11/07/2023 06:43 PM 

Category: Guidelines
Current mood:  awake

<first>- D</first>on't rush me about comments.<Br>
- Do not steal from me.<Br>
- I have a life outside of here and it's routine so I don't get as much time online as I used to.<br>
- Comments: Discussions. Messages: Roleplaying.<br>
- Do not sexualize my character - If there is a connection between them that is through writing and chemistry, then we'll talk about romance and other stuff.<br>
- Do not ask me for personal information unless I'm willingly handing it out such as discord, phone addresses, identity names, email addresses, and home addresses.<Br>
- I am a paragraph / multiple paragraph writer. This means I'll be writing in third person format as well as in complete sentences, proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.<Br>
- Do not expect respect if you do not show it first.<Br>
- Do not start drama on my page I do not appreciate the high school sh*t I see on here. It's stupid and ignorant.<bR>
- Don't add me if you're a minor or under the age of 18. There MAY be adult content beyond this point.<Br>
- If you add me once and I've denied you once, and add me again, you will be blocked.<br>
- Sometimes I need a break from ani so don't take it personally if I don't respond right away. Sometimes it's overwhelming for me and I have severe social anxiety so it doesn't help the situatioin at all.<br>
- Do not use your mental illness as an excuse to treat people poorly.<Br>
- Don't spread hate to people on my friends list. Do not send hateful messages to me. They will be blocked.<Br>
- I have a mental illness but I try not to talk about it much. I am not in the scope of talking about it here. Just be aware that everyone has something going on that you know nothing about.<Br>
- I don't mind talking to people out of character or bantering on stream. I will probably edit some things for people too if I'm in the mood. I also code layouts and if you wanna pay me that's fine too.<br>
- This is the end of the rules. Thank you for reading them and come at me with random starters; none of that fake ass discussion sh*t.

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