11/07/2023 01:40 PM 

Category: Stories
Current mood:  adventurous

The smell of the crisp autumn air and honeysuckle atmosphere filled her senses as she walked the dirt road, admiring the changing leaves on the ground and watching out for the crunching pine cones on the ground that had previously fallen. 

A tall young woman was walking down the road a ways; her long black hair was swaying with the wind as the atmosphere changed. She could sense a strong force nearby. A familiar force that she had felt many times before - he - returned. Before he would return from his travels in space and in battle. He would return to Hikawa shrine to Rei. She did not know what to think or if she wanted to. 

She allowed herself to feel herself slip away into the darkness of the room and late in the night he would disappear and she would awake again and he would be gone. Was he a dream? Was he a figment of her imagination? Was he something of a fantasy she created out of loneliness after Chad left? She did not know the answer to these growing questions.

Vegeta always left her feeling cold when he went back to his family. No one would suspect him capable of cheating but he was a prince and he thought he could do whatever he wanted because he had the title. The title of a prince of a fallen race and birthrites. Rei did not see the point of holding on to such traditions and she better thought to let them die. 

She didn't dare say something like that to Vegeta though, she would know that it would make him angry beyond compare. She did not want to arouse his anger any further, and he was obsessed with becoming stronger than Goku. She wished he could be satisfied with the strength he already had and move on from this unhealthy obsession with his pride and everything with it. 

Rei would embrace him, wraping her arms around his rippling biceps and pecks as she closed violet eyes , her ebony tresses swaying in the wind on the outside of her families temple. They were in the back yard closed off from where everyone could see. She gave herself away that night, knowing that there were concequences to her actions. 

She couldn't bring herself to care that night. She let her emotions run wild and ruin through the emotionless flesh upon flesh as she mated. She was in awe of this beautiful creature of muscle and bone. She was so involved that she did not see what was going on around her. She did not see that she was being used as a means to an end.

Sometimes she would look back on that night and wonder just how stupid she really was and stared at the pink slip on the stick in front of her. Pregnant. Rei was not thrilled about this. How could she have forgotten the golden rule of her own morals? She let herself ruin the potential of her future career as a business woman, as a computer science major. She wanted to go to space and reach the planet she represented; mars. 

Her body shook; she was crying in the woman's bathroom in the high school at the bathroom. "Pregnant." she said, knowing Vegeta would not be happy about this, and in fact he would not be happy about having to be a father to another woman's child, a child that wold be half human, half Saiyan.

Rei would keep it a secret for now. She would not tell him. She would hide it for as long as she could until D-Day, she would find some how to calm him down long enough to talk about it and convince him it wasn't going to be a bad thing to have a child like that again.

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