11/03/2022 04:56 PM 

Take Down - Volumes = DK

The fight was on! Nothing like violence to dispel tension and work through stress. It was a sparring session rather than a true fight but that did not mean Sephiroth intended to hold back! He never had previously when he fought and practised with Angeal and Genesis. There had rarely been injuries back then and he knew how to pull his blows when sparring. He wondered if DK would do the same. She could pack a punch when she wanted to and the angry look on her face informed him that this was going to be tougher than he anticipated. Good. It had been too long since he’d had a challenge.

The only weapons they’d be using was their bodies. Their fists and feet. DK had hers up by her face, guarding. The circling began. Blood thundered in his ears, a smile touched his lips. Sharp eyes missed nothing as his opponent moved slowly. Her footwork was impressing, stepping in such a way that she’d not overbalance even if hit. He mirrored, circling her, gauging her movements. Forcing his breathing to even lengths, he let calm flood him – no point in overthinking things. He had years of training behind him, just as she had.

Her first blow was more a test than anything else. She stepped in and jabbed. An easy blow to block and counter, though he made no attempt to. When he struck it would be fast and intentional. Let her wear herself out probing him for weakness.

The next kick he stepped around. The third blow he took on his forearm rather than his torso. Still nothing meaningful.

When it came, he was ready. The blow was fast, sharp and followed with a kick. The kick landed in his midriff, sending him back. He countered with a snap of his hand, jabbing DK’s shoulder. It knocked her but she kept her balance, following with a counter of her own. Sephiroth side-stepped the blow, chopped with the heel of his hand. If the blow hurt, she made no sound. She took a step back and looked at him, the rage in her eyes clear. Blowing hair from her face, she tried again.

A flurry of blows followed, some of which he blocked, some landed. The jabs ached, designed to tap into nerves and disrupt his abilities. He stopped it by hitting her back. A strong punch into her ribs that although pulled, disrupted her focus. She cried out and leapt back. He hadn’t hit her that hard, had he? He tilted his head. She shook hers. The rage bubbled up. She yelled this time, sending out a vicious kick.

Not wanting to be caught by the blow, Sephiroth swiped out and grabbed hold of her leg. He yanked back ruining her balance. Her other leg kicked one of his out on her way down, he staggered and fell to one knee. Her back hit the floor with a thud and he heard the wind rush from her. Her head had landed by his knee and he looked down with a small smile.

He would never admit it to her, but she was a pretty girl. She had an earthly, girl next door feel about her. She was welcoming, kind in her way and had dark eyes that danced with the vibrancy of life. What she was doing letting him stay around was beyond him, he would be forever grateful for that.

Those dark eyes flicked up to his and a frown crossed her face, “What?” she barked.

“Just wondering if you are up for another round,” he said. “Or have you had enough?”

“Get on your feet,” she snorted, “As if that little blow was enough! And stop holding back!” He stepped back and offered a hand to help her up. She took it before stepping back, “Get ready!” she said. Sephiroth shrugged and flicked his hair out the way, ready to continue the match.

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