the humans in the village accepted her presence, she never felt truly welcomed. She was tormented every day by other children and even by some of the adults.

But as she grew, so did her powers. And Keya used these powers to protect the people who hated her. Yet, they still feared her. They feared that the demon blood in her would overpower any human teachings and she would destroy them.

When she decided that she could no longer stay in the village, she left and roamed the land. She remained in a human form and kept her powers hidden. She lived among the humans for many years. Soon, she found the life that she always longed for. Friendship and love. She met a man. A knight for a king. She fell in love with him and was willing to risk her life for him.

However, she did not know that his feelings for her were not true. He aided his king in keeping a special elf captive. And when the time came to destroy the elf, he attacked Keya in her sleep. Her eyes were taken in order to replace the elf's. His intention was to corrupt her with demonic energy. 

The pain and betrayal was too much for her to bear. For years, she sacrificed for the humans and aided them time and time again only to be betrayed.

Now she has a new path in life. One that would have her cross swords with another often. She hated humans and decided to hunt them down. Knights, nobility and royalty were her primary targets. As well as the wretched elf who carries her eyes.

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