05/07/2022 09:09 PM 

Yakuza: Bound By Flame
Category: Stories

[ I hate that smell. . . ]
It pervades the air, as though apparent in every corner of the city.
Cigarettes. . .

The other scents of the city rushed to his senses with sounds just as accompanying; sirens in the distance, the rumbling of distant engines, bangs/crashes of various pitch, the multitude of patter and pitter from civilians walking. . .
[ Irritating. . .]
An endless loop, as the previous three seconds seem to repeat. . . foul odors and annoying sounds echo to turn a once calm expression into one of displeasure.
[ Feels like. . . a needle in my brain. ]

The low grumble from his throat as the light of the world makes its way past worn lids.
The blue-haired male finds himself on his back, surrounded by bits of trash and stuffed black bags of plastic, a single vending machine of red nearby. . . a slow motion as his head gives turn, taking notice to the surrounding buildings. . .nothing but gray in sight.

Skkkkkkkd -
- he slides the heel of his shoe back to the dirt, bringing his frame to a sitting position, soft breaths leaving him as hand raises to cup over his right eye. Crimson designs of a tribal origin rest along the skin of his wrist, leading into the shadows of the black blazer while the clothing was coated in dirt.

 -  -    -
Tch. . . “, that painful throbbing in his temple as bits of dust and debris fell from blue bangs, swaying with the city’s light breeze. Raising the hand pressed to his eye a bit, he would raise it to ruffle the rest of the specks and filth from his hair.

[ How long have I been laying here? ]

EEEEEET, EEEEEET – the sound cuts between the others, establishing rhythm, back. . . and fourth. . .
A little turn of his head would reveal a couple of children on a nearby set of swings, homeless men surrounding a trash bin away in the far corner, and lastly, a park bench where a lone man was smoking a cigarette. . .
[ Figured it was someone nearby. . . might have trouble focusing my breath. . . ]

Ehhh ?”, it was a quick glance, but the lone man would look back to the blue-haired male, owning irritated look as he pulled the stick from his mouth, a trail of haze to leave dry lips as his tone felt far from friendly. Wearing an orange hoodie and black beanie, the male would have tufts of black poke from out of the sides, a single piercing in his right ear as the diamond gave soft shimmer.
You got a starin’ problem, Sh*thead? What? A MAN CAN’T ENJOY A SMOKE? “, the smoking male called out, aggression from the first word as the blue-haired male returned attention to him. Eyes of a light purple, filled with irritation as they kept to the other’s hues of blue.
-- --
[ I can’t hear Arkana. ]
-- --
-- --
Huh? I-I’m sorry, what?
YOU F***ING DEAF OR SOMETHIN?!”, by now, the smoking male was on his feet, the children scurrying from the area as the soft EEEEET of the swing would die down to silence. . . the homeless men paying no mind to the rise in situation, as though just another day in this city, backs to the scene as they faded out of attention’s eye.
. . .
You got wanderin’ eyes, kid – and seemin’ as you don’t know, let me f***in’ educate you. Keep em to yourself, that sh*t’ll get you killed “, a tap of his cigarette as another cloud followed from those lips, away from the sitting male before taking a few steps forward. Bringing himself to a squat as he rested his elbows to his knees, the male flicked his cigarette away as those purple tones threatened to burn their mark into the other’s very own blue hues. Looking down to him, the aggressive male would bring his free hand up, tapping his own temple lightly, words of a softer volume – though in deep tonality.

Memorize that sh*t, or die.

Crunch, Crunch, Crunch. THUMP THUMP. Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.
The aggressive male would turn his head, but keep squatting posture – the sounds of heavy steps coming from the street connected, group of six men to emerge from around the corner – adorned in dark blue clothing that hardly hid the light body armor they wore. Militant types.
‘Cyclops’, eh. . . ?
[ T-This aura. . . ]
He remained still, observant, cautionary, of what was to come.
The vibration that lingered in the air, it felt. . . sinister. . . cold, in essence as it grazed the skin. . . but none of these six held this aura. The male’s set of blue eyes could only keep on as a final set of footsteps made themselves known, stepping between the other six, a figure taller than the rest by a few inches. An eyepatch over his right eye, and black coat barely hanging from his shoulders, in reveal of his collared white shirt, perfectly tucked into his black pants, clean and without a single speck of lint along the material.

“ Had a feeling we’d find you here. Messing with civvies again, Tamashi-kun? “, the leader had a voice of age, a gruffness behind the initial laid-back tone it gave breath to. His shoulders held no tension, arms crossed and without armor anywhere on him, he had the biggest build out of them all.

Tch. . .”, the squatting man let out, looking to the blue-haired male for one moment, “ Get out of here, prettyboy, it’s going to get ugly.
He brought himself to a straight-standing position, failing to lose that tensity in his demeanor – still ready for a fight as his purple hues stared directly at the mysterious figure of authority. The tension apparent as the air became thick with their gaze in clash, eyes of blue taking note to the text on the back of the orange hoodie – { DARE TO FAIL }

Piss off, Ishigaki. . .These matters without report don’t concern you or your fanclub.
“ Oh ho, think yer a lawyer now, Ta-Ma-Kun? “, a response in the clench of his fist, Tamashi holding back aggression towards the insult.

