08/30/2022 02:40 PM 

ExTech Verse (Short Version)

Welcome To ExTech
Setting: Haven, New Japan 

Year: 3000
Atmosphere: Cyberpunk
Warning!: This verse containes Adult themes! Such as DRUG USE, GORE, EXPLICT ACTIVITIES ETC...I'm more than welcome to get rid/add more if requested.

Japan, home to the Anime, and the delicious ramen to ever stuff your mouth in. 

This was the safe Haven for those to witness such beautiful culture. Yet..all that came towards a tragic end.

One day..Japan got hit by a huge tsunami that eraticated the population. Survivors were present, though Tokyo suffered a major economic and structrual break through during the time of crisis.

What rose from the ashes was one man.. a brilliant and ingenious mind that swept into the scene. Introducing cutting edge technology that tranformed Japan towards a new age. 

After such creditability, he became the CEO of his own company, naming it ExTech.

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