11/02/2023 11:43 PM 

Weapons, Magic, and Abilities

This is roughly the full extent of what Raziel is capable of in roleplay. Note that he is significantly stronger in RP than in his actual D&D itteration.

Twilight: The main sword Raziel uses against both monsters and mortals alike. Twilight was made by mixing the minerals of a meteorite with mithril. The total length of the sword is roughly 40.5 inches with the blade itself being 27.25 inches and weighing less than 40oz. The width of the blade is roughly 1.5 inches thick and the hilt itself is a hand and a half. It's crossguard is angled upwards to allow Raziel to spin the blade in his hand when performing bladesongs. Along the length of Twilight's blade are rues engraved from previous owners who wielded Twilight before Raziel did. The first rune reads as follows, "I am the master who fights for the people." This rune to which was engraved with magic and the will of the first wielder gives the sword a +3 enchantment for those who play D&D. What this means is that the blade is fairly strong and will not break under pressure as well as never dulling and will remain sharp. The second rune states "May the Fiends and Undead fear me for I am the holy rightousness." This gives Twilight the enchantment to glow a light blue glow whenever Fiends or Undead are near by, while also unleashing Radiant energy when striking those same creatures dealing them extra damage when they are hit. The final rune says, "May death be swift and true, so that none will suffer." This gives the blade the Vaporal enchantment, making it so that Twilight can easily cut the heads off of any who are unfortunate to be struck with an accurate strike. The blade would pass through painlessly and those that fall to the blade from beheading will feel nothing but death's cold embrace almost as if they died in their sleep.

Frostguard: Frostguard is Raziel's second sword, while used less often than Twilight, Raziel does use Frostguard as an offhand sword or even as his main choice when facing off against creatures who reside in colder environments. Frostguard was Raziel's first enchanted weapon that he came across. This weapon is what is known as a Fire Brand Longsword, and it holds the same size as Twilight being an over all 40 inches in length with the blade being 27.25 inches, however this blade has a more decorated corssguard with it extending out some where the sides of the corssguards resembled wings of sorts and a glowing amber was set in the center. The entire make of the hilt was made out of steel but colored in a fashion to look like bronze. The hand and a half hilt is wrapped with orange leather and the pomel is rounded and set with an amber colored gem that glows like fire. The blade itself has a red hue to it and will ignite in flames with the command "Burn" as this is the sword's first enchantment. The second enchantment to this sword is that while Raziel remains attuned to this blade, he can never feel cold nor will he freeze. Any magical ice spells used against him will melt almost instantly making this sword ideal for him when traveling the tundra.

Ishkar the Soul Striker: Ishkar is a long bow made of the dark wood from the trees of the Shadowfell. Raziel himself crafted this bow during the events that took place within his world where a Drow necromancer named Corrin was seeking to claim the souls of Netharis and raise an army of undead servants before seeking godhood. Upon crafting this bow, Raziel with the help of a couple of Clerics began to enchant the bow. Raziel gave the bow the ability to set arrows ablaze while the two clerics blessed the bow with holy energy, essentailly creating an enchantment that allowed the bow to unleash arrows set ablaze with holy fire. Raziel is fairly proficient with this bow, given that during his time as an assassin he perfered the use of a bow over using swords as he found that killing a man from the shadows at range was cleaner and much quicker than often crossing swords with them.

Hidden Daggers: Raziel has a set of bracers that allow him to summon hidden daggers. Usually done with the flick of his wrists, Raziel can throw these enchanted daggers at will or he can use them to stab someone quickly while leaving the dagger in his target before the weapon vanishes after six seconds leaving no trace of the weapon at all. These daggers work similar to the hidden blades of the Brotherhood Assassins from Assassin's Creed which is where the inspiration came from.

Magic: Raziel is a capable mage, though he mostly focuses on swordsmanship. He's well versed in using various different spells ranging from Black magic to a few under White Magic. This typically to those of different universes would make Raziel a Red Mage in their eyes though his combat style is different from a typical caster.

One - Handed Stance: The most diverse stance of Raziel's fighting style. This allows him to use magic or throwing knives and strike with great percision. Some abilities include Redoublement and Zwerchhau, Demon Slice and Gnashing Fang.

Two - Handed Stance: Raziel's more powerful strikes combined with his agility. Iajutsu, Kenjutsu, and Koryu-bujutsu all fall under this stance for Raz. Some of his abilities are the Namikiri, Setsugekka, Senei, Shoha, and his first ultimate ability (Limit Break for Final Fantasy Fans) - Zentetssuken

Dual Wielding Stance: Raziel's most unique and famous stance. This combines his speed with percision striking. Allowing him to mix different sword techniques and even combine his two swords into a double bladed weapon. Some of his known techniques are Shinten, Gyoten, Guren, Wicket Talon and his second ultimate ability - Reality Break.

Ultimates / Limit Breaks

Zentetssuken: Raziel takes a lowered stance iajutsu stance and when the timing is right he uses every muscle in his body to move with such blinding speeds he is seen in multiple places at once, leaving a trail of a dozen blue streaks where he had slashed at a target before striking from above to behead his target.

Reality Break: Raziel calls upon his magic in order to create a demi-plane of existence where he can summon what is called the Eternal Arsenal. From there Raziel will vanish from sight, moving at blinding speeds to strike his targets from multiple directions until he gathers enough magic and speed, shattering his own demi plane with a final magical strike from both of his blades.


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