[ Feels like I’m back in Osaka. . . ]

A step forward, Ishigaki’s presence demanded silence as the world seemed to give focus to each word he spoke. Step after step – Ishigaki kept distance, yet the air felt like he could reach them at any moment. . . such powerful presence he held – how many battles had he fought in his time?
“ Way I see it, some ex-Yakuza punk is losin’ his cool, going around threatenin’ civvies. . . and well, the peaceful people of this fine city can’t have that happening. Now, can they? “, a low chuckle followed, the men behind Ishigaki pulling out batons of a black, dense material – brandishing them as Tamashi’s eyes didn’t leave Ishigaki’s.

[ All this for one guy…? ]

So, that’s your excuse this time? . . ‘Public Disturbance’, heh.
“ Heh, well, whatever gets the job done, right? “
F***in piece of work, ain’t cha?! First, the family and no--

A hand raised, Ishigaki was able to bring silence forward, taking charge of the conversation once more, lowering it slowly as it returned to comfortable position.
“ Last warning, Tama~kun – come quietly, or we’ll bring you in broken – choice is yours. “
How about you shut the f*** up and try it then, TRAITOR!

H E A T.
Human essence, set ablaze.


It erupted from his frame, as if a raging fire let out of the furnace, coating his fists and feet with a blue flame as the blue-haired male widened his eyes – in shock as his sixth sense began to go haywire.
[ Wh-What is this? This. . . feeling? ]
Ba, dumn. Ba dumn.

In observation, the essence was metaphysical – outside the realm of physical degree as it seemed only the blue-haired took attention to this phenomenon. Though as he watched Tamashi pick up his fists, striking stance as those purple hues began to shimmer, he could [feel] the intensity of focus from him - Ishigaki curving that once smirk into a devilish smile – that intense chill of his sinister nature clashing against the flames from Tamashi’s heat. The six men behind Ishigaki had no heat, at least none that he could sense at this moment, tones of blue in quick analyzation before the men began their assault.
The first two came in charge, each one going for swings of their batons; quick-positioning from Tamashi as he stepped carefully, completely avoiding the first attacker before raising his hands to grab the wrist of the second, using his free hand to press against the officer’s stomach, there was a shift in momentum as he smirked – crouching slightly as he used the force to send the second officer flying into the railing of the swings – a loud THUMP as he soon hit the floor, in pain, but not out. Quickly pivoting, Tamashi would hop into a twirl, extending leg as the roundhouse kick connected to the first attacker – striking the back of his head perfectly, an immediate drop to the ground, face-first.

[ Arkana. . . can you hear me. . .? ]

Battle far from over, Tamashi would grab the baton from the unconscious male, the second attacker bringing himself back to his feet as the male would scowl. He remained aware of both directions – two more officers stepping forward, the blue-haired male looking to see as Ishigaki was comfortable, in view as if a King watching gladiators duel to the death. . . was he doing this out of amusement?

Taking a fist to face, Tamashi stumbled back a bit, catching his stance as he was now circled by three officers, a soft scowl as he gave out a soft spit of red, droplets to stain the floor as he gave soft nod – tightening grip on that baton.
Felt that one “, Tamashi let out before he would turn to focus on one, appearing to bring his fist forward, the officer raising his to guard before Tamashi would psyche him out, pivoting once more before delivering the baton across the officer’s face, knocking him over and out – immediately raising his weapon while a barrage of blows came from the other two officers.
Sh*t. “, Tamashi let out as the baton began to crack from the onslaught of attacks. No choice, he tried striking outward, forcing the officers back a few steps– out of range for a moment.


--! “, the blue-haired male would observe as a focus of those flames surged throughout his body, almost dancing as they collected amongst his right shoulder and tightened grip as the baton seemed to amass the extension of his intent. Eyes flashing that glimmer of a deeper purple, Tamashi would step forward, following through as he lunged his arm forward, releasing his grip as the baton would violently spin once released, a burst of speed as it’s pathing remained unclear.
The officer on the right would raise his guard, though the baton would curve last second, striking into the face of the left. CRASSSSH/CRUNNNCH – sudden impact to bury into the officer’s skull, his eyes blanked out upon impact – THUD, as he hit the floor.

“ Well, Well! “, Ishigaki let out, uncurling his arms as he kept eye open, that cold aura growing as his grin curved slightly wider with each attack exchanged between Tamashi and the other officers.

Guard still raised, the standing officer would watch as Tamashi took advantage of his confusion, moving too quickly to respond – getting close as he brought back his fist, blue flames would encircle and collect around his fist before lunging forward –
-- exerting an immense amount of force, he would aim for the solar plexus -  knocking the wind out of the officer and sending him off his feet  – Ishigaki stepping to the side without effort, avoiding the impact as the unconscious officer rolled into the street.

