09/01/2023 07:48 PM 

OC: Leocadius Drakenvale

Name: Leocadius Drakenvale

Age: 25

Race: Draconic Descendant (Human/Dragon Hybrid


Leocadius stands at a proud 6 feet 2 inches tall, his lean, toned muscular body a testament to his physical prowess. His lightskinned complexion is a canvas for his otherworldly features. Silver hair cascades down his back, shimmering like moonlight, while his golden eyes gleam with an inner intensity that seems to hold the power of storms. His presence is both striking and enigmatic, commanding attention even in the most crowded of places. His unique appearance, marked by silver hair, golden eyes, and a hint of his dragon heritage, captivates the attention of all who encounter him.

Weight: 180 lbs

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: [ In training.] Guardian and Warrior of the Royal Family

Reading: Leocadius has a voracious appetite for knowledge, finding solace in the pages of ancient texts that offer insights into history, magic, and the secrets of his lineage.

Thunderstorms: The crackling energy of thunderstorms resonates with his affinity for golden lightning, offering a sense of unity with the elements.

Strategic Games: He enjoys games that challenge his tactical thinking and strategic planning, reflecting his calculated approach to challenges.

Loyalty: Leocadius deeply values loyalty and camaraderie, a reflection of his past experiences and his unyielding commitment to those he cares about.


Bullying: His profound empathy for the weak makes him despise those who exploit their power to torment others.

Injustice: Leocadius is driven to confront injustice, and the sight of the powerful preying on the powerless ignites a fierce determination within him.

Indifference: He finds indifference to the suffering of others intolerable, considering it a betrayal of one's humanity.

Deception:  His preference for transparency and honesty makes him harbor a deep dislike for deception and manipulation.


Leocadius's personality is a complex tapestry that weaves together intelligence, emotional depth, and playful mischievousness. His sharp intellect is evident through his analytical thinking and quick wit. This cold rationality surfaces when focused on challenges, revealing a calculating side that weighs options meticulously.

Beneath this exterior lies a kind heart, extending genuine empathy and support to those he cares about. A mischievous streak adds vibrancy to his character, infusing interactions with playful banter and clever pranks. His sense of humor is multilayered, embracing wordplay, irony, and subtle jests.

His perceptiveness goes beyond the surface, uncovering human nuances that surprise others. This skill sometimes manifests as a perceptive humor, involving light teasing and innuendos within his inner circle.

A strong sense of justice fuels him, igniting his disdain for bullies and his unwavering desire to protect the weak. This upbringing also fuels his frustration toward the weak who fail to stand up for themselves. He embodies principles of defense, balanced with a discerning perspective on those who shirk their own empowerment.

Leocadius's tragic past casts a shadow over his journey. His village fell victim to monsters orchestrated by an enigmatic mastermind. A calculated raid led to the loss of his parents, the disappearance of his brother, and his own resilience in the face of tragedy. A fateful encounter with the highranking adventurer Sir Alaric saved him, leading to mentorship that fostered his rapid growth.

As he uncovers the mysteries of his lineage, Leocadius's path intertwines with his missing brother's fate and the enigmatic mastermind's plans. His quest for truth and justice propels him toward confronting his own heritage and an uncertain destiny.


Golden Luminance: Leocadius can summon and control bolts of golden lightning, radiant and powerful, to strike down his foes or illuminate his path.

Draconic Resonance: His dragon lineage grants him the ability to attune to natural energy sources, empowering his lightning in the presence of storms or charged environments.

Aurelic Tempest: He can unleash a mighty storm of golden lightning, creating an electrical maelstrom that devastates enemies and reshapes the battlefield.


Leocadius Drakenvale's past is etched with tragedy, shrouded in mystery, and fueled by an unbreakable will. The village he called home once thrived in harmony, until that fateful day when it was plunged into darkness by a calculated raid orchestrated by monsters. These creatures, from various races, operated with unnerving coordination, a testament to an unknown mastermind lurking behind the scenes. Their brutal attack seemed too calculated, too methodical, for mere instinctdriven monsters.

This shadowy puppeteer had a singular goal: to unearth the elusive Dragon's blood, a substance rumored to be the source of immense power. Yet, this villain was chasing a mere illusion. What remained of Leocadius's family held the true secret, unknowingly carrying diluted traces of Dragon blood within their veins as descendants of these ancient creatures.

Leocadius's family paid a steep price for this bloodline legacy. His parents fell victim to the monstrous assault, while his younger brother disappeared without a trace – kidnapped and spirited away by the very creatures that had razed their lives. Leocadius, still a young boy, fought valiantly but lacked the strength to rescue his brother. In the direst of moments, a contingent of royal guards arrived, led by a highranking adventurer named Sir Alaric.

Sir Alaric was struck by the sight of the beaten yet unyielding boy. Leocadius's unwavering determination and selflessness left an indelible mark on the adventurer. Impressed by the courage displayed by the young survivor, Sir Alaric took it upon himself to adopt Leocadius as his own ward, recognizing potential within him that transcended the norm.

Under Sir Alaric's mentorship, Leocadius's latent strength began to blossom at an astonishing rate, a development attributed to the dormant Dragon blood coursing through his veins. Unaware of his lineage, Leocadius's remarkable growth captivated Sir Alaric, leading him to wonder if he had stumbled upon a prodigy. The seasoned adventurer nurtured Leocadius's talents, honing his combat skills and strategic thinking.

Leocadius's connection to Sir Alaric extended beyond mere mentorship. His guardian's high rank granted him access to the royal family, where he interacted with children of similar ages. This proximity to the royal family provided him with not only advanced training but also a network of companions who would shape his journey.

Throughout his upbringing, Leocadius remained oblivious to his true heritage and the fate of his missing brother. He believed his sibling had been claimed by death during the village's tragic downfall. Unbeknownst to him, his brother lived, a captive of the enigmatic mastermind who orchestrated the very tragedy that had shaped his life.

Character Arc:

Leocadius's journey revolves around mastering the harmonious fusion of his golden lightning affinity and his awakened dragon abilities. Through challenges and discoveries, he grows not only in strength but also in understanding of his own identity. As he comes to terms with his lineage, he evolves into a beacon of hope, wielding the power of the elements to protect his loved ones and reshape the destiny of his world. His path toward selfdiscovery intertwines with the mysteries of his past, leading to an inevitable confrontation with the enigmatic mastermind and the ultimate reunion with his missing brother.

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