11/01/2023 09:48 PM 


Yes unfortunately we have to have these. I'll keep it simple.

1. Be respectful; this means of my time, of my characters, and of me.
2. No God mode or Meta gaming. Pretty self explainitory
3. Goes with the god mode, but no power modding either. We're not here to destroy the world so please don't do it.
4. Absolutely no one liners; I won't reply to them.
5. I'm not too keen on ERP, I don't mind romance but keep it in your pants. I'm here for the story.
6. If you do wish to fight me, there's no killing of our characters unless we can agree upon it. I don't wanna kill someone's character just because I can so you shouldn't either.
7. If we discuss a roleplay and I have to post in a group page for you, make sure that I've spoken to ALL parties involved so that I know turn orders and such. Otherwise I'm just gonna block you and the group.
8. Take your time, I understand RL comes first. I work for a living, run a gaming community, and I'm working on writing a novel so I get it. This is a hobby so take your time.
9. While I do have rule 8, I do want to state that I do not appreciate mutes. I'm not here for numbers, so at least say something if you're not able to roleplay. Communication helps out a lot as I am here on a roleplay site to roleplay and not sit here and look at pretty profiles.
10. Have fun!

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~Arrancar Princess~


Dec 4th 2023 - 9:47 PM

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Awesome! I want to finish with Zorita so I can start my own! 


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