04/15/2023 11:15 PM 

No differing opinions and other thingsā€¦ myeh

If you're the type to put your opinion out there and delete any that even slightly disagree with yours because you dislike hearing opinions different from your own and are just seeking validation for your own opinions even when they're made from places of ignorance, shut the f*** up and keep your opinion to yourself and don't put it out there.  It makes you look pathetic bro.  Especially when you want people to respect your opinion on subjects while acting like other people's opinions do not matter... that's hypocritical, but then again this is ani where A LOT of people do hypocritical things.  The anti eros... you find them doing ero often, the no dramas? Same thing with them.  The always in character people?  Just a shield to protect from being sh*tty people more often than not.  The first two are obvious when you see it, but always in character try to be slick, but some are too stupid to realize their own mask off moments.

imagine calling someone "in character" a bitch numerous times and blocking them the instant they call your character a p**sy.  Now, not only is that a bitch move, but also shows that you're not in character and just using always in character to excuse you being a d*ckhead ooc for no reason to people because you expect everyone to automatically believe the always in character line.  For someone who was in a group of idiots who kept bringing up rp fighting when someone talked sh*t... your p**sy ass ran really fast to push the block button when insulted just once in character after calling someone a bitch numerous times "in character".  Seems you're just a sh*tty person who is also fake as f*** and a massive bitch, but... at least I know my own oc's stuff, have her stuff coherently put together and didn't need to change it more than 8 times within 3 years... and not even character growth changes, but just changes to the character.  I also only have two versions, a safe for work and nsfw because not everyone can handle some of the themes for this character.  I do not feel the need to have a different Version of my oc for each site im on writing her.  

I do not bash ero rpers for writing ero, but do make fun of the ero people for weirdo or really dumb stuff like inflation... sonicfanbaselewdwritersiseeyouthere, having chests be squeezed into/against your character, and characters falling for each other even if it doesn't make sense from a narrative or how the characters are.

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