06/24/2022 05:33 PM 

Girls! Girls! Girls! (Not Formatted for Mobile)
Category: Resources

Disclaimer: Gods and Goddesses in their verse come in two categories- Manifestation and Embodiment. Then are broken into categories and types. Minor Goddesses have limited power or few followers; whereas Major Goddesses are the opposite with complete control and many temples/songs/devoted worshippers. 
Manifestation Gods weild their element(s). Typically they command a certain realm, look relatively human, and can use their power/affect their element on a whim. Example: Zeus and his lightning. He chooses to summon it.  
Manifestation Gods often rely on their name and deeds being known to give them spiritual strength. 
Embodiment Gods are their element(s). They disguise themselves in bodies but are as wildly unteathered as their associated power. Example: Erebus personifies Darkness. He is what he effects.
Embodiment Gods do not require fealty to a name or pilgrimages to a specific place. They are everywhere and anywhere their element is, and whether mortals curse or rejoice at it, they will exist however long their element does. 


Name: Umiaq'karinvk 
Pronunciation: Oomyahk - kaur - een - vuk

Nickname: Qka (KU-ah)

Minor Goddess of Famine
Major Goddess of Devastation 

Eye color: violet-black, reflect crystal blue in direct light
Hair color: charcoal gray to black ombre
Physical details: skintone ranges from mid-fair to light tan, each shift to humanoid shape slightly different than the one before 
Big teeth, thick and sharp
Extremely tall (shrinks to 11' tall indoors), buff and boundlessly curvy; every fifteen ounces of muscle is met by thirty ounces of fat
Large hands and feet with thick, hooked, black claws 
Dresses in furs of fallen comrades and deceased family members; touching said furs without permission is an act of war 

History (condensed): From a long line of snow and wind spirits. She is the first in three generations to take form. Naught fifty years into leading a clan of Snow Leopard shifters, Qka fell in love with thunderstorms and left to search for their source. Believing all storms to have a soul, as she did. Eventually wanting to engulf the entirety of that terrible, beautiful, destruction.
Without their leader, her clan scattered. When finally Qka attained her goals, she went about gathered them up one by one. The blessings of lightning and thunder helping to ferret them into her flock again. 

Personality: Her creed lays somewhere between an "ást eiđr" brand Viking and an El Dorado (2000) Conquistador. The Viking mentality relys heavily on community, long standing tradition, and a strict honor system. Whereas a Conquistador values only themselves and the strength of their Divine Right. Qka is fair in most cases, but firm in her authority.
Aside from that, she is boisterously friendly. Adores banquets, prefers a gladiator pit. Has many scars, which she proudly enhances by using bright blue paint to trace their most jagged edges.

Forms: Goddess, Human, Snow Leopard.
The latter two are typically bipedal. Though her Leopard is more like a tank or a bear, than a cat. It's a body made for mass murder.


Name: Elipka  
Pronunciation: Eh - leap - kuh

Nickname: Elli

Minor Goddess of Scribes/Record Keeping and Written Communication 

Major Goddess of History, specifically dealing with Past Lives and Karma 

Eye color: timid gray
Hair color: silver hair with dark gray tips
Physical details: fair skinned, ear-shaped body, delicate facial features, persistent snow leopard ears and big fluffy tail 

History (condensed): Orphaned as a cub. Endearingly considered Qka's mate by their enclave. Qka doesn't believe anyone has enough to offer Elli to be worthy of having her, and has thus pretended to want her for herself. Figuring only the brashest, bravest, of men could someday make themselves capable of winning Elli's hand. (Elli desperately hopes for such a person to appear) As in public, Qka behaves as if Elli is a disposable but dutiful little wife. Jokes about when they'll have cubs, keeps her on her lap, and has Elli attend her as a slave would. Which irritates Elli, though not enough to make her refuse, staying as Qka's fake bride is starting to drain her patience. 

As a Goddess Elli keeps track of sins and holds them as a guillotine. Waiting until the mass of wrongdoing grows too heavy for the one incurring them to ever atone for in their present life, then cuts their current incarnation short, releasing them to try again in a new timeline/body/circumstance. Or worse, kills their body and plucks their soul from the cycle of rebirth until they can be 'cleansed'.

Fun Fact: The bell she carries is an heirloom. Its chimes can only be heard by those nearing a long overdue death, brought on by their own disregard for the cosmic balance of things. When she tips the bell upside down, the hammer inside becomes a vicious beast* and drags the listener to their fated "doom". Be it cleansing or rebirth. 

*Footnote: It's basically a Mario chain chomp but gooey.


Name: Ringh-ah Dihngadawn
Pronunciation: Ring - Uh, Ding Dong
Nickname: Ringh or Ringa

Demonic Goddess of Peccadillo
(Minor sins and offenses)

"The Hammer inside The Bell"

Angelic beauty with a warped internal compass. There is no 'gray area' for Ringh. Every infraction deserves ultimate suffering. When she held a lordly throne, she ripped through the underworlds until tossed to the living. She murdered countless mortals and immortals alike. Adding their strength to hers. It was quite the unlucky feat to be trapped into the accursed Aurora Bell. 

Since being leashed, Ringh
 became an extension of her "owner" and thus only able to loose herself upon the world at their behest. While Elli technically has been trained to wield Ringh, her mental fortitude is barely strong enough to contain the chaotic Goddess. 

Depiction of Pre-Bell Physical Form

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