09/24/2022 03:31 PM 

Category: Blogging

Name : Cro Bukar - Hyakuhei Age : 33 (Currently) Race : Saiyajin Personality : He has a cold personality. He doesn't trust people right off. He's been betrayed by the people he loved. He's a warrior he has a passion for fighting. Something like that is rather normal for a Saiya-jin. He's got a rather soft-side, he doesn't show it much. He likes to keep his emotions locked up inside of him. That's because he uses his emotions for motivation to get stronger. He's rather disconnected from the world. He lives off of the grid most of the time. History : Like most Saiya-jin babies. He was born on Planet Vegeta. The time he was born at was 4 a.m. sometime during the month of January. He was a winter baby. Even though the climate on Planet Vegeta rarely changes when the seasons change. He had a normal Saiyan child-hood. Both of his parents were soldiers for King Vegeta. So, he didn't see his parents that much. Most of his child-life he was in a Saiyan daycare. Which was sort of like a boot-camp for Saiyan cubs. He didn't like to train that much. He did have a thing for fighting. He always got into fights with all the other Saiyan cubs. No one really thought much of it at first. Saiyans had a thirst for blood. That was the normal thing about it. The care-takers took notice when He nearly blew up The Day Care center when he got mad. They sort of separated him from the other children. They took him into custody and than did various tests on him. Most of them came back normal for his age. When they did a power-level test. They found something rather frightening. His power-level was abnormally for a cub's power-level. Cro's power-level was up in the 2,000's and he was barely 3 years old! A few years would pass. When he was 11, he got word that his mother and father had died on a mission. This tore him up. That's when he started to cut everyone and anyone out of his life. Than he began to train himself. He wanted to be the strongest Saiyan alive. He wanted to be a solider. He would continue that dream until he was about 16. When he was on earth. He heard about Freiza blowing up Planet Vegeta. Ever since he heard the story. He's wanted revenge on Frieza. Power : Ki blast, Teleporting, Flight, Super Saiyan 1-4,.

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