11/01/2023 10:02 PM 

About the Writer

I haven't done one of these but a little bit about me. First, I've been roleplaying since 2005 back on Myspace. My first character was Duo Uchiha until I finally killed him off and started roleplaying as Raziel back in 06. Back then he was known as Raziel Akechi where I made a name for him as an elvish swordsman due to me using him in rp fights where he used nothing but his sword and very little "super" powers or magic. You'd be surprised at how many people can't figure out how to counter blade movements. Anyways after around 2008 I finally changed Raziel's name to Raziel Cyridania and have rped him since. Now days, I write short stories and am working on a novel. I run a D&D group every Sunday and a gaming community that often gets together in various games and causes chaos. So that's the writer behind Raziel.

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