[ Just two left - Uh oh. ]
The blue-haired male would watch as Tamashi’s flames began to die down, heat running out as his chest began to rise and fall a bit heavier. Sweat to fall from his brow as each move had been outstanding, but the physical prowess they demanded was far from amateur.
That body armor is. . . no joke. . . huff. . . huff. . .”, skin of his knuckles coated in red, shoulders would struggle to hold that tensity from before, raising his fists slowly as the final two officers stepped up, both tapping on their batons in taunting fashion.
Huff. . . Huff. . .
Step after step, they drew closer.
“ Got a lot of fight in ya, Tama-kun! Keep it up, give me the pleasure of dropping you myself!~ “, Ishigaki would call out, pulling his coat off, motioning to neatly fold the garment.
Tch. . . don’t let me down. . . “, Tamashi whispered, brushing the dirt from his chin with the sole clean spot from bloodied knuckles before pressing lips to his right fist, pulling it away, he would then slam both fists together – a ‘re-ignition’ of will as the blue-haired male would watch flames grow once more around his frame, a brighter shade of blue than before, though lacking the previous intensity.

[ Why aren’t you moving? GET UP ], the blue-haired was telling himself, though, he failed to move a single muscle -
[ You know this isn’t right, SO DO SOMETHING. ]

“ So. He’s still got some strength left. “, Ishigaki set folded coat on the unconscious body of the officer in the street, rolling up white sleeves slowly as the battle continued, careful with each motion as to not unnecessarily wrinkle the rest of the fabric. A soft, pleasant hum to escape his throat.

FWAK, WACK, WACK – Tamashi would pull off a few body shots against one officer before taking a quick step back, raising arms as he guarded against the second’s baton – a deep scowl as he felt the impact against muscle and bone. CRRACK.
[ GET UP ]
--! “, Tamashi gave a moment to wince before he pushed his body forward – kicking up dust as he tackled one of the officers into a roll. Quick positioning, Tamashi looking down to the officer as he raised his right fist – an intense pain-filled scream was let out as the surge of flames coated his fist once more, bringing it down with an immense force, slamming it into the face of the officer. Instant K-O.

A chuckle escapes Ishigaki, the devilish expression of pleasure reveals itself. . .worn by the truly mad.

[ GET UP ]
Huff. . . huff. . .Broken, eh?”, Tamashi weakly remained where he was, breathing heavily as the flames fully died down, sweat falling his bangs as he raised right hand to cup his left arm. An attempt made to stand, but to no avail as Tamashi’s foot slid back to where it started, the male falling forward lightly as he winced intensely.
[ He’s reached his limit! ]
FU—“, he bit his lip, growling through the pain, a set of steps behind him as the remaining officer held baton in tight grip. Growing closer, Tamashi would fail to realize his presence through the immense pain of his broken arm – Officer raising his arm as the shadow of the baton fell over Tamashi, a glimmer against the sunlight from above. Bringing it down, the baton would  –
NOT SO FAST!”, firm tone cut in, soft upkick of dirt as the man moved suddenly, lunging into position besides the officer, to bring elbow and fist forward. A firm plant of his forward foot, the male carried force with the entire motion - into the officer’s rib before twisting his fist, digging it deeper into his gut before he smirked – a flash of crimson overtaking those oceanic hues momentarily.
CRUNCH – [ Bang ] – rush of crimson energy would leave his fist, sinking internally within the officer collecting into his chest before exploding violently outward – as if a battery pushed past its limit. Bolts of red lightning, seeming metaphysical in essence as well, lashed out, licking the floor before fading amongst the open air – though, Tamashi and Ishigaki failed to see the phenomena entirely. Frozen for a moment, the officer would exhale weakly before dropping the baton, falling to his back as the blue-haired male let a calm breath escape him. . . Tamashi to look at him as his pained breaths continued, an irritated scowl quickly returning with ungrateful tone.

What the--? I told you to get the f*** outta here!
Huh? Wha--? Wait, you serious?
YES, YOU FU – TCH… F***!. . .“, he struggled, pushing himself to his feet as he weakly held left arm, hidden in the orange sleeve, “ These guys are cops. . . Dirty f***ing ones at that! So why you making an enemy of em?!
That piercing feeling in the middle of his head failed to fade, that look of irritancy continued as the blue-haired scowled, “BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE YOU NEEDED HELP! IDIOT.

Clap. Clap. Clap.
The two males raised their attention to look at Ishigaki, standing firmly surrounded by unconscious officers – “ Two charges of assault, against officers, no less. Heh, well then –

                                          B L O O D L U S T.                                                      
How it flooded the area – a cold wave that forced itself upon the skin, to chill the feared and even now – the blue-haired could feel the cold sweat on his lower back, eyes of his oceanic tone to keep ahead, sharp in their determination. In slow movement, the blue-haired male lowered himself to a stance, one hand out as the other remained at his side, a breath taken as the world began to fall silent around him. . .

He’s too much for a f***ing civvie – can’t you te-?!
Tamashi “, tone in serious manner – it was all he needed to silence the other.


The blue-haired male kept eyes forward, a determination to darken the color of his initial blue, shoulders filled with tension as the malicious man, covered in a cloak of purple aura, took a single step forward.
Ba dumn, Ba dumn.
Be ready.


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