10/11/2022 05:23 PM 


✧ Ji-Woon has done drugs, and might have some minor addictions to them. Opiates—more specifically morphine—are vital if he’s in the midst of a meltdown and needs to unwind, cocaine is occasionally snorted when he needs to be energized. To the surprise of many, he has enough self-control to not let addiction get out of control, since narcotics are looked down heavily by the public. The only ones who know about this are likely his crew.

✧ Now alcohol on the other hand is more his style. Be it soju, wine, vodka, or whiskey, liquor is his main vice. Most of the time the bare bones of his music is written while he’s drunk, as that’s when the spark for ideas seems to capture him. The masses are aware he drinks quite a lot, but he’s surprisingly functional in spite of it. His fans seem to have no problems with it for certain.

✧ His stage presence is known to be rather edgy. Stunts and performances are said to be rather dangerous, and he has gotten injured more than once. His ability to save face prevents most from learning of his injuries, but keen-eyed fans will note a specific eye twitch that occurs when a mistake is made.

✧ He enjoys browsing things via Tor—both legal and illegal. Anonymity is vital to keep his tracks covered. Most of the things he searches involve heavily violent media, mass drama forums that post obscene content, and of course, anything that revolves around him.

✧ Ji-Woon consumes a heavy amount of crime media, from documentaries to news articles. Most of the time if he isn’t listening to his own music, he’ll be deep in the depths of a podcast while he takes notes to each case. He has an uncomfortable amount of knowledge of some of the most horrendous crimes.

✧ Ji-Woon does not sleep well. Due to the nature of his artistic visions, he’s grown accustomed to functioning on a low set of sleep. At least once a month he’ll crash and sleep for nearly a day, but he survives on roughly 4 hours per day.

✧ Ji-Woon thinks ghosts and goblins are total bullsh*t. As far as he’s aware the only god that exists is himself, and the idea of an afterlife is silly to him. This obviously is subverted upon being taken by the Entity, though even within it’s realm, he finds the concept truly bizarre.

✧ He doesn’t like sweets. For some unknown reason they upset his stomach and he dislikes the taste. If he had to choose, a dull lollipop or some bubblegum is the closest he’ll eat to anything that contains sugar.

✧ Coming from a family restaurant, Ji-Woon is a very talented chef. Unlike what most would expect, he prepares most of his own meals because he considers hired help inferior. And yes, he absolutely does knife tricks to absolutely no one but himself whenever he cooks.

✧ When he’s off-stage, Ji-Woon doesn’t enjoy putting on a swooning farce to anyone. While he has many narcissistic tendencies, he will not go out of his way to over-charm randos on the street. He’d much rather be worshiped himself than put in the faux effort to charm others.

✧ Related to his mental complications, he has a long-buried anxiety issue. Due to always wanting to be in control, when something goes even slightly off schedule, he becomes antsy. A telltale sign of this is clawing his palms until they turn red.

✧ Another little known fact is he cries quite a lot. Not out of sadness, of course. Most of his tears are from being overwhelmed by things he considers beautiful, such as his murderous tendencies creating morbid art. There have been times he has cried on stage listening to his own music come to life, much to the delight of his fans. It’s speculated the reason behind his tears is due to very deep-seated familial issues, as well as the complications of the music industry.

✧ Contrary to popular belief, Ji-Woon actually is only a fan of his own twisted version of K-Pop. He considers most of the music churned out stale and sounding the same without any inspiration except to make the next All-Kill. He hates anything that sounds like what you “expect” from the industry, and so he listens to other genres, such as metal, rap, alt-rock, and anything that seems to have love put behind its making.

✧ Man likes to party, what can I say? If you have liquor and a decent stereo system, he’s going to turn it into a big bash one way or another. His favorite holidays include anything that makes it socially acceptable to become a sloppy drunk, such as New Year's Eve and Halloween.

✧ On the subject of Halloween, he quite enjoys the idea of making the macabre a normal day. It means when he finds someone with a lovely voice, the second he takes them if anyone happens to hear, no one will bat an eye.

✧ His favorite weather is rain. Thunderstorms, calm rain, as long as the sky is weeping he’s in love.

✧ Most people would assume he likes cats most, but if he had to pick an animal to have as a pet, it would definitely be a dog due to their constant need for attention. It reminds him of the people he performs for and anything that gives him attention is great in his book.

✧ He’s not much for video games, but every now and again he’d be willing to boot up any games that are particularly violent or disturbing. One he’s rather fond of is DOOM. Combined with the hyperviolence and thrashing music, he considers it a great way to scratch an itch.

✧ Ji-Woon takes allergy medication due to a pollen allergy so he can comfortably receive flowers without turning into a snot-filled mess. His favorite flower is the bleeding heart.

✧ On the subject, Ji-Woon has a small selection of plants that he cares for. The most notable are a raven ZZ plant, a rather large calathea dottie, and a begonia rex.

✧ You’d never expect it, but Ji-Woon actually enjoys going to zoos. It reminds him of a simpler time when he was still an insecure boy and his parents didn’t push a career path onto him. His favorite animals are bears and snakes.

✧ If you asked Ji-Woon his favorite horror movie it would be the original Martyrs. As someone with a sick love for everything macabre, he consumes a lot of content that revolve around horror, so he could talk about horror media for hours.

✧ If you were to ask him his zodiac sign, he’d laugh at you. The answer is Leo, but like hell he’ll tell you something so “stupid”. Again, mysticism is not his vibe, but damned if he won’t steal the style for his next tour.

✧ Ji-Woon has a nasty temper. Like a spoiled brat who doesn’t get his way, but far more willing to break things or make threats.

✧ If you see him wearing glasses, they’re plano. He doesn’t need a prescription, he just enjoys the aesthetic.

✧ Most underestimate his intelligence. When it comes to his crimes, he knows how to cover his tracks and paint himself as a potential victim if things go awry. Compliment that with his wealth, and he’s able to persistently evade detection unless he decides to show off to the world. Speaking with him, he appears no more intelligent than the average man, but occasionally he’ll sprinkle bits of knowledge out, usually on music, economics, political views, and especially history.

✧ His persona in NO-SPIN made him want to die. Being forced to comply with what the public wants has never been his style, so needing to behave like a cookie-cutter was annoying. He was seen as the “green-horned newbie who was a bit shy, but incredibly raw and passionate for his music”. Needing to act timid to amplify the “cuteness” factor felt like torture.

✧ If you were to ask him his favorite food, he’d be somewhat ashamed to admit he has a love for beef-kimchi noodles. Most would expect him to say things like kobe beef, lobster, anything that was known for its price. But the reality is he still enjoys some of the little things in life, especially comfort food.

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