11/11/2023 12:37 PM 

Abigail Potter

Name: Abigail Potter
Age: 23
Height: 5'3
Race: Human

Abigail's family were artists. Not only did they create beautiful bowls and vases, they also did a variety of sculptures. However, Abigail preferred to paint. She was known for her portraits of the royal family, as well as the favored knights of the king.

She was loyal to her king and adored the kingdom she lived in. But that would all change one day. Her family did not live near the castle. They lived in a village far from the kingdom. The night before her arranged marriage, the village was attacked by a group of men who claimed to be the very knights who served the king.

Abigail watched as her family and betrothed were murdered. Though, the women survived and were captured. However, her mother didn't survive more than a few days due to the injuries she suffered from. Soon after, the group was split and Abigail was separated from her baby sister.

Eventually Abigail was able to escape in the middle of the night. Now she looked for her sister as well as trying to plan a way to kill every knight that worked for the king.